Do you regret getting your Masters/Ph.d?

Do you regret getting your Masters/Ph.d?

Yes, I regret getting a physics Msc (only managed 3.5 gpa, am now left with useless degree)


math undergrad with masters in financial engineering

I regret going to Med school.


Whoring myself out just to earn 300K a year. More like 300K in debt.

Physics PhD reporting in: no regret!

Han on in there, user. Can you continue to a PhD? Nil Carborundum.

I dropped out of a master's program that would have left me $50k in debt I do not regret it.


i kind of want to get a PhD in econ. Would that be retarded?

dr's pay their student loans off at like 99% after a few years

>physics phd
>still posting on Veeky Forums
i wish i had the mental fortitude and the work ethic to be a phd
Don't worry, I've been in university for way too long - I know my heart isn't in it, before you offer words of encouragement, though i would have appreciated the sentiment regardless

Yes, because I burned out on the last leg of my PhD and walked away with a Masters

>financial engineering
What's this meme I've just heard of?

is this a joke lmao? finishing my phd was easier for me than the prior 8 years of fucking retardation in HS and undergrad. As well you think you just suddenly become a different person when you have a phd? If you like chan now and get one you are still going to like chan after the fact

CS Master left me with 13k euros in dept and now i'm doing a phd in computational Neuroscience. Earning 50k a Year

God bless germany

still in residency or past that?
i've heard 5-7 years after med school are basically utter hell

data science meme that became a thing a couple years
working as a quant or something similar is the closest we'll get to the 300k math meme

>50k a year with a masters in CS

fucking kek

i'm employed at the university and basically being paid that to study. so i think it bretty gud

where is that 300k meme from?

I did BS ChemE MS Materials. I wish I had done ChemE + CS of some sort.

No. I work on research that is directly relevant to my scientific interests and I have lots of freedom with respect to my work schedule. I'm pretty much just expected to produce results in a reasonable amount of time.

hey user
If med school would cause 30k of debt instead of 300k, wouldn't you say it's fucking amazing?

Math PhD and I would give everything if I could go back and do something else

What are you doing now?

>implying anyone would want to have dinner with a Keynesian economist

If you're an econ undergrad, you pretty much have to commit to a PhD.

What about a business studies undergrad?

Studying business is a mistake in and of itself.

I know but mistakes been made

>is this a joke lmao? finishing my phd was easier for me than the prior 8 years of fucking retardation in HS and undergrad
you didn't say you were a social sciences phd
pls go and stay go

Econ. undergrad here

Why do i have to commit to a PhD?

Because undergrad is overesaturated and Econ. is only useful at PhD level?

I kind of stumbled in here a few years ago, mainly in Veeky Forums and /g/. Lots of noise but also occasionally some good signal.

Doing a PhD was a slog and I was close to burned out at the end. I got better. So I try to encourage people taking the same route.

It takes its toll though, pay is low and most of my then fellow students are still unmarried.

Professors don't even need that much money. I think 90k is already a lot desu.

No I left school young and worked hard.

In my mid 30s and make around 200k a year with good benefits.

Zero debt too

Where exactly

I'm at the middle of mine and some days are better than others. I went into it think I'd meet lots of cool people who share my interests but 95% of my peers are old/married, foreign (wouldn't matter but they seem to stick to their own groups), or painfully uninteresting/awkward (ex at dinner some girl explained the menu word for word for some fast food restaurant our state doesn't even have). It can be lonely. Science-wise I'm mostly happy but can feel myself getting burnt out.

You know what they say "pay peanuts, get monkeys." If life as a scientist does not pay (and even today you need a lot of idealism to stay) we will see new development coming to a halt. That means no new medicine, less cool stuff and entering stasis.

People who go into science don't do it for the money. It's never been profitable.

I know, I was there. Trouble is, even with all the idealism the money was just not enough to pay down my student loans. And I didn't spend any money on partying, alcohol, tobacco or girls. Most of my colleagues from that time are still unmarried. Who can get married on 2 - 3 year contracts at salary levels like this?

after u graduate med school you must do a MIN 1 year of residency (for senpai doctor) and you only get paid around ~40k a year.

next is 3 years minimum for a dumb speciality like derm

4 years for surgery residency

at this point you are in ur 30s rofl

That's still pretty fucking great though

Brainlet work drone

congrats, what do you do?

what is with this keynesian hatred of meatballs?