/antisci/ - Anti Science General

A thread that's all about discussing science that the scientific community doesn't accept.

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stealth /pol/ thread detected

in b4 endless shitposting about race and IQ

Unless people also start talking about other things like GMOs and vaccines.


Finally, a thread for me.

Lets all talk about how climate change is real and race does not determine IQ.

>Knives don't cut underwater

Nothing, duh.

>Earth is flat
>Earth is hollow
At last I truly see.

p/sci/onic thread?

We're never getting out of the solar system. And we're never hitting 1 on the Kardashev scale.

Race and IQ is science tho, so this thread would be against that

Race isn't science beyond the social impact being a certain "race" has.

IQ tests are heavily flawed as they are heavily standardized to certain populations.

>Plateaus are tree stumps
Why would you doubt this?

>heavily standardized to certain populations
You've found the right thread!

Is the sodium fluoride bad for us? Are we being poisoned by the dentifrice?

>IQ tests are heavily flawed

Well.. no. But the point there is that relative differences, no matter how exactly you measure them in detail, are still consistent and bound to biology. It's a solid substantiated concept, denying it is like denying climate change.
You can do it, but noone will take it as anything but trying to push an agenda against established facts.

>still consistent and bound to biology
Really? What biology would that be? What part of your brain are the IQ points stored in? What genes are your IQs encoded on?


I see you completely failed to even try to informed yourself well before speaking on a topic.
Not that it's new information that intelligence is hereditary, but here you go.

old mem

theres a whole board dedicated to this
its >>>x

sneaking in that fedora post with the provable facts I see. Very crafty

you made this thread just for this and it's very apparent