I wanted to calculate a lethal dose of chocolate

I wanted to calculate a lethal dose of chocolate.
I determined that the "poison" in chocolate that kills dogs is theobromine. The LD50 of theobromine in humans is 1000 mg/kg. I'm fat because I eat absurd amounts of chocolate in hypothetical experiments, but I weigh about 110 kg. If I understand correctly, that means I need to ingest 110 grams of theobromine. This comes out to about 74 kg of chocolate for me, or 8 kg of chocolate if we're talking 100% cocoa at 14g of theobromine per kg. That's an average lethal dose of 40kg in Asia, 47kg in Europe, 54kg in North America(60kg for us squishy Americans)

I wanted to visualise this. Chocoley.com (chocoley.com/blog/resources/how-much-chocolate-per-mold/) says their chocolate is 0.7 ounces per square inch. I used a calculator here (1728.org/density.htm) instead of converting to metric and trying to do it myself. I don't know what the prefered metric measurement would be for volume in this case, but that comes out to 3700 cubic inches. 15in^3...I only have a 12 inch ruler here, so my eyes are guessing a bit, but even so, that's a lot of fucking chocolate.

Maybe half a pip from pic related.

>half a pip

>Obsessed with chocolate
Seems about right

maybe extract theobromine and inject the extra to cocoa to prepare chocolate?


Is this copypasta?

>I'm fat because I weigh about 110 kg
...sounds about right.

>I thought this was Veeky Forums
>Weird hypothesis for a kingdom threatening disaster user
>oh it's Veeky Forums
>thinking about willy wonka and the chocolate empire.

the maths is correct

>I'm fat because I eat absurd amounts of chocolate in hypothetical experiments, but I weigh about 110 kg.
> but I weigh about 110 kg.

How can you get fat from eating chocolate hypothetically?

Did you say Cocoa?

Surely that's not the whole story here, did you perhaps try to anhero by eating chocolate?

What's so spectacular about that? 110kg is a pretty normal weight for a fat person.

Here in the netherlands, there's people that weigh 110kg and are not even fat.

But we have thicccc dairy bones.

Which is apparently pretty unique in the world.

A chocolate overdose is much lower than that if you have sensitized yourself with caffeine over time and is currently off it without the upregulated adenosine withdrawal. Theobromine doesn't cross the blood brain barrier, which means its action is concentrated on the heart. It has a much slower absorption rate than caffeine, thus it lasts longer and will take up to 3 to 6 hours to act, maybe too late for vomiting it. It is slower metabolized than caffeine and it can be unwillingly taken at higher doses since people are unaware of the math. Eating a small amount of dark chocolate can lead to 600-1000 mg of absorbed theobromine. In terms of feeling, theobromine has no nootropic effect. Later on you might have irritated bowel syndrome(IBS) and adrenaline sensitization that might last for 3 weeks which will require you to take beta-blockers and visit a hospital just so that your heart goes back to 60 bpm. The IBScan make you bloat after meals, have both diarrhea and constipation, and you will have to change and reduce your diet and take some anti-bloating substance. Chocolate is lethally poisonous to dogs. Consider that adrenaline might be so addictive that people risk their lives in dangerous sports to feel it.

Cocoa is literally a genius.


This is a good thread and deserves a good answer :D

>I wanted to calculate a lethal dose of chocolate.
It would not be possible. My wife (a typical obese American woman) has eaten obscene levels of chocolate (we had several bags of chocolate candy left over from Halloween). We both literally ate a a few bags apiece (I ate an entire bag of butterfingers).. other than having to drink a lot of milk and having legendary shits, nothing bad happened.

Very interesting. So if I go a few days without coffee (I drink quite a lot each day) and then eat a whole bar of Lindt 99% I might actually fuck my shit up good? Or are we still in insignificant effect territory then?