About time for one of these threads:

I'll just start you off with the template.


>Lincoln in the Bardo
>blanket of ghosts and talking to the spirit world and pride and interesting made up history
>scat in a sick-box


>alissa nutting
This is the silliest fucking name. Did no one sugget a nom de plume?


Reposting my OC.


damn, you got it wrong

How so? Those are all my reactions when I read the book.

well, you got the reactions that 20 yo girls get. It is a book about a well educated man who is pedophile and get obsessed with preteen girls.
I don't really understand how people can turn on with that book.

>that 20 yo girls get.
20 year old girls are more perverted and lesbian than I thought.

>I don't really understand how people can turn on with that book
I was on Veeky Forums since 2007. I read Lolita in 2011. Veeky Forums is a fucked up place, I gained fetishes that I didn't even know existed. I was also high test, so the slightest shit set my boner off.

You're just a low test normie, it's to be expected that you got nothing.

oh no, I have horrible fetishes too! Don't get me wrong.
But the book it is about obsession, it is like have an erection reading The Legend of the 10 Elemental Masters.

It's memorable and therefore good for her purposes.

The ones posted so far are not good.

I always assumed it was one


But it does have the expected, maybe you're just dumb??

he just read one story

Tell me you didn't get a boner when Lolita said: "I need to use the washroom, I think you tore something inside me".

Lit is filled with people who don't read.

Este cabron es un Mariachi Pynchon

She was meant to write this book since birth.

You got 3 icecreams in a Graham cracker sandwich?

Ese man en mi país no es nada.
What´s the ice cream thing about?


Same. It was quite a surprise because the only other work of Dostoyevski I've read before White nights was Crime and Punishment. I couldn't explain why, but I liked it, even if it reminds me of RL betas.

Fürst Pückler, no one cared who he was until he made the ice-cream.

It's a meme you dip

These threads used to be filled with people picking out conspicuous elements of great works and using them to ironically demean them


I felt like the book was written as some kind of introductory homework assignment for literary criticism. So many tiresome fucking books you read in college.


I guess the image was not ironic enough, so I didnt see it. But yeah these threads are still somewhat about that. Carry on.