Just work hard brah

>just work hard brah

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what, you think raw talent is enough for people to grasp shit in science or math? don't kid yourself. no amount of talent is going to magically make someone redefine the laws of nature. it's years of understanding and comprehension and interpretation of all the existing laws, with the most softest of transgressions being applied to them through advancements in theories that are consistent enough to present a more detailed framework. even Witten said that time and space are likely an approximation to some other parameter we can't see unless we can properly model the earliest moments of the big bang. that's from someone who studied endlessly the inner workings of the classical model, and string model together. that's not just talent talking. none of this is. if talent was enough then all the progenitors of quantum mechanics would have discovered everything but they haven't.

science is amazing because all it takes is consistency in your understanding of what something means, by applying and practicing yourself, and you can advance further, and if you catch a snag, you refine your understanding. all of knowledge is a refinement process. savants might get to point B faster, but then C and D and so on will require hard work.

Obviously a good work ethic is necessary, but IQ can basically make or break your dreams (depending on what those are)

Hard work is a buzzword and a meme thrown around by successful people who are too selfish to accept free will is a joke and their success is mostly owned to a combination of genetics & favorable environmental conditions. If I was born into a family who could afford paying the most expensive college and had an IQ of 250 I'd show the world all my "hard work".

>savants might get to point B faster, but then C and D and so on will require hard work
>success is just a function of time but you're guaranteed to reach it!

is that what you tell yourself so that you don't bother trying to make more money or form a correspondence with those expensive college professors?

Nope. I make plenty of money investing the welfare paychecks I get into good stocks and don't need to go to an expensive college full of babysitting teachers because I can just go to a library and study by myself. Looks like your ad hominem attempts to invalidate my points have back lashed. Oops.

genetics is a buzzword thrown around by people trying to justify their own lack of success

the fact you think any of this is a counterexample to pursuing your dreams is just sad. why even argue in this thread if your goal is to narrow a financial gap? even that still requires hard work. i don't get what part of that makes you comfortable but be my guest.

I agree with op and I gotta say it's important to enjoy the process, enjoy the subject you are learning


>I make plenty of money investing the welfare paychecks I get into good stocks and don't need to go to an expensive college full of babysitting teachers because I can just go to a library and study by myself
so this is what poor and stupid people believe to make themselves feel better...

Ah yes yes the so called 'middle class'. Must be tough accepting what you call being successful is synonym with being a slave to upper classes, so you channel all this frustration into anger and denial. I feel bad for you kind of people. So narrow minded. Eek.

>he's not a genius
sucks to suck you should just get out of the way

>he must be middle class since he's so optimistic

who hurt you?

How many millions in assets do you have?
When my parents die I will inherent probably at least 5.

poor people like u should be genocided t b h

5 whole assets? damn son don't spend it all at one pawnshop.

that is so cool :)

If it's (actually considerably) more than your parents are going to be leaving you are you going to feel jealous of me?

Lel, You fell for the philosophical Jew and is a glorified nigger. The universe might be deterministic but self discipline and rewriting your own programming is the highest form of freedom one can attain. I'm sorry that you chose to die like a nigger because the roll of the dice didn't fall in your favor , but it's not too late to liberate yourself from yourself, your habits , and your thought loops. If the money is of no interest or concern of you I invite you to make the leap into scientific research for both your enjoyment and betterment of mankind, go to college, fuck paying the debt, go to another country or something. As a neet you are just as much a part of the individualistic self serving hedonistic cultural zietgiest as the upper and middle classes of society. Besides, society could use more individuals who won't be corrupted by the money. Stop being a nigger, you don't need to be a corporate slave, your false dichotomy is retarded. Dont fool yourself into thinking you are dying with pride. Niggers act the way they do because they feel like their lack of percieved options


Phone posting sucks

Terrified of the thought of genetic determinism my friend?

why would he be afraid of something that doesn't exist due to the advent of CRISPR?

CRISPR still doesn't exist and saying something no longer exists because something else came to exist necessarily implies that the first something existed for a good load of time until the second something came to be (in this case that would be CRISPR and it still doesn't exist)

It's not even only IQ and hard work, Einstein wasn't alone. He collaborated with many smart guys who are totally unknown today, which is a shame. nature.com/news/history-einstein-was-no-lone-genius-1.18793

>the philosophical Jew

Hey there pol. Have you admitted the Holocaust and Rape of Nanking both happened?

Especially conditioning (children have much more potential to learn mathematics, it is just not exploited in goys because jewish rats want to keep the population under control)

Once you're old enough to be aware of the thinly-veiled slavery going on, it is too late. Childhood just cannot be simulated.

I might be a loser, but I will never be a slave of the jews. I will die arms in hand for my country and my culture.

Kinda true, genetics is the gold medal winner, environment is the silver, hard work is the copper. The hardest working people are 3rd worlders living in poverty working 12 hours a day, they will never be rich despite all their hard work.