Why are we spending money on space programs and exploration when they are children starving in Africa?

Why are we spending money on space programs and exploration when they are children starving in Africa?

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Who gives a fuck in the long term?

Most people will die unaccomplished.

Appeal to feelings is a mistake.

Because we'll all be starving if we don't escape climate change.


Kings don't need your money

Fake news

Because for most developing nations in Africa it generally is not feasible to lay and maintain hard communications infrastructure, so they've opted for wireless. ie, pulsed fields at microwave frequencies, often right in the center of villages. They all carry cell phones. In a few generations their ability to produce viable offspring will be greatly reduced, and their lifespan will be much shorter. Just like the rest of the world.

More or less, a solution is already in motion.

Because 99.99% of children in Africa are a waste of time and resources.

>feed children in Africa
>more children in Africa for us to feed
We should just bail out of Africa or try a second Apartheid if they can't even govern themselves.

Money has only worsened Africa's problems, we should stop sending money and let half of them die and let the rest figure out how to society. Also desu space exploration is interesting, niggers are not

Lack of food really isn't that big of a problem, the main problem is their corrupt governments impoverishing them. If we really wanted to help Africa we would invade it.

sending aid to africa has been proven to go to waste multiple times coz niggers cant control themselves and do war, overbreed niglets and elect dictators

Most of modern Africa's problems can be linked to colonialism, relative to a given population's cultural background and hard biological biases (dictating subsequent state change even if left alone). Africa got systematically fucked up pretty hard. Modern "aid" is more or less an extension of this, especially given that China has already pretty well strip mined their mountains of rare earth metals, and the congo remains a viable source still. Among other stuff. So the ol' divide and conquer, and proxy armies, and controlled conflict still applies. It is also profitable to play and arm both sides.

Many facets. I've considered going to some part of Africa (probably the savannah, rather than the jungle), just to see how it really is. That or Siberia.

>Cut space funding
>Thousands lose their jobs
>End up spending all the money you saved providing benefits for everyone you just made unemployed

We just need to make international state-finance-business stop systematically raping Africa for """capital""" and the African ecosystems and their constituents will be fine.
Free life yo

Don't forget the world bank and foreign direct investment from the west.
The Congo has already been sold.

>Implying the bulk of modern economics actually maps to anything with hard intrinsic value
>Implying money isn't just abstract bullshit that amounts to bets built on top of bets on top of bets
>Implying "value" can't be fluidly manipulated at will, and the average person isn't a wageslave running in wheel.
>Implying we haven't long since solved all of our resource supply and distribution problems, and we don't overproduce to the point where it becomes not only viable, but advantageous to engage in absurd levels of disgusting waste.

We're just a bunch of bullshitters. By force. Jobs are bullshit. Starving to death due to job loss is completely artificial. Losing everything because of job loss is only due to not being able to have the capital to own anything. This started during the depression pretty profoundly. Landlords would, for a few extra cents a month, rent basic things to you. Dishes. Furniture. Tools. And of course, it was all bullshit. You never actually got anywhere. People quickly found the moment you lost your job, everything you "had" also disappeared. You were where you started, whether you have savings or not. Now this is how our entire society is structured, and people just have to accept it as the only path to the supposed good life. And the chains are layered on. The ties keep forming. And then you are bound. Fuck that. I have a mortgage and it's the main thing controlling my every move. And none of the money spent maps to doing one's part to maintain an overarching system wherein life is made better for everyone. It's all waste. It's all decadence and trash. Meanwhile the "middle class" continues to be systematically drained at an increasing rate.

Fuck your "muh jobs" horseshit. You don't know a damn thing.


Why are children starving in Africa when they can be working on a space program?

This. They just need to pick themselves up by the bootstraps.

if they are starving then why won't they just farm lmao

why don't the niggers just grow their own food

Actually the children in Africa are mostly fairly well-off, it's only niggers and other lower animals who starve.

>help starving children in Africa
>they grow up and have 8 children they can't feed a piece
>problem is now 8x worse

Blacks are 12% of the US but are only 2% of the farmers.

You'd think with the whole slavery thing they would be more acquainted with the skill.

>feed children in africa
>oh shit they are having more kids
>now there is a larger number of children in africa to feed

aid was a mistake.

because the farming soil there,if you can even call it that, is ass for actual farming and its too hot to grow fro a good chunk of the year and theres not enough water for the would-be farms and most likely, due to social instability, if they tried getting larger farms so they dont starve, theyre own people would rob them.

Because developing sciences (of which space travel is but one) allows us to tackle those problems, and makes the solutions difficult instead of outright impossible.

I'm sure somebody asked Bob to stop banging rocks together and come help the family skin the bison with their teeth.

Most first world countries don't even fully take care of their own poor. Sub 5% unemployment rate is considered "good", take a second to think how fucked that is when you host a population of +300 million like the U.S..

Two percent isn't that bad to be honest, it's probably better to invest in either joining the military or pursue some kind of STEM work though.

>"There are starving children in africa"
>the few billion dollars that NASA gets is to put into forgien aid
>foreign Aid goes into feeding the starving children assuming it dosen't line the pockets of incompetent dime a dozen dictators
>more food enables Africa's already insane population growth rate to continue
>a new bigger generation is born, and its needs even more food
>"There are starving children in africa"

We've been spending money on starving african children for ages, it doesn't change anything. May as well spend it on space programs where it can make a difference.

At what point is it like feeding the strays and forcing them into perpetual dependence?

decades ago

>we spending money
What do you mean by "we", Peasant?

>We should give incentive for people who can't feed themselves

Because farming is harder than blaming whitey for all your problems.

Because they can't support themselves and artificially propping them up has to be a permanent thing they are so incompotent

Because Africa has to learn how to solve problems by themselves. Every time we intervene, we take away their autonomy. There was once people who assumed the burden of civilization. African people disliked that, because they would have rather knock on their doors as refugees.

We explore space because we want to, and see a need to.

because if you feed them ... the population grows until they cant be fed anymore ... I mean really its the petri dish idea of human population growth like a bacteria

Why did you spend money on your computer, or on a car, or on books?

There are starving african kids to feed, after all. There always are.

Nice try soros, but nobody buys the le apopaclypse climate meme anymore. Climate ((("scientists"))) have the credibility of car salesmen at this point

>t. brainlet

I care about space. I dont really care about africa.

>Because farming is harder than blaming whitey for all your problems.
Too bad then that the farmers who knew about large scale operations were chased out of Zimbabwe.

I agree
we should put money into mass sterilization programs

>Sub 5% unemployment rate is considered "good", take a second to think how fucked that is
it is good
the reason why Soviet Union fell was 0% unemployment policy which lead to minimal work productivity (Why should I work hard when they can't fire me? Why should I work hard when comrade Ivan isn't working hard but we get the same money?) which led to shortages of everything

how the fuck do you even solve it? Put the 5% who can't/don't want to work into state run labor camps?

>thinking our helping them is taking away all of their autonomy

>not global bankers and investors buying the property out from under them to feed international supply chains
Check your privilege for real. You can see africas autonomy on the half eaten bag of chips in your cabinet

>let us waste even MORE of our money outside the country
Yeah let's please not

If you care about the starving children you should urge your elected representatives to get rid of the trade restrictions.

Yankee-gook go home.
get Neanderthal autism out of Africa.

They are.
Musk can expect to find a nigger colony already on Mars

Sterilise Africans. They had their chance and blew it.

>soil there,if you can even call it that, is ass for actual farming

Fuck off cunt, they hold the majority of the world's arable land. They're just too retarded to cultivate crops on it.


In theory this is correct due to continent size, but in practice only Nigeria and a few other countries actually have high quality arable land that would be good for cultivation.

For them to achieve the "potential" of having the most arable land would require socio-political continental cooperation the world has yet to see (reminder that Colonial Europe attempted this and ultimately had WW1 because they couldn't pull it off).

Why people spend money on a fleet of 11 aircraft carriers with the world being mostly in peace and all the other superpower got only one or less when when they are children starving in Africa?

Why people spend money on drilling oil wells that would destroy good farming land when they are children starving in Africa?

Why people spend money on funding arts, theorical research or culture when they are children starving in Africa?

Why people spend money on having a better standard of life than the previous generation when they are children starving in Africa?

Why would people spend money on starving people in Africa when they are children starving in Africa?

>i can continue for a long time but most importantly :

Why are we wasting time on answering OP's appeal to emotion fallacy when they are children starving in Africa?

Replace blacks with indians and Africa would improve overnight, the problem with Africa is blacks they simply cannot create societies on par with Eurasians period.

Indians, or American natives? Because the majority of actual India, and Indians, is still completely fucked due to how their caste system was overexpressed and exploited by the East India Company, aka, British colonialism. Only very recently have caste boundaries begun to somewhat dissolve.

India is also a very different geography and ecology.

t. lazy poorfag

>it's white people's responsibility to feed niggers who can't even produce their own food

You can spend money on multiple things you know. Its not as if you are taking money away from feeing people.

>literal wikipedia appeal to bigger problems fallacy
1/10 only for replying

Because some people are monsters and ignore, or even enjoy others' suffering.

if we just let them starve to death then there would soon be a lot less suffering desu senpai

Yeah for real if we just kept propping up Africa we could breed a whole new generation of einsteins that can immigrate into Europa!

farming isnt that hard

But they produce your food you cheecky cunt. Wheat, canola , and palm oil for international consumer supply chains. Along with massive deforestation and the replacement of traditional socio-ecological systems with worker-consumer societies. Non-human agents are the primary domestic driver of rapid industrialization, which causes overpopulation, and ecological degradation well beyond the local carrying capacity(because international markets) besides the ecological disaster that permanently imporvishes the living world, international markets do not work in Africa, trade networks collapse after famine, war, and drought with little developed infrastructure.
We should help Africa, by getting our economies greedy fingers the fuck away from Africa. Gooks go home too.

>spending money on space programs and exploration

Don't think we really are.

>hurr durr

The only thing we really spend money on are the latest hot memes in military hardware so we can maintain our hegemony based completely on oil production, I hope the human race dies soon. Such a waste of potential, we use our best minds and almost all our resources on subjugating dumbass dirt farmers.

Why are we spending money on starving African children when there is space to explore?

Children are starving in africa because people are sending them food

>Why are we spending money on space programs and exploration when they are children starving in Africa?

because space programs are more important than starving children in Africa, obviously.

Because at some point there will be an extinction event on Earth, and if we spend all our time making sure morons can feed themselves instead of establishing human colonies in space/on other planets that extinction event will take the entire human race with it. Natural selection is trying to do its job but we just wont let it. The extinction event will happen, its not an if, its a when. If we let natural selection wipe out the Ethiopians, and spend our time on space travel instead, its less likely to kill off an entire race of sympathetic morons.

Hey idiot
The extinction event is what is causing the Ethiopians trouble.
Global capitalism is the problem. The poor people of Africa are at the mercy of foreign corporate-states.
Protecting Africa's ecological integrity is essential for maintaining stable earth systems, and feeding Africans,
If you think we can survive independent of earth you are incredibly naive.

Why are we spending money on starving children in africa when there are entire galaxies of starving aliens in space?

You think its impossible to create self sustaining habitats on Mars? Because some very smart and rich people seem to disagree with you, several billion dollars worth of disagreement actually. Why should i believe the Veeky Forums sperg who says its impossible over the humans who are actually doing it?

>They all carry cell phones. In a few generations their ability to produce viable offspring will be greatly reduced
The only missing part of the plan is teaching them about the advantages of 2D waifus. Then they can join the rest of the civilized world in glorious population decline.

I wouldn't mind if NASA budget was spent on helping Africa as long as that included mandatory sterilisation for all help receivers and countries receiving aid would be subject to Western administration.

>Thousands lose their jobs
>out of billions
fuck off

Too complex for them. They have very low IQ on average.

Because I study ecology and they do not.
Primary production, and the boundary conditions for supporting complex live in general are currently impossible for us to create with no purposed solution. Human biology is not meant for space, we have little understanding of how to get past what low gravity does to us.
Humans are not capable of surviving without the other components in their ecosystems.
The 'smart' and rich people are just using space exploration as a false pretense to launch satellites. You're a fucking idiot. If we can't survive on earth how are we supposed to survive in space?

So, youre saying NASA committed billions of dollars to a manned mission to mars, and didnt think to ask some biologists about how humans would fare on the way over? Get over yourself. Yes microgravity has detrimental effects to bone density and tissue growth but we already have solutions for that. Centripetally generated false gravity is almost indistinguishable from actual gravity when applied to a proper radius.

>Humans are not capable of surviving without the other components in their ecosystems.

Ever heard of biospheres?


Properly applied human ingenuity can overcome all of the obstacles you mentioned, and then some.

>if we cant survive on earth how can we survive in space?

So i suppose the tens of thousands of years (hundreds of thousands if you want to go into prehistoric evidence) weve gone without going extinct dont count as surviving on Earth? Why is it our problem that Africans cant get their shit together?

>blah blah blah human suffering

The super volcano/asteroid/plague/nuclear holocaust/AI that kills us will be a much worse humanitarian crisis than some starving children. If we have active Mars colonies at that time at least it wont be the end of our species. Natural selection doesnt care about your feelings. Nature will savagely kill anything she pleases if you arent smart enough to out wit, and out plan her. The Africans are a very small price to pay for the survival of an entire species.

A mission to mars is very, very different from sustaining life on mars.
>Ever heard of biospheres?
Yeah they failed, and have no prospect of succeeding in the future. learn concepts from synergetics, and complexity.
>So i suppose the tens of thousands of years (hundreds of thousands if you want to go into prehistoric evidence)
I'm very aware of our evolutionary history. The Neolithic consorsponds to an on going and ever more troublesome mass extinction event, we are at the literal end of the line. Humans have survived in Africa longer than anywhere else. The problem with Africa is it is currently being raped for all its resources by forgein economic powers, mainly the USA and china. Before that there was colonialism. in this process most traditional socio-ecological systems are replaced by an international market and unsustainable command economy that inevitably collapses. Africans are having such a hard time because they have the land bought out from under them and are forced to work a wage to supply mineral resources for your car and cell phone, and feed the supply chain for your potato chips. You ignorant dickwad.

Give a man a fish and he has food for a day
Give him a fishing rod and he can feed his family
Let him sell his fish on the global market and he can send his kids to college

That's not how it works with Negroes.

When was the last time any white nation had 5% economic growth?

When you are rock bottom, the only way is up

Africa is the new China.

The entire continent of Africa has a GDP roughly equal to Australia, a country of 20 million people

> new China.
> colonies of European countries were called new World, new "countryname", new "cityname"
> Africa becomes Chinese colony
Yes, from this and only this perspective Africa is "new China".

the idea Africa can't industrialize is a complete meme but there are a gorillian factors affecting economic growth so technically that doesn't prove anything

most African countries' gdp per capita is about the same as Britain's in the 19th century however Britain was at a lower technological level and there was no giant economy on mars that could provide capital inflow the way China and others invest in Africa today

post per capita statistics if you actually want to be relevant

there is still real growth but only on the order of 2% per year

nothing to brag about really

because all of the money you retards send to africa goes to buying them fish rather than buying them fishing poles

the poorer parts of africa are such a fucking mess that just blindly donating to africa charity #312 will do fuck all

imo we should help overthrow african governments and appoint several specialists to renew them so they don't end up the same

>muh african culture
>muh heritage
you can eat dirt sandwiches as long as you like

If the can't provide jobs and food for their own citizens, then they should stop making children.

>Ever heard of biospheres?
>Yeah they failed, and have no prospect of succeeding in the future. learn concepts from synergetics, and complexity.

You dont know what you are talking about. Biosphere 2 had problems with CO2 absorption due to concrete walls. This was solved and made the atmosphere much more stable.

There is no deep reason at all why closed loop ecosystems wouldnt work, as long as energy is available from the outside. It is engineering more than a science really. We know it can be done.

>post per capita statistics if you actually want to be relevant

>but only on the order of 2% per year
Just like the USA

Add another two decades of 5+% annual growth

What fucking leftist brainwashing seminar did you attend? You havent refuted any of my points with any form of evidence, just feels and imaginary potatoes. I dont eat potato chips but all the potatoes i do eat come from idaho. Google searches dont even yield any evidence of your African potato conspiracy theory existing anywhere outside your own mind. Take your meds, your crazy is showing.

>Just like the USA

Yes, a developing country growing at similarly low rates as a highly developed countries. That is not very good.

>a developing country growing at similarly low rates as a highly developed countries
Look again.

>province of china
i kek every time i see all the ways in which china wants to avoid being seen as somehow weak because taiwan isn't a part of china
Not sci i know
pls no buly

>you haven't refuted any of my claims.
You didn't make any claims worth refuting. All you need to do is read and understand the Wikipedia page you linked to get why your biosphere will never worked. Do you not get that a maned mission to mars is an entirely different thing than sustaining extraterrestrial life?
>dont eat potato chips but all the potatoes i do eat come from idaho.
I'm talking about palm and canola oil you dink. Along with much more not mentioned, which isnt just exploited from Africa, look at everything called "the developing world". Have you even heard of the world bank or foreign direct investment? You are pathetically unaware of how the global economy works and what the externalities are.
I am mentally unstable, it's because I have to deal with ignorant assholes like you in the face of existential terror.