Does Veeky Forums do drugs or abuse alcohol?

Does Veeky Forums do drugs or abuse alcohol?

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I use antidepressants

oh yeah bby
my experience is too intense for real drugs OP

None, when you're paying for shit yourself you don't exactly have a lot of disposable income.

i abuse every drug that i encounter, be it psychedelics or amphetamines, if i have some i will abuse it, so i abstain myself from buying them

weed after studying to completely wind down and not think about schoolwork for a while

>inverse function theorem for one variable

Was smoking weed but I've cut back and am trying to quit entirely because it fucks with my ability to think clearly and just isn't that great in general. I also experiment with relatively safe drugs to explore altered states; mainly hallucinogens (psychedelics, disassociates, & deliriants).

I drink everyday

i do math i make it in my math lab its the most extreme stimulant you can experience it has the power to reveal the secrets of the universe and design the coolest machines

abuse coffee
drink beers on the weekend (not as much as I use to because I prefer being clearheaded)
Nootropics - Phenibut, L-Theanine, NALT
not the biggest fan of weed
only done hallucinogens twice - was great but don't have the right opportunity to do them again
Kratom is a meme, I have a lot of it but it's not the wonder drug that the losers on reddit will tell you it is
stay away from harder shit

Neither. Drugs are for losers and alcohol is for special occasions and nights out.

used to drink a lot and smoke weed a lot. I loved getting high and then thinking about math, it helped me with understanding, motivation and what not. as I smoked more and more I became convinced that I was on a path to some enlightment and bullshit like that, but thank god I realized I just fell for a fucking meme, no such thing as a "new-age math-sage". now I don't smoke at all and I drink only at occasions. having a clear mind really feels the best.

My stepdad does weed it and he's a PhD.
Notable things he does is feeding the dog his food one kibble at a time.

Not his his dog human food but feeding his dog it's dog food.

No drugs. No alcohol. No cigarettes.

world is intense enough for me without drugs or alcohol

I do crystal math it is an intense experience to which no other drug can compare... it is an indescribable feeling of awe wonder.The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be. Our feeblest contemplations of the Cosmos stir us..there is a tingling in the spine, a catch in the voice, a faint sensation, as if a distant memory, of falling from a height. We know we are approaching the greatest of mysteries.

I drink every weekend. Occasional adderall. Always coffee.

Currently doing MSc math

Alcohol for the last 6 years, can't really stop but i don't drink too often. Tried pot, speed, ecstasy, LSD but only alcohol is a permanent infection. Would recommend taking LSD for great thoughts though.

What's your favorite nootropic?


Weed and drinking is the biggest plague to your mind user. It will fuck with your head when coming down and doesn't make you feel any better. do natural shit to relieve stress m8.

Math + Cheese Pizza are my drugs

Since I started uni I've been a habitual alcoholic, want to change going into my final year though. 3.7 GPA

I have an edible about once a week to unwind and have a day off. Other than that, I have a drink once or twice per month, either when I go out to eat or when I'm hanging out with other people in my cohort at a bar.

Just coffee and VN in their native language.

My only drug is analysing 3D structures by the Finite element hand.

I really really need to cut off the drinking. It's affected my productivity so much this last year and a half. Shit's hard. I'm staying on top of my shit but just barely.
t. stem grad student.

Used to smoke weed but just moved to a different country and still haven't found a dealer. People here don't smoke much so maybe I won't even find one.
Alcohol on weekends and social ocasions.



Weed, alcohol, xtc, 'shrooms, lsd, in inverse order of frequency.

Yes that's what I'm afraid of. Could you elaborate on the 'it fucks with my ability to think clearly' part? How often did you smoke weed? Did it reduce your mental ability while being sober?

I've smoked weed for 10 years without a large pause. I'm 23 now but I'm heaving douts about my usage. I'm pursuing a masters degree now, life is getting more serious, and it'd be a waste to live it at 70% capability. But then again, I have serious sleeping problems so weed helps me out. Still, I'd like to smoke as less weed as possible. Is smoking one small joint before sleeping, safe, you think?

I smoked weed almost every day of undergrad, did a lot of acid and coke as well. Quit everything before I started grad school cause it's time to get serious with life and it fucked with my head too much.


A variety of uses. Ask Skunkworks where they got their Stealth plans

They're empirically a lot safer than amphetamines and sedatives


Could you elaborate a little on your findings? I've never done and don't want to do coke so I'm safe in that respect.

Same, except I'm also a hardcore alcoholic.

Alcohol is a drug. Any delineation between drug and non-drug is arbitrary, but in the case of food, it's even more hazy.

This is the century when the phrase "drugs and alcohol" can and should finally be taken out back and shot.

Cacao, yerba mate (Ilex Paraguaranesis) and guayusa (Ilex Guayusa), kava, phenibut, mucuna pruriens very, very occasionally, guarana seeds, phenylethylamine. Did a lot of adderall at one point. I think I liked the levo more than the dextro, though.

Cacao is ultimately my main drug. It's not the same as it used to be though, and I don't get so deeply and readily addicted.

Speaking of, you'd have to include a lot of foods if you wanted to have a technically correct definition of drugs. Pretty much every fat person would be classified as a drug addict.

my only drugs are weights and (boy)pussy

>driving a car blindfolded is empirically a lot safer than driving a car straight into a lake while bound and gagged
nice argument

Is hentai a drug?


Nope. The reason why I have superior intelligence to most people is because I have never done drugs or drank alcohol in my entire life.

engineer detected, lol.

I got prescribed anti-depressants after having a nervous breakdown and my doctor finding out I had a long history of undiagnosed depression.

I'm a failed STEM student who wanted to be a mathematician/physicist and am now finishing up my master's degree in electrical engineering while I live at my parents house. I've also never gotten my dick wet, and my nefarious weight gain as I age into my late 20s is making my sparse chances of ever doing so even worse. Take this coupled with my hypochondria and persistent annoying minor conditions like allergy-related nasal dripping/cough, acid reflux (has to be put down by omeprazole every day for 5 years now), and back pain, and it's easy to figure out why I had a panic attack that lasted for two weeks and had to be subdued six times in the middle of the night by Xanax in conjuction with a daily Celexa.

The Celexa has finally kicked in more but now I'm just happy with being a fucking loser.

Depression generally stems from an inflammatory basis, in addition to pulsed microwave field exposure.

Improve diet, eliminate exposure to wireless devices (as best as possible), and exercise. Your brain stops properly synthesizing and releasing serotonin in states of inflammation for a reason. Forcing it to stay out in the synapse makes it subject to oxidation and will generally lead to either excessive free-radical generation, or formation of reactive quinones (which are psychoactive as well).

Fix the core problems. Also ditch the xanax. Use something like kava or phenibut. Blunt advice.

Just caffeine

I already ditched Xanax due to my discomfort with it's habit-forming tendencies, but you need to give me evidence for all of this shit since it's a pretty big life change to just immediately drop wireless device use because some guy on Veeky Forums said that depression was caused by inflammation due to pulsed microwave field exposure.

I'm usually high on thc but I don't practice science anymore, applied neurology it's a playground of evil.

Guys with names and credentials have been saying similar things for decades, some guy on Veeky Forums just happens to be your proxy to reality. Bioelectromagnetics was an exploding field and the next frontier in the 70's and 80's, now it's been crippled and relegated to the rather sparse modern form of "biophysics". I still don't know quite how that came about.

Tell me what you take seriously. NASA? Naval Medical Research Institute? Department of Energy / National Academy of Sciences joint funded research? Studies out of UCLA and Berkeley? I can upload something if you want to know. Otherwise you can continue living the fantasy while you continue to watch you and everyone around you deteriorate. In ignorance of course, but hardly blissful.

Up to you. It is amazing how powerful cultural conditioning can be.

Sorry, I only skimmed the first and last quarter of your post. I anticipate a certain type of response, filled in the blanks and responded confrontationally.

Either way, name a decent file host and I can throw some stuff together.

False analogy, your argument is absolutely shit. He's right by the way. The only thing your message conveys is that you've never done hallucinogens or any thorough research of your own on them.

Well, I guess that's that. It could be assumed that today, someone, somewhere, chose the "blue pill". Times up for me.

I was smoking a few bowls everyday. It mainly messed with my short term memory, which really affected my ability to concentrate and analyze things, and it also seemed to inhibit my ability to form long term memories. For lack of a better term, it made my brain feel "foggy", where it was either difficult to analyze things because of the short term memory issues, or because it felt like it took a lot more effort to analyze things. I started feeling normal again after about a week of abstinence. In my experience, if you smoke maybe once a week or only on weekends, you'll be fine. But if you smoke daily, it will impair you cognitively.

>thing isn't safe
the hallucinogens clearly haven't impaired your mental faculties at all

>matlab stands for math lab

I have ritalin with me. It doesn't really feel like it does that much... I was really disappointed.

he is a Veeky Forumsfag. most engies don't lift.the closet thing you get a homosexual in STEM is in the T part of STEM not the E part.

>failed STEM student
>finishing up my Master's in EE
I know what you are trying to pull.

>It's this retard again

Reminder that whenever you see somebody talking about "Microwave pulsed" anything or voltage gated calcium channels, it's one mentally ill man who claims all his imagined symptoms are due to the evil wireless waves.

I'm sure anybody could find more of his raving if they looked.

Some of those don't directly link to his posts, but to threads where you can see him freaking out.

Considering getting to LD50 for either lsd or psilocybin would cost you a small fortune it isn't really that funny.

Also inb4
>muh anecdote about a guy who lost his mind.
Yeah sure dude I bet some people who don't know what they're getting into, take a big dose, and have underlying psychological disorders can get fucked up, but if I take 10 benadryl and then crash my car we don't exactly need to freak out about how dangerous benadryl is do we?

>yeah dude sure sitting in a chair is safer than jumping off a bridge so lmao dude you really think sitting in a chair is safe???
Thats what you sound like. Hallucinogens will not kill you and if you do them properly (i.e. with a sitter and starting with low doses) there is essentially a 0% risk of anything bad happening except you getting arrested or having a bad trip (your sitter could be bad I guess to). If you have underlying pyschological disorders or something then yes obviously it probably isn't for you.

i'm actually amazed at your inability to read
this really is your brain on hallucinogens, everyone

I have relevant experience to share, which will hopefully deter you from drug use:

I am an ex drug user. I've done heroin, coke, lsd, ecstacy, salvia, dxm, and weed/booze obviously. My drug use led to me being involuntarily committed to a mental ward twice, in addition to having a criminal charge for trafficking.

The charge will be pardoned in about two years, but as a whole, using drugs effectively took 2-3 years of my life away, spent recovering from acute psychosis, taking psychiatric meds, gaining a fuckload of weight (100lbs), LOSING said weight, etc.

I'm in the third year of my bachelor's at 23 years old, but I know I'd be a lot further along if I'd never used. It started with smoking pot at about 14 years old, and then I gradually progressed to other shit throughout high school.

I know a lot of people from high school who didn't progress much past weed, but literally everyone I knew in stoner cliques did other shit at one point or another, starting with weed. Most obviously aren't going to end up like I did, but the fact is, while I was in the ward, every other young person I met in there (except one) was in there because of drug-induced acute psychosis. It's so common in mental healthcare but nobody talks about it.

Moral of the story: you probably aren't going to develop psychotic symptoms from drug use, but I did, without any family history whatsoever. Also, if you do use, don't get tempted in to dealing. It's so fucking easy but rats are everywhere.

Not him, but benadryl actually is pretty dangerous. Dyphenhydramine in doses above 200mg can begin to cause insane visual and auditory hallucinations (seeing spiders, hearing voices, seeing shadow people) paranoia, delirium, and you essentially can get k-holed on it.

You can not "essentially" get k-holed, these are 2 very different experiences with very different mechanisms of action. Ketamine is an NMDA antagonist that provided a disassociative experience, while DPH is an anticholinergic that provides a deliriant experience. Being on ketamine is like have your own world in your head, full of colors, structures, and other rather psychedelic experiences, whereas DPH makes you vividly hallucinate rather nightmarish experiences like the ones you've described in the real world, but these hallucinations are in no way similar to the ones experienced on ketamine, they seem much more realistic and much less psychedelic.

It takes a special type of overprotected dumbass child to believe hallucinogens are unsafe.

>constantlly asked if I do weed
>hardest drug I've had its caffine from a chocolate bar
Thanks for ruining my reputation stoners

I'm on ritalin, I've recently felt like it has less of an effect. I've been told you can build resistance. Anyone have a similar experience?

it obviously does build resistance. take it easy for a little while maybe

lots of coffee
have been on amphetamines since i was 6 years old
used to smoke alot of weed even compared to other people who smoke alot of weed when i was 18-20, im talking 10 grams everyday. It fucked me up good and know i try my best to stay away from it.
I have done alot of psychedelics, of all kinds L and shrooms quite a bit 40+ times, DMT and molly a few times and more obscure ones like 4-aco-dmt and 5-meo-mipt a little, i go on le epic month long fear and loathing binges. and random drugs like ketamine and PCP
lately ive been doing the regular stimulants and have been doing kpin off and on and a little bit of nitrous pretty regularly for the past month
ive done everything except for most opiates, meth, and crack and only do the dangerous things like coke and benzos every once in a bit.

Used to do a lot of drugs during the first year of my masters (math), mainly because I needed to escape the workload.
I also taught a tutorial class in the first semester and I would often take a little bit of MXE (ketamine derivative) to get through grading homework exercises.
Later in the year I started smoking weed daily and doing mushrooms on the weekends as a diversion from studying.
I got through my exams alright (+/-8.0 gpa) but I was quite burnt out during summer and I stopped smoking so much weed.
The year after I started my research project and the stress of that coupled with my generally burnt out state kind of broke me and I had to take a month off doing nothing.
The rest of the year I got by using several nootropics, like Ashwagandha and L-theanine; this helped a lot . And later on I saw a psych, who diagnosed me with an avoidant personality disorder and made me realise and rectify my escapist ways.
I've just started a PhD, so I guess we'll see if I learned my lesson.

That's my blog anyway. Moral of the story is probably not to overdo it with drugs and not to use them as an escape.

this guy is right you know. In some countries, you can get shrooms legally and without any explicit warning labels on the packaging. Shit's intense if you take enough, and if you happen to be in a place where a baby wouldn't be safe, you're actually in a lot of danger.

back to your fairy tale world

I have bipolar, so I try to avoid drugs and alcohol and even caffeine. Even after having two beers I feel unbalanced for a few days afterwards. Shit sucks but also has helped me adopt a more structured and ascetic lifestyle than my colleagues.

>but if I take 10 benadryl and then crash my car we don't exactly need to freak out about how dangerous benadryl is do we?
benadryl will literally drive you insane though


I've fucked around with this stuff for a bit - I only notice a very subtle effect, even if i use it with caffeine

okay that is true anons but that's exactly the point. benadryl will fuck you up and make you unable to drive well if you take 10, just like if you take LSD or psilocybin in large amounts and then do reckless things (like not having a trusted sober person around) you can get fucked up.

actually come to think of it the LD50 for the diphenhydramine is way WAY lower than for either of those two drugs... and the long term effects of abuse seem far worse...

I guess by logic we have to ban benadryl as well huh

>tfw too autistic to enjoy alcohol

yeah. im working on a math phd, have a 16 credit load, teach myself and do my own research in most of my spare time, and love to get fucked up.
at my worst i was a heroin addict for a few months, but i got off it. pills helped in and out of it and i take enough kratom to make most people puke just to not feel sick and im tapering down.
my 2nd worst habit was hardcore fifth a day alcoholism. i still sometimes buy a fifth and drink it over the course of 24hr
ive used basically every drug at some point or another. im a fucking shady man. ill teach drunk or hungover or smacked up or whatever, who cares. ive been to uni on acid before and taught a whole lecture.
now i mostly just use kratom because the Habit always has its claws, i lost my vape so i quit that, got bored of psychadellics, weed is gay, alcohol if there is nothing else, carry a decent amount of benzos and stims to efficiently adjust to be where i need. i also really like pcp but i should probably stop doing it. im almost out anyways. i also binge stims and get lots of shit done but feel like shit after or sometimes jerk off instead of working.
i can get totally clean and i can keep myself from acting like a total retard high so it never causes issues. my goal is to have no dependence by the end of the year, ill shoot for it.
drugs are gay stop listening to all the meme stimulant threads on here, christ

I don't believe that shit, also how do you do allthat and not crack