Does having a part-time job while at university make you a brainlet?

Does having a part-time job while at university make you a brainlet?

yes because you were not bright enough to compel your uni to help you financially.

My part time job is teaching first years Multivariate calc and linear algebra. I would've probably done it even if i didn't get paid, it helps me reinforce my knowledge on the topic.

No fucking way i'd get a McJob though, i'd rather just live on water and instant ramen.

I'd rather spent time on my own research/project or studying topics I don't have solid understanding or that aren't covered in curriculum.

Not knowing if you are a brainlet or not makes you a brainlet.

Not being an unknowing brainlet, but knowing brainlet-beings makes them unlettered and you a brainlet to them

yes. if you can't get a position as a TA or tutor, then you are a confirmed brainlet and shouldn't even bother going to university

This. Non TAs in universities are walking, breathing memes

Yes. At Cambridge you're not even allowed to have a job because it's reserved for brainlets.

Yes. Fucked with my studies having a part time job, working evenings. Protip: get a job which pays well and don't do it every day.

going to university makes you a brainlet

Stop saying brainlet you fucking simple-minded sheep. It is really annoying to see people using that uncommunicative word.

If your university isn't making an on-paper net loss on you, you're a brainlet


TA's get paid shit at my university. I get paid more and I flip burgers for $10/hr


You seem like a brainlet, I think the word communicates the intelligence of the subject quite effectively.

No, it's because of the insane workload. If you could handle a job on top of that, you'd be the opposite of a brainlet


brainlet detected

>Does having a part-time job while at university make you a brainlet?
Make you a poor Fag. Not necessarily Brainlet.
At least you have a job. While some Retarded Humanities majors don't even get a job in Mac Donalds because they aren't qualified enough.

With a low GPA in any major It's hard to get a job even in MacDonalds or StarBucks nowadays.

get a load of this b r a i n l e t