Draw a line at the level you are at in mathematics.
Veeky Forums iceberg tier
When are mods going to ban humble bragging threads
>Symplectic Geomtry is genius level
Kek physicists confirmed to be genii.
I'm just as good as any AI at one time pad decryption
I'll make at the serious math level, don't ask me to teach anything but I can solve most problems up till that point
>Advanced AI Required after this point
>Poly-Dimensional Topology
Okay, now imagine a sphere appears out of nowhere, before growing and splitting via mitosis into two spheres. Now imagine each of the daughter spheres splits as well, giving you 4 spheres. Again, they split, giving you 8. The spheres arranges themselves in a cubic arrangement, as if each is a corner of a single cube. One of them suddenly grows a hole in the middle, before turning into a donut type shape. The other spheres pass through the center one by one, and then the hole magically disappears. The hole-less donut turns into a sphere, and then all the spheres join up into one, before finally disappearing.
Congratulations, you just did Poly-Dimensional Topology!
Also, this chart is retarded.
When they ban buzzword spouters like you
>buzzword isn't a buzzword
Most of the stuff below the "real math" level is completely disorganized and not at all ordered by difficulty.
>lie algebras deeper than algebraic topology
When are mods going to ban brainlet posters like yourself?
Why is combinatorics below real analysis?
>vectors that far down
this chart is retarded
but my line is at "real analysis"
which is when i decided not to major in math
I was up to that gap at "serious math" when I finished my degree a few years back, but I don't do much math anymore because I think it's tedious autistic shit and I fucking hate it.
fuck of mochizuki
A huge number of the ones at the top are words I don't know the meaning of, so they're probably outside of my level, but I scrolled the the bottom and don't have trouble with Poly-Dimensional Topology, or One-Time Pad Decryption, or any of the other words I understand the meaning of.
How do I force myself to be interested enough in math to learn the meanings of all these words? It seems like a lot of hard work.
This image is irrelevant for mathematics taugh in France.
I have studied complex functions but i have never heard of reverse chain rule and in some classes they don't know what is a matrice.
>Fouries series
What did he mean by this?
>Stokes' theorem higher than topology
Spotting images made by Khan academy dwellers 101
didn't take diff equations but learned eigenvalues in pchem.
These are stupid because I know number theory but I haven't done topology, this doesn't work for math
this. everyone takes different paths to their math education
same as you mate
>I know number theory but I haven't done topology
You don't know number theory then.
>tfw almost to 'serious math'
Elementary Number Theory you pedant
So you know some recreational math fun facts?
Congrats, I guess.
you can tell the person who made this has never studied much beyond the 'serious math' level.
also wtf is fouries serious. that's not serious maths level it's like 1st year undergrad shit
>Strokes Theorem
OK, spending too much time in /b/, /d/, /hc/ and /s/ perchance??
Currently doing measure theory
Why is game theory so far down? Its way easier than diff eq
Whoever made this chart was a retard who didn't know any of the topics he listed (like, why is "complex analysis" in a different position than "holomorphic functions?" same for "topology" and "homeomorphism"). He was probably thinking that "game theory" means "combinatorial game theory," which has a lot of open PhD level research problems (a lot of which probably aren't reasonably tractable)
>grobner basis below alg geo
I am by no means an expert but have actually studied every topic in here. It's also pretty weakly sorted and misses tons of important stuff.
Basically this, puts "groups" below all of abstract algebra.
That's by far the worst offender.
t.neurobiology undergrad
>fractions below decimals
I never understood this. Fractions come so easily to me but I had trouble with decimals as a kid. I was never good at math, but I was always the first done whenever we came around to fractions.
just goes to show that whoever created the OP (and whoever propagates it) has zero understanding of mathematics.
PDEs before LA?
"Homeomorphism" is serious math?
Groebner basis below Algebraic Geometry?
it's like some undergrad went to the bookstore, added the titles of some books he didn't understand, looked up some words in those books he didn't understand, and added those too
>tfw he's too much of a brainlet to know about Fouries series and Strokes' theorem
also i'd like to add:
meromorphic functions is genius level? i went over those sophomore year in my complex analysis course
seeing as combinatorics is my specialty, i have a serious issue with "counting" being at the very top
Cool. Is there a name for this thing?
it's called topology
are you retarded
where is the version with triple integrals at the bottom?
Every version has triple integrals at the bottom, it's just so far deep you can't see it
I don't see pure math anywhere
Hello math, this is my first time visiting this board, i'm a complete idiot that skipped school and i've picked up math again, i'm currently having trouble with divisions.
What are some good websites i can learn from so i can git gud?
These are some decimals i need to turn into a ''normal'' division and simplify if possible.
Please don't laugh at me.
Vectors ought to be higher up. I know them but not a bunch of the stuff above.
decimals are a shorter way for adding a whole number and a fraction of tenths, hundredths, thousandths.. etc.
so an example 2.56
we have a whole number 2
5 lots of tenths
6 lots of hundredths
a useful thing we can do here is notice that 5 tenths is the same as 50 hundredths (0.5 = 5/10 = 50/100)
and even a 2 is 200 hundredths (2 = 20/10 = 200/100
now we have everything in hundredths, so we can add them together
2.56 = 200/100 + 50/100 + 6/100 = 256/100
simplifying is hard
think of 0.72 as 72/100. Divide both 72 and 100 by a common number, say 10. Then you get 7.2/10.
This list is retarded
One time pad decryption? That's just impossible not hard
Why is homeomorphism listed as a separate topic lmao. This chart was made by a highschooler.
>tfw economist so i know some game theory
so economists don't know about fucking eigenvectors.
>Claims to know linear algebra
>Doesn't know about vector spaces, eigenvectors or eigenvalues
I'm sorry, but you know nothing about linear algebra
>Strokes' theorem
isn't it Stoke's theorem user?
is this an NA thing?
you learn Stroke's theorem right after Geern's theorem usually
i don't know everything above it, and know some stuff below it, but this seemed like a reasonable divide.
i know jack abt fourier, game theory, stochastics, and very minimal about complex calculus/holomorphic functions or homotopy (which is somehow before algebraic topology?)
were/are you a math major?
yes, just graduated in the spring
You learn baby Stroke's theorem right after Geern's, adult Stroke's theorem you learn much later.
i hear it's in Baby Rubbin (or was it Stein & Shakuchi?)
>tfw at vecors
Thanks for making me fe-feel good about myself senpai...
Why is hairy ball theorem so low?
You need a ton of linear algabra and defferential forms on smooth manyfolds to do adult Strokes theorem. That wouldn't be in Babby Rudin, it's way beyond the scope of the book.
>right below smooth manifolds
Actually it's in the correct place.
I guess it is sort of in the right spot. Maybe this chart does not go far enough. I only have a bachelors degree in math and I went all the way to Lie Algebras. Also, aren't meromorphic functions covered in complex?
you only got to Lie Algebras? our curriculum went all the way to Truth Algebras
>t. materials science
>I guess it is sort of in the right spot
It was covered in my first semester of differential topology. We just proved it as a multi-step exercise one week, around the same time we did de Rham cohomology.
>Also, aren't meromorphic functions covered in complex?
Yeeaah, don't think too hard about the chart. I mean, I guess you could say that there are really really advanced topics related to meromorphic functions, but if you were using that kind of logic you'd have to move "division" below the Riemann hypothesis.
>That wouldn't be in Babby Rudin
why don't look take a look at it?
Fourier series, so just short of "series math". Why are N=NP and one-time pad so far down? Those are simple topics I learned about outside of mathematics.
because it's a shit list. there's a lot more wrong about it. even taking it seriously makes you look silly
Baby Stokes is in Baby Rudin.
page 272. the machinery of forms, integration of forms and partitions of unity is developed in order to state stoke's theorem in as much generality as it possible without defining manifolds. define manifolds with boundary and the material instantly extends to that.
the classical stoke's theorem is shown afterwards as an application and example
Legitimate question:
Let's say I'm a humanities retard who regrets their choices. I want to get back into math. I bombed out of uni calculus. If I'm looking to redo calculus, and work my way past that, what is the path to understanding basic upper level maths? Is most of the shit past "serious math" probably limited to people with 120+ IQ's? If I'm being honest, I have a feeling that my IQ is lower than 120 and it wouldn't surprise me that I am ineligible to understand the majority of upper level maths.
find a good definition of intelligence before you start worrying about it.
if you want to do it, do it. the path to understanding is closest to the path of interests. when that fails, the suffering of hard work will teach you the rest.
Sorry, let me rephrase:
Someone specifically told me, years ago, that if you do not possess an innate mathematical talent, it's unlikely that you could progress past basic calculus.
Proofs/set theory
Linear algebra from a proofs perspective
Analysis/point set topology/algebra
Why is symplectic genius level?
Why is cohomology?
Why is random matrcies?
Why is groups, the most basic major topic in abstract algebra harder than reimann surfcaes, topology, homotopy and holomoprhic functions?
Why is algebraic geometry so (relatively) low?
This list needs to be fixed
>basic calculus
was it an engineer?
i like how all of you arent being truthful
No you don't, you barely need any differential geometry at all? I did in second year at the end of our vectors course. We just did some differential forms and stuff and got there in about a week.
>this dumb thread has 80 replies
it's a fucking meme image you dips
>"strokes" theorem
>vectors after triple integrals
>breaking down calculus in a hundred different categories
>linear algebra after "strokes" theorem
>implying eigenanything and linear transformations aren't linear algebra
>combinatorics in serious math
I could keep going but I have. This was clearly made by an engineer.
Enjoy your useless degrees and husked field.
>combinatorics not in serious math
combinatorics is more than just picking and choosing you dweeb
Don't forget tensors being before vector spaces, eigenvalues and eigenvectors.
Kind of off topic but what level do you think the average person can obtain with rigorous study?
I have never studied any of the "serious" math but I have a feeling if I really tried and had the time I could get pretty far. I have no idea what the material is like so I could be talking out of my ass though. What makes the higher lever math so difficult?
I'm average-smartish and am familiar with the names of all these sub-domains, and know details of most of the topics up to Automorphic forms. I suggest you look into nootropics, and simply start with one topic and look at the wikipedia page/tutorials/pdfs just absorbing the terminology. Building the subconscious mental connections. Work on simple examples, work your way backward to more simple topics if you jump in too deep, etc. After enough time it all comes together and after a few years you will look back at 'difficult' topics and be like 'oh, Newton Polygons basically just involve pulling a rubber band upward over a bunch of sticks representing the coefficients of a polynomial' or what ever.
you cannot be an "average person" and also do "rigorous study". if you "tried really hard" you would be able to get most topics on there but the very advanced ones will require to speak and work with other researchers.
learning all of that crap will take more than a few years though.
>What makes the higher lever math so difficult?
i'm not sure. you'll enjoy the lingo of the math community though: things you don't understand or that take you effort to figure out are called "not obvious" and things you do understand are called "obvious" or "straightforward". you don't usually hear the work "difficult" thrown around
>look into nootropics
You can stroke deez nuts
>i like how all of you aren't being truthful
>posts image
>barely even dived into the pool of math
No... This is a joke... Right? You have no clue what the order of operations is? Cartesian Coordinates? You don't even know Functions or what a fucking Polynomial is?
Listen, I don't want to rag on anyone's knowledge of math, but there has to be something wrong here. Are you an underage who is middle school level? Are you some guy who forgot half the shit that he was taught after high school? Did you even go to high school? I'm so confused right now, your "level of knowledge" is barely reaching the point of graduation level. Also what the fuck is up with the black line between Partial Differential Equations and Stoke's Theorem? Is that your true level of mathematical knowledge? Your post makes n o f u c k i n g s e n s e
tl;dr you either have some explaining to do or your post is really embarrassing and should serve as a point that you are NOT obligated to post in threads like these
I code random sequence extrapolation using Artificial Intelligence.
is that as stupid as it sounds?
>doesn't know what a function is
>can't do basic high school math
Why the fuck are you on this board?
That's how much math normal people know (well at least). I'd say even less than that.