Does listening to Mozart while studying really lead to better grades? Has anyone tried this?
Does listening to Mozart while studying really lead to better grades? Has anyone tried this?
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it's a myth/placebo, read the wikipedia page on it
Listening to courses while sleeping tho?
Music will only help pass the time. Music will take up resources from mental focus. Choose wisely.
Music is great for weaving baskets, but not brain surgery. Gnome Saiyan?
Chopin >Bach >Mozart
My grades went up from watching Rick and Morty while studying
Nah, I print out Bach manuscripts, chop up the paper and put that into a vaporizer.
>Nihilism helps you study.
No, any kind of noise, including white noise, will tax your brain economy and leave less resources for the task at hand.
Mozart was a pretentious cunt
Beethoven is better
Bach is even better
Dvorak is GOAT
>STEM people have better taste in art than Arts majors
Really makes my brain ponder out yonder.
depends on your rationalisation/ interpretation. If you take it to mean you are responsible for your outcome then this could potentially lead to better results however I would argue it's probably negligible.
No. Intelligence is genetic, deal with it.
All my brothers are smart but I'm a brainlet, explain
It's not 100% genetic, but mostly. The environmental cause is just the noise in the system, it's not known what exactly it is, but we know what it isn't (education, parenting, Mozart). Some things are known: iodine deficiency and getting dropped on your head are bad. But really, you just got bad luck and there was more noise in the development of your intelligence than in your brothers. Oh, and it could be that you are a product of cuckolding.
Daily reminder that if you can listen to classical music while doing something else and are not sistematically distracted by it, you are not people
Shit opinion, kill yourself immediately
Shit opinion, but you get to live another day
This guy gets it
Yes and no. I'll grant what you're saying is probably true under ideal conditions, but it's a question of relative stimulation. If music is blocking out something more distracting, then it's a net gain.
You guys need to take the tchiakovsky pill
Bad news, user.
I usually listen to mindless techno or rap music. there's nothing thought provoking about it, but it replaces inconsistent and distracting environmental noise with consistent and boring white noise, leaving me to focus on my studies.
>listening to mozart as background noise
absolutely disgusting