You will never major in technoccultic studies under the supervision of Dr. Nick Land at Miskatonic University

>you will never major in technoccultic studies under the supervision of Dr. Nick Land at Miskatonic University

life can be cruel bros. what should i read to emulate a potential syllabus taught in a class or university like this?

Other urls found in this thread:

Probably Ballard, PKD, Jung, Robert Anton Wilson; books to give you an idea of the nebulous nature of reality, perception, and the subconscious, and give you an inkling of how constructs like drugs, media, government, and religion can shape your own subjective perceptions. Perception IS reality, and is fluid, and each plane of reality has its own logic. Moreover, perception and identity can be inflicted on a person by a strong force.

Throw in some gnostic ideas, like dualism, and the imperfect/illusory nature of the material world - the Nag Hammadi texts, specifically the one commonly perceived to be Valentinian. You want to get the idea that the established Christian churches of today are constructs of man, and that grace can be reached by interior and intuitive means (knowledge of the divine spark within.)

>You will never be driven mad by indescribable eldritch horrors

great recommendations, thanks

hold me bro

good post

Dead Souls by Nikolai Gogol
Les Fleurs du mal
William Blake
Quincey's Suspiria de Profundis, specifically "Levana and Our Ladies of Sorrow"
Evola, Guénon & Eliade
Zelazny, Chesterton, Hesse, etc

another good post, thanks bro

>you will never major in technoccultic studies

Been there done that for a good decade of intensive self-education. Now basically what paranoiacs would think of as "Illuminati".

Me too. But I'm the head of the order.

Well you'd have to be inner temple of the inner temple breh because I'M the head of the order.

Are you shitting me here, bro? When I meditate, followers flock to me to carry out my bidding. They don't even know it. They think I'm buying an apple, or telling the time, but really I'm communicating secret messages for them to spread using combinations of words and silences that tap into structures in their subconscious psyche directy. You're probably under the influence of one of these instructions now without even realising. I am the head, the heart, and the blood of the order. At best you're one of my fingers.

I'm not a regular Veeky Forums browser, but I feel like there's been a marked increase in Landposting in the last few weeks. Is everyone reading him because of the Bannon story or what?

His popularity has certainly grown around here since Bannon.

While Land is great, I'm excited to see what the result of the rumor that Bannon is in contact with Curtis Yarvin will bring here. Maybe Moldbug threads.

We've been Landposting for probably a few years now

YO MAn /x/ is on that shut shit.

Hm... except I made you type that.

Check aaaaand Mate!

Because I let you, because I needed you to think you were in control. We're playing 5D chess here, bud.

there were Boldmug and NRx threads immediatly after those articles about Bannon came out.

Hadnt seen NRx threads in Veeky Forums in a long time before this. Only references to Land


>dead souls
Isnt that just about a guy making money?

What did you just say to me?


Why not found your own university and teach others about technoccultism?