Hear me out

a negative number times a negative number should be a negative number

we've gotten this wrong and now it's fucked up the rest of math.

first, think about what something being negative means. it means that it's in a different direction, in the case of traditional negative numbers, the exact opposite direction as the traditional number line.

how do we describe things going in different directions? vectors. what happens when you multiply two vectors going in the same direction? they become a vector that's even stronger in the current direction, they don't change to the opposite one, because that doesn't make any goddamned sense.

this also gets rid of the problem of negative numbers not having square roots.

holy moley


Consider the ground, BROKEN

If two vectors are negative they're both positive. Just flip the axis.

>what happens when you multiply two vectors going in the same direction? they become a vector that's even stronger in the current direction
No. The result is zero. Get your facts right kiddo.

scalars aren't vectors tho my dude

>first, think about what something being negative means. it means that it's in a different direction, in the case of traditional negative numbers, the exact opposite direction as the traditional number line.
So if you have two negatives, you've reversed twice, so the net is you haven't changed direction.
>how do we describe things going in different directions? vectors. what happens when you multiply two vectors going in the same direction? they become a vector that's even stronger in the current direction, they don't change to the opposite one, because that doesn't make any goddamned sense.
This is wrong. The vector product ends up being perpendicular to both vectors you started with.
>this also gets rid of the problem of negative numbers not having square roots.
So what's the square root of -1 in your theory?

>what happens when you multiply two vectors going in the same direction? they become a vector that's even stronger in the current direction
you got it wrong, that's addition you're describing. multiplication corresponds to scaling AND reflection through the origin, when the coefficient is negative. what happens when you flip through the origin twice ? that's right motherfucker, you come back where you started. that's why negative*negative = positive.
>this also gets rid of the problem of negative numbers not having square roots.
there's no problem with that

>So if you have two negatives, you've reversed twice, so the net is you haven't changed direction.
Sounds quite logical.... spinors are such bitches

(-1)×(-1) = (-1)×(-1)+(1-1)
= [(-1)×(-1)-1]+1
= (-1)×[1-1]+1
= (-1)×[0]+1
(-1)×(-1) = 1
There ya go bud, consequence of the axioms of R.

I have two (positive) accounts that are in deby by 2 monies (-2).
I can write this as 2 x (-2).
How much money do I have?

I get rid of those two accounts now. The change can be written mathematically as:
How has my balance changed?

this is how my teacher explained this concept to us in the first year of high school;

if you face forward, that'll represent a positive number.
if you face backwards, that'll represent a negative number.

Now if you we walk forward that'll represent multiplying it by a positive number.
and if we walk backwards that'll represent multiplying by a negative number.

Well, which direction do you go if you face backwards and walk backwards?, that's right, the same direction as multiplying a positive number by a positive number.

It's probably a trolling but I would like to explain why -5 x -5 is positive, not negative.
So, you are somewhere at minus scale - going left from 0. Someone says "keep going few times more". You'll be going to the left side and you'll end at let's say -25 (5 times). It's cool and easy. But now think "do the same but opposite". So you will start going to the right side. That's why minus times minus means positive. You're repeating but in opposite way.

I'll wait.

I'm still waiting. It seems like Veeky Forums has been cucked again.

>first, think about what something being negative means. it means that it's in a different direction, in the case of traditional negative numbers, the exact opposite direction as the traditional number line.
what you are imagining is




Then what should be (-x)*(-x)?

Just want to say that's an awesome pic OP

7 + (-42) = -35 spaces in total
Wow, how are you fitting 42 empty spaces and 7 filled spaces into 35 'empty' spaces? What kind of witchcraft is this?

So like a robot pinball machine is playing a pinball machine, isn't this basically pinball machine foreplay?

>a negative number times a negative number should be a negative number
no. a - a = 0 -> -a - (-a) = 0
-> a = -(-a)

-1 is a rotation of pi
-1 composed with -1 is 2 rotations of pi, or one rotation of 2pi which is in the same equivalence class as the identity, 1

Must be an American high school, regular people learn this in grade 5

Telling a retard who can't figure out (-1)*(-1) about Euler s identity, kek.


> negative vectors multiply to give a negative vector
You have to be 18+ to use this website.

> thinks complex numbers are a "problem"