Solar Eclipse

Hey guys so if I watch the eclipse through my car windows which has the darkest tint available in California while also wearing a welding mask or multiple sunglasses will I die?

Asking for a friend :)

Your car tint will do nothing, neither will your glasses, even if you had 50. "Only goggles made for electric arc welding can be used to observe the sun, and they must have a shade scale number of 12 or higher. Shade 13 is ideal for solar viewing"

Just buy the glasses fool, they're under 10$

uh where are you supposed to buy them? They have been sold out of them everywhere for the past week.

I don't know why the fuck more weren't produced. They're made of fucking cardboard and have mylar+black polymer filters that you look through. Cheap as hell to manufacture

Poke a hole in a shoebox, piece of cardboard, stiff piece of paper, or otherwise and cast the shadow of the eclipse on the ground. You won't miss a thing.

The eclipse will be around noon o'clock so better try sunroof instead

Just make a pinhole viewer they're so easy to make and it's cool how they work

I will look at it in my backyard no need for glasses or other bullshit they try to sell you. Dont listen to them, op.

I'll just stand relaxed, arms crossed, wait for the eclipse and enjoy.

I'll just make one out of binoculars and some cardboard

>falling for the "you need special $10 glasses" meme

Same I haven't been able to get any all day and I missed the damn thing. I wish there was more warning on this, I found out about it about three hours ago.

i literally made a pinhole in thirty seconds with a sheet of aluminum foil. i can see the carved out sun just fine on the ground.

>$10 per eclipse viewer once per century will make (((me))) a billionaire

i thought they were a scam
i tried slightly to look at the eclipse
would i know already if i had eye damage?

I did this and it worked perfectly. I just mounted the binocs on a tripod with a cardboard shield surrounding the one lens that I was using. I could blow up the projected image to the size of a baseball while still keeping it nice and sharp by moving the paper screen further away and adjusting the focusing knob on the binoculars.

>I found out about it about three hours ago.
You live in mainland America w/ an internet connection and you only heard about the eclipse 3 hours before? How is it even possible to be that out of the loop?

People across the country have been going fucking crazy about it for at least the past week. A few people I know planned vacations to go see it as far back as last year. Every news / media outlet has been buzzing about it constantly. It's been "eclipse eclipse eclipse!" everywhere you look

I did that. Kind of wonder how that will affect my eye down the road.

no, it takes 12 hours for eye damage to appear. you'll know tomorrow morning.

I feel fucking retarded but
It was cloudy here with a few breaks, I was looking up to try and see where the sun was, and i think i looked at the eclipse for a little bit. I saw a break in the clouds and took pictures for maybe 10-15 seconds, 20 seconds at most including time where i was looking for the sun. My vision feels a tiny bit blurry and light sensitive and i am scared shitless. Obviously people have stared at the sun for longer and recovered, and the clouds might have helped but I'm terrified and I know I am an idiot

Just watch it through your phone they said.
It won't burn your camera they said.

>this is your retina OP

If it was that easy to go blind by looking at the sun we would all be blind. Have you never played baseball or anything? Flown a kite? Jesus fuck look up once in a while

I've been busy at university. No one mentioned anything, none of my friends said anything about it either. I guess people in Kansas just don't care about it or something, had I known I would have prepared since astronomy is a huge hobby of mine.

that's even crazier, considering that Kansas is right next to / partially inside the line of totality

I booked my hotel room in Missouri last November. And I live in the UK.

Who said it wouldn't damage your phone? Random idiots posting comments on the internet? Too much light can cause permanent damage to any camera's sensor, particularly if it has some kind of zoom lens. That's why photographers put dark filters on their cameras for this kind of thing. If you just put a pair of sunglasses in front of the camera lens it probably would have been enough to protect it from the damage seen in your pic.

BTW how long did you point the camera at it? I turned down the exposure on mine and pointed it at it for a split second just to test and it just looked like the normal old sun on the preview screen, with the glow from the exposed crescent completely blooming over the eclipsed portion.

During 100% totality you can look at it with your naked eyes, but any other time it is still blinding