This thread is for "book discussion". It isn't a Carli thread

This thread is for "book discussion". It isn't a Carli thread.

Other urls found in this thread:

i wonder what her poops smell like

How does it feel like to be in a relationship with a girl this good looking?

oh sick a Carli thread. my favorite. so who else is going to become a booktube just to hopefully get popular and then get invited to a booktube convention then hopefully talk to her at the convention

pair of handsome shoulders on that woman

I would sensually massage her feet and suck her toes afterwards. Then, I'd coddle her by fulfilling every little request she makes. Done that, we'd make love by candlelight with rose petals strewn on the bed and shit.

She's cute, but the fact that she reads and isn't like most of the brain dead hoes these days, makes her a 100 times hotter.

Every person that posts in these kinda threads and doesn't SAGE is damned to be a virgin forever

This one for the real niggas.

is that good? how does one judge ballet?

is this the perfect American family? I guess it's less American because the boys don't okay football but still. raising a dick load of kids on a tight budget and going to church. that's so American to me. Americans have waaaay to many kids. church and poor people with loads of kids is america. P.S. I'm Canadian

>Nutcracker 2016
same tbqh

>I would sensually massage her feet and suck her toes afterwards.
She's a ballet dancer. Pretty much the only girls you don't want to see their uncovered feet. Don't google it either, you'll ruin your life.
It's because she can lift you.

>history is gonna repeat itself again

remember the ayy lmao

Please don't be assholes guys, she hasn't done anything againgst you



:( i hope not


There are anons who downloaded her videos. They just wont share them

Harshly. She's very good for a non professional, but she wouldn't get that part with a professional company. Either that or she was injured at the time which could explain the uneveness.
Any more ones with shorter toenails like the first one?


what's up with the weird lines near and on the toes? it looks like someone tried to shop out the hose or something.

got any soles? that seems less likely to fuck up


How many effeminate men browse these threads? Embarrassing!

That KT thread was probably the dorkiest thing I ever read on this site. Full of redditors thinking they were part of le sekrit club.

In other words, back you go!

She has cute little boobs that I want to eat

Bitch look so wide

Don't Katie her...


what you guys think of her xmas video


How tall is she

How am I supposed to compete with the chad in skin tight leggins?

By not being a crybaby.

But that's just what I be.e.

She's probably under 5'8. 5'5 used be the cut off, but a lot of places ignore that now.
Google "ballet dancer feet" if you want to be cured.

Then you'll die a virgin, you beta cuckold. Your father must be ashamed of giving birth to such a weakling.

>when a massive horde of horny young virgins collectively stalk and harass a small-time internet personality because she is slightly attractive and shares their autistic interests
There must be a term for this sort of behavior.


good times, my man. good times.

Nobody knows except the guy who books her shoots

t. NEETs who are invariably on the autistic spectrum and who have zero chance of ever catching any woman, let alone a fucking eighteen-year-old GIRL
Pic related is all of you.

jokes on you, i've ballet training and a gf

Wtf I love rape now

You're all creepy as fuck fuckers. Get off the interwebz and go back to jerking off to Lolita and the thought of your mother awkwardly giving you head.

>he doesn't even know the good porn books
>or even books with ballets
read more faggot. start with the lady with camellias

Fucking kill yourfuckingself.

>not wanting to die from TB

she a saint. SAINT!

holy shit is she dead? that escalated quickly.

Carli has only read like twenty different books ever so the content is going to slow down eventually. Feels bad

It already slowed down. She's not really well read, every woman reads the Brontes and Austen and all that meme shit.

so fucking tell her to read more in the comments. make her fucking committed to her channel. the more support you shoe the more likely she will make more videos!

They used to, like twenty years ago, but le millennials don't at all. I'm in an intro level English class right now, and we're reading Austen and Bronte and only a few of the people in an English class have read them before

>Get off the interwebz and go back to jerking off to Lolita and the thought of your mother awkwardly giving you head.

That's oddly specific user.

>17 year old newposter who still gets really emotional at the local spergs on Veeky Forums

protip: their sperginess is rubbing off on you and now you are raging at people on Veeky Forums

good job, fellow sperg

you guys watch any of her mom's videos? we should like some how get them mad amounts of views and get them famous and have them have no idea wtf is getting them famous and why there totally ordinary videos are getting mad views

>when you raid youtube and youtube follows you home
we done wrong lads

that would be an epic win indeed, friend

lmao your so fucking evil. I hate 4 chan

we did it reddit!

She's cute. Get in line lads.

post it here nigger
i want to fuck her and her mom

As a woman, I have to say that you guys are disgusting and misogynist pimple-faced losers. This girl isn't even that attractive, but you're still going out of your way to ruin her life just "for the lols". kill yourselves

>As a woman
>This girl isn't even that attractive
t. another roastie whore mad that people prefer a pure, intelligent girl like Carli over your used up roast beef puss.

As an oldfag I have to say that you guys are fucking cancerous newfaggots who should go back to facebook. This girl isn't even 2d but you're still going out of your way to shitpost because you're too much of a fucking normalfag to browse /d/ when you get horny. Kill yourselves

Could it get any more obvious?

As an Egoist, I have to say that you guys are my property and spooked as well. This girl is nothing to the creative one, but you're still going out of your way to be involuntary egoists just 'for the spooks.' Kill yourselves or don't

As a proud aryan Ubermensch, I have to say you numales are degenerate libcucks. This girl isn't even redpilled, but you're still going out of your way to serve the vaginal jew's ego just 'for the niceguy points.' Gas yourselves, kikes

Don't do to Carli what you did to that other poor booktuber girl Veeky Forums.

Carli comes from a good wholesome religious white middle class family. We should be praising her, not trolling her and scaring her off YouTube.

Her poor mother has to homeschool her and her 6 other siblings. They have enough on their plate already.

We're doomed to repeat ourselves because we are creatures of disgusting habit. We are a cyclical circle of never-ending change, disdain, and loneliness.

Veeky Forums can be both the meanest and nicest place on the internet.

If you wrong it, your life will be destroyed. If you treat it with respect, anons just might save you in your darkest hour.

If you get caught up in one of their random trolling wars, god help you son.

>Tfw Veeky Forums is stuck with bottom of the barrel booktubers
>Meanwhile I'm watching 8/10+ qts who exclusively read classics
>Tfw Veeky Forums is too dumb to find them


If you don't link them right now I'll scream.

I don't want the rest of Veeky Forums to find out.

Give me your infos or forget it.

email to
[email protected]

Not so quick lad

>not even live music conducted by Valery Gergiev

wew lad

Even if it repeats itself again, we'll still have her mother's channel as a means to contact her

I love it when there is a retard who replies to so many people that you always see his posts iin the replies and then you scroll past him and know, that from now on, the replies will be meaningful again.
Truly a good feeling.

It's weird, my mom started reading Mann when she was 15 and loves Dosty, Mann, Hesse, Goethe and Schiller.
It's probably the fault of the internet and the overabundance and huge success of shitty genre fiction fantasy novels.

is your mom hot?
post pics.

Yeah tits or gtfo.