First day of community college

>First day of community college
>In physics class
>Proff talks about shit I already know for a few mins

You won't believe the shit he says a few minutes later

this is what he says.

>Photons carry energy.

I literally get dizzy from confusion and disappointment, it takes me a few minutes before I'm in a calm mental place again.

> I get up
> walk to the black board
> pick up a piece of chalk
>Write e = mc^2 on the whiteboard
>Subtitute 0 for m
>Cancle out c^2 because of the zero product property
>write E = 0 below the energy to mass equation
>walk out of the class

I haven't been back since, guess that's to be expected from a community college.

You autist.

Photons vibrate ata frequency, and hence they carry energy.

They don't have energy in form of mass though.

Quality bait.


Demonstrate to me where you get energy from the equation E = mc^2

Except E = mc^2 + pc since every particle carries both a rest mass and a kinetic mass. In this case, a photon only ever travels at c and therefore only carries a kinetic energy E=pc.

Gr8 b8 m8

well done, your nobel prize is on the way

You get it from using the fuller equation [math]E^2=(pc)^2+(mc^2)^2[/math] and remembering that if [math]E=mc^2[/math] gives you the effective gravitational mass, not the rest mass (unless you use rest energy or if momentum is zero). Photons, however, have no rest mass and thus can never hop off their wild ride.

I can make1+1 = 3 if I decide to add a magical 1.

You've taken an equation and changed it to make yourself right.

Good meme.

I miss my CC professors tho. Uni professors never seem to have their enthusiasm.

I guess the new school year brings in a lot of newfags who wouldn't recognize this pasta.

Breddy good! :DDD

>Cancle out
you've cancled yourself out of class
enjoy your career in food service

You do realise he used the actual complete form of the equation?

Nice going you fucking autist
>implying photons don't carry energy
lmaoing at you right now. Fucking fag

>freshman year Philosophy 101 class at my community college
>everyone in class is a brainlet or mexican
>professor says someone needed to create god for there to be a god
>say no, it's mathematically possible to happen from nothing.
>write equation 1 + -1 = 0 on the board to demonstrate
>everyone thinks I'm a genius from that point on

>first day of CS classes
>prof is using something called "emacs"
>stand up
>call him a macfag
>walk out

>professor says someone needed to create god for there to be a god
No wonder he works at a community college

How is he wrong

God is by definition "the first mover"

You fuckin autist. Thats the complete version of the equation. E=mc2 is a special case that has been derived from the full equation


>brainlet or mexican

>by definition

that isn't a definition. that's just you ignoring basic logic involving causality. if he was the first """mover""" then what moved him to move?

if you say nothing, then he isn't the first mover. if you say something, he isn't the
first mover.

and before you say that moving in this context isn't the same, it is. compelling and moving are the same in the eyes of an omnipotent being. you can't have your cake and act like a faggot too.

while that guy is retarded for saying by definition I think your view on the concept of god is limited in that you seem to think "he" exists within reality where as (correct me if im wrong) the truest interpretation is that "he" is reality literally. causality doesnt need to apply bc its just another creation / byproduct of his will

I think your view on the concept of god doesn't belong on this board let alone in a bait thread

I refuse to believe you are serious. This must be bait