How do you faggots study all day? 2 - 3 hours and I'm spent. On a rare occasion I'll get up to 4 or 5.
How do you faggots study all day? 2 - 3 hours and I'm spent. On a rare occasion I'll get up to 4 or 5
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>How do you faggots study all day?
Why the homophobia?
Faggot is part of the 4chans lexicon, you faggot.
>Faggot is part of the 4chans lexicon, you faggot.
It's also incredibly homophobic...
Why do you care?
Veeky Forums is a safe space, fuck off, fucking toxic male pop scientist
>It's also incredibly homophobic...
it is if you make it so
>Why do you care?
Homophobia is completely anti-scientific
>it is if you make it so
5-15 hours within a couple days of a test, otherwise never
>paying attention in class
/pol/ stop falseflagging
>/pol/ stop falseflagging
oh boy it's the /pol/ bogeyman again
So? Stop being such a faggot.
t. /pol/
>t. /pol/
faggot in Veeky Forums is just a friendly way to address
>faggot in Veeky Forums is just a friendly way to address
There's nothing 'friendly' about homophobia
how do you people constantly fall for this bait, he posts it in half the threads on this board
>he posts it in half the threads on this board
I'm not a "he".
Bait or newfag
what the fuck do you do for an entire day then
>Bait or newfag
It's not "bait" and I've been here for around a decade now.
the crippling anxiety of oncoming due dates makes me withdraw from society and study.
Do you enjoy being so toxic?
Spotted the newfag
Next you're gonna say that we can't say Nigger
:( Sorry OP but your thread got baited and hijacked.
>Spotted the newfag
>Next you're gonna say that we can't say Nigger
Why would I say that?
You have to not be a faggot. Just take breaks as often as you have to, make a conscious effort to study in a productive manner when you feel yourself failing. Think about your endgame, what do you want out of studying? Ability to apply X? Comprehensive knowledge of Y?
Why does Veeky Forums grab for bait more than any other board on Veeky Forums?
Pic related
I dont really study all day, its more like I study for 1-2hrs, take a break, another hour of study, break, etc. Doing it all at once isnt helpful, taking time off between infodumping a bunch of shit into your brain helps it set in your memory better
>Why does Veeky Forums grab for bait more than any other board on Veeky Forums?
Lots of pseudo-intellectuals here, mostly freshmen/sophomore at best
>mostly freshmen/sophomore
In high school?
>In high school?
nice lamebrain thread
wow what's with all the shitposting? I didn't know /b/ browsed Veeky Forums
Watch this
Study for as long as you can comfortably manage taking reasonble breaks, do this consistantly and incrementally build up your ability to focus for longer time, just like if you were to build muscle
In highschool when I had friends, drugs, and a gf I thought the same.
Now studying is litteraly all I do
>uni says you should spend 10 hours on each unit (4 units per full time semester) per week (including in-class time)
>have a coordinator that sets up 6 hours of in class time and gives you 3 weeks to do assignments that would take >20 hours
>so many people do poorly on this assignment and I don't know why
Really makes you think.
Spotted the normie.
Adderall. For real. Shit is magical. I got a script because I'm not a criminal :^)
Breaks. I take a ~7 minute break every hour. It gives me time to organize everything in my head, think about something else, and just relax for a minute. This helps you study for extensive periods of time. This is best paired with a cigarette :^)
Caffeine. I get a trenta iced coffee from starcucks, put a slap koozie on it, and sip on it for hours. It keeps your brain focused and excited, so you're willing to intake new information.
I used to study for 20+ hours at a time during my senior year of undergrad. My record is 30 something hours. Taking Adderall, you can stay up for days cramming info. I was up for 50+ hours once.
tldr: drugs.
Why the homophobia?
2 hours per day, the week before the exams only. Otherwise 0
how can a normal pleb get Adderall?
something must be wrong with me because I cannot study for longer than 10 minutes at a time, I've managed to do pretty well, but undergraduate material tends to be easy. I'd get btfo'd if I tried grad school, I'm sure.
There shouldn't be a need to study all day every day. I can mostly manage around 6h of effective studying per day. Usually it's less. The trick is making a routine and starting early, and not just fucking around in the library on your phone like most people. I did better on my exams when I studied 6h a day at most than when I studied closer to 10h a day, and was far less burned out by at the end. All of my exams for the year are in a period of 1-2 weeks in the spring so it gets very stressful. I started studying around two months in advance, before that I just attended lectures and did questions.
You sound annoying and the stuff you're suggesting is not healthy. You get away with it when you're young and healthy, but you could just learn discipline and sustainable work habits which would benefit you even after university.
Although the bit about keeping a small break around every hour is a good idea.
Nonetheless, don't try to study for 20+h at a time.
Do normies actually do this? Your retention of knowledge must be awful.
brainlet spotted
yes, stop being a faggot pls
Thanks for the video. I think that advice is a good compromise between pomodoro (strictly timing your breaks even if you're in "flow") and trying to study for an extended period of time without breaks.
Call a local chain pharmacy you've never filled at before. Tell them you are trying to find your old doctor. Ask them to look up a name (notice I said "a," which does not necessarily mean "your"), date of birth, address, etc. Doesn't matter if they find something or not. Tell them you haven't been to the doctor in a while and need to get on Concerta again. Ask them to recommend you a doctor who deals with a lot of ADD patients. They know which doctors will write the script for new patients; you just have to pry it out of them.
Advanced social engineering.
It's because of retards like you that people that actually suffer from ADD can't get the help they need
You're probably trying to study the same topic all day. Switch it up, also change locations as you get tired, exercise a little in the middle of the day, and don't ever eat a giant meal.
Faggot here, I use the word to describe myself all the time. It's not an insult to me, it is what I am.
Oh and like this user said be sure to start as early as possible. I can only start about 90 minutes after waking up so I shower and shit first, then I am productive 8-10 hours. You suffer greatly, especially in creative work, when you're tired.
once you know the feel of failure your bound to improve yourself much more
he's not wrong, you know? as an engineer, i cannot help but keep getting distracted by my fellow man sitting next to me in the library, and i end up unloading all my stress on him
??? is (s)he completely depleting the supply?
No. But people like (s)he are the reason why doctors always assume that someone is lying when they come to them with concentration issues.
Are you an M.D.? Maybe N.P.? At the very least you work with medical professionals, correct? Surely you have some credentials to validate this opinion, user?
I'm in med school and my parents are both M.Ds
What situation would you need to be in where you have to study for more than 4 hours a day? I can see near midterms or finals but every day?
because I actually like my subject
Sorry about your thread.
Depends on the subject or subjects. I can spend from 1-3 hours a day on a single subject depending on how long it takes to do practice problems. Longest I ever go is 5 when I didn't have time to study for a day.
uh... amphetamine mixed salts 20mg?
14h, 10mg of ritalin per 4h
I can do 2-3 hours per subject but I usually don't need all that time. I like to do 3-4 hours, take a break and exercise or read something not study related, and then knock out another 2-4 hours.
Don't eat big meals on your break or just play on your phone/computer. Keep your brain and your body active, just through a different stimulus.
Maybe for you, burgers. In yuropoor we have more than 1 class so when i get tired/bored of studying it, i move on to the next one and so on. Have no trouble studying whole day if i need to.
>actually needing to drug yourself to study
move aside brainlets
Go to your family doctor tell them you have a "review quiz" at the end of every lecture. And no matter how hard you try to concentrate on the teacher you score poorly every class. This is actually why I take adderall. But I went from a C student to 2nd highest GPA in one of my classes. Shit is a Godsend for me. Also take the generic the otherone is way to expensive. There is some stuff online about adderall xr and the generic not being the same to fillers. Its bullshit to me.
Why is it that I can focus for 6+ hours straight when playing videogames but can't even study for 20 minutes?
As if most of the greats didn't drink coffee or smoke cigarettes. Fuck look at all the vices of Feynman. Or better yet Paul Erdos and amphetamines. Then there are all those that surely didn't speak about their use of drugs. It seems unscientific to disregard scientific papers about the documented evidence of brain enhancing drugs.
That's a misnomer, you faggot.
>not treating learning like a full time job and math monking for 8 hours a day
They didn't need ADD medicine to get through freshman calculus. You think your petty studying rivals the new discoveries of top Ashkenazim?
No you can't, this word doesn't deserve its capital letter.
You gotta leave humanity behind.
12 hours minimum when it's exam season.
>This is what brainlets tell themselves
Some people don't need drugs just to get through university
Is there a way to go around the doctor? He kinda really fucking dislikes me.
Veeky Forums isn't the deep south, "faggot" didn't really mean homosexual here until /pol/ exploded.
To understand how it is used you have to look at it from the perspective of male oneupmanship. There is this ideal of a proper man, someone interested in sports, music and partying, someone sociable and part of a fashionable subculture. The "faggot" is a male who fails to meet these standards yet still acts like a prancing peacock, in OP's case a nerd whomst succeeds academically yet puts an ungodly amount of time into studying and seems to enjoy it.
That "fagmo" who keeps camping in a video game or those "fags" who openly talk about anime without shame. You don't have a frothing at the mouth hatred of them, they are not "lesser thans" as in its more hateful incarnation, it is more like you are trying to take them off their high horse. You say they are not a "proper man", not like Chad who clocked a 4.7 second 40 yard dash, just some "faggot".
Sometimes it is an endearing term, a "faggot" is not some boring normy at least. Chad will snub you if you want to talk about something other than how drunk he was last night whereas that "faggot" always has something to say and can handle banter without snapping and beating you up.
5.84h on average each day including weekends this month. But it's gonna be more laidback from now on since I had to quit a horribly difficult course on SDEs
But I have a job so I wouldn't have the time.
>but I have a job!
You missed the point. Its like you guys deny the existance of a drug that can completely enhance your thinking. Do you guys try to up your vitamin C when you get an infection as well?
Why would you think that? And I would say for long-term no. Unless you want sketchy sources and to pay a lot.
redditfags out REEEEEEEE
Why are you so culturally insensitive? We are a group of some of societies' most marginalized peoples; you should be aware of your normie privledge before shaming us for expressing our identities.
The secret is earplugs.
none of that beethoven mozart youtube 20hr meme loop of whitenoise
just plain old earplugs. its just you vs the material
Because you don't like what you're studying
this I also wear them on the bus and to sleep.
>I use the word to describe myself all the time.
well at least you're aware that you're subhuman scum.
Easy, you don't and lie about it.
pure autismo content right here
i too accuse everyone I dont like of being /pol/
>he's never been to /pol/
Those wh*te sissies still fall for BLACKED bait
thats why you dont know shit you are in med school. enjoy your meaningless life as a doctor with endless, underpaid workweeks and annoying patients. you will probably hate your job if someone taking adderal already annoys you. Try not to kill yourself too quickly user.
Hey. Fuck off, asshole.
/pol/ would do exactly the same if they could, but they can't since their edits will immediately show that they are retarded zealots
I just kinda watch lectures.