
my grandfather randomly gave me this when I left his house today, I know little math and have no clue what it means. He said it was a "message" for me, please help Veeky Forums

He's literally telling you to stop being a normie brainlet.

lmao wouldnt be surprised, what does it literally say though?

Be greater than harmonic series

It's not harmonic series. Look it more closely. It's "1".

so... be greater than everyone? thats strangely wholesome... thanks grandpa!

maybe it is, be greater than the average / be better than the norm

Fuck your grandpa. A nigger gotta eat too!

No you fucking brainlet, it is divergent.

[math]\sum_{i=1}^n \frac{1}{n} = \underbrace{\frac{1}{n} + \ldots + \frac{1}{n}}_{n} = 1[/math]

You should go look up what divergent means, kiddo.

Be greater than two

Be greater than 1? I remember this troll image but I still haven't heard a good explanation.

You're literally retarded

OP clearly knows someone named Juan and the message is be greater than Juan.

This is all wrong.
This is clearly correct. If we interpret the picture literally, the empty sum is zero, so we get "be greater than zero". But if you assume that you're supposed to sum over something, what's written on the right is the average, so you get "be greater than average".

"Be greater than average" is what he's trying to tell you. Obviously the inequality is incomplete because he forgot to add ai beside the sigma (where i is the subscript).

Give your granddad a hug

B, greater than, n-e-1

your grandfather is a dumbass


If you haven't even started uni yet you shouldn't be posting here

"Be is greater than the mean" can be interpreted as many ways though. You can go from "You're better than the average" to "Stop being mediocre" depending on the context and the degree of savageness of your grandpa :)

Are you guys trying to troll me? I have BSc in math.

B > 0. So don't become looser.


are you actually retarded

this, what the fuck are

1/n * (sum i=1 to n of nothing) =
1/n * 0 =
so B > 0
hes telling you you have body odour

Hello Identity.

You are valueless evaluation.

Identity > Evaluation.


Someone give this guy a fields medal

Also show right side of paper OP

>only a BSc
You're opinion means jackshit, sweetie.

Be greater than the norm/ greater than the average

This. Note that [math]n[/math] is fixed.

That would be correct... If it was actually in the post.


exactly all of this.

Better than average?
Greater than average?
Yeah you get it

It's "be above average".