That guy


Tell us about your pet peeves, shit that rustles your jimmies, that students do in your class.

>instruct gen chem at my state uni
>>students ask me to slow down my PowerPoint so they can write every word down (I have the .ppt file on blackboard)
>>that guy who emails me nonstop about concepts not related to topics at hand
>>that guy that comes to office hours every week, makes an effort, we can work together... then drops the course.... quits, gives up, despite having the right drive/mindset (10-15 of these types every semester)
>>to a lesser extent, that guy/girl who doesn't attend class, submits shit work, then wants to contest their 68% D grade a week before we submit final grades. I do feel bad that they wasted $3,600 for my course to not attend and fail tests

>people in a lecture being ultra specific on everything going so far as to interrupt the prof to add a trivial level of precision

that shit makes me fucking rage and i have sperged on people more than once for doing that shit

Like what?

Professor/TA wise
>cant speak a lick of english
>doesn't post slides that would balance out there horrible language skills
Student wise
>Starts adding in topics they got off of reddit into a "conversation" with the professor in the middle of class.

You know who you are anton


fuck me

>reddit shit
Someone in one of my Aero classes unironically brought up the meme drive and how it would unlock ftl travel. I cringed so hard my vision blurred

>in a senior math modeling class
>the autist of all autists is in this class, call him B
>B constantly brings up inane bullshit, talks about politics (this was last fall, during the election cycle)
>constantly pipes up, interrupting the prof or other people
>everyone in the class hates him
>prof for this class is one of the coolest guys in our department
>even the prof is sick of B's shit
>one day B pipes up
"Prof, this might be a stupid question-"
>professor interrupts
"I've been teaching a long time. If there's one thing I've learned, its that there are no stupid questions.

only stupid students"
>whole class starts snickering
>B doesn't say a word for the rest of the hour

i've got about 100 more stories with this same aggressively autistic son of a bitch and none of them are pleasant.

>be in high school
>do like 20 math problems where I skip a few obvious steps in my working like so [math]x^2+3=12,\ x=3[/math]
>teacher accuses me of not showing my working and gives me 0/20
>have been anal retentive about it ever since
Is there some standardized method of showing my working? I am wasting too much time showing every single step yet there might be another teacher like this out there.

Maybe there is some way to indicate what I am doing to both sides of the equation without having to write it in in little letters twice on each side, like maybe...

[math]x^2+3=12|\sqrt{eq-3},\ x=3[/math]

should have talked to him outside of class about when it is appropriate to interrupt

It's too late.



[math]x=\pm 3[/math]

>the ultra-tryhard chick in the front row of every class who constantly tries to make small talk with the prof
>writes a small book worth of ultra-detailed notes in 20 different colours and still gets an 80


We must go deeper.

Not specified enough. It looks like you pulled that plus-minus out of your ass. You should first point out that you are working in the field of real numbers, where the square root has two branches. Then you should solve the equation twice, once using each branch of the square root. Then you will get the two solutions 3 and -3 and then you should specify that you can condense the two solutions into one with the use of the plus-minus sign.

If you do not do this then you clearly copied.


This. I have an assignment for algebra this week on classifying loops of order 3. Someone asked the professor if he wanted us to do it up to isomorphism. Our professor obviously doesn't want us to write down an infinite number of loops.

This brings another good point. Before you started solving the equation, how did you know a solution even existed? DID YOU COPY?

You should first use the intermediate value theorem to prove that two solutions exist and then look for them. If not then it looks like you just magically assumed a solution existed (or maybe you looked to the side and COPIED to see that solutions existed).

just the other day i was sitting in an undergrad class on general relativity as a ta and the prof was
using a flat earth approximation to show gravitational forces and he prefaced the explanation saying its an approximation. Immediately after he is done that part of the lecture someone stops him to say "yeah but that wouldnt work outside of this approximation exactly" and i just wanted to murder this fucking brainlet.

I do this all the time, but I feel it is important to be rigorous. Last time I did it I pointed out to the professor that he should be more specific in a certain step and then he said "I knew you were going to say that". I think that means he likes me.

Another time the professor made us prove a theorem but did not specify exactly all the constraints we were working on, so I constructed a counter example saying that next time he should specify what kind of ring we are working on instead of just assuming we will assume the kind of ring he means.

I mean, I am studying pure mathematics. If I do not learn to be autistic early then I may never do it. I consider it a vital part of my education to point all of the professor's mistakes out.

What an annoying cunt.
You should keep your mouth shut and figure out things yourself.

Teachers are just cunts

Too much effort/10
You've gone from trolling to being annoying.

Holy shit you sound like a cunt

Oh god, it's you, the absolute autist that sits in front of the class that cannot shut his mouth for five minutes

Can you at least reserve your autistic outbursts for office hours?

I get where you're coming from, do what you think you need to do dude

>TA'ing CS course
>"I'm filing a complaint because your assignment assumes we can do math"
gee wiz I guess you thought the fucking prereqs were just there for shits and giggles but best of luck with that

>>>to a lesser extent, that guy/girl who doesn't attend class, submits shit work, then wants to contest their 68% D grade a week before we submit final grades
Yup had one of those this term. Literally contesting a single point on the first of 5 assignments, while their overall grade was 3% short of passing. TA for that assignment says fuck it, here's the point, you're still failing. Student proceeds to keep sending them multiple emails asking if they're sure they included the one fucking point.

>that fidgety autist that changes his seat several times during lecture

I had never had anything about students annoy me until the linear algebra course I taught this summer.

>Student enthusiastically nods at everything you say as if he understands you, indicating you're setting a good pace and are being clear
>He turns out to be a C- student who flunks exams and doesn't understand shit

>Teach 3rd year undergrad course

>Now we see an application of X in real life...
>10 mins later
>But when will we use this in the real world

>Can you give up your free time to teach me X even though I complained to my professor X is too hard for our level?

Trying hard to get good grades is good for you. Don't be a fucking prick about it.

Man, you got a lot of blowback for that for some reason. Those all sound like legitimate complaints. I majored in pure math and I cannot tell you how often I got confused because the professor was vague about something and just assumed we knew what specific thing he was going on about. There is a certain level of rigorousness that ought to be adhered to so that what the professor is teaching is clear, but some people certainly go beyond that or bring up obviously unrelated things. Those people are irritating. On the other hand, if you feel confused by something he said, then somebody else is probably confused and is worried about bringing it up in case they end up sounding stupid, so it's best for everyone (in terms of learning, not your grade) to ask.

Another thing is, lots of professors like the students that notice when they erred or were vague. It makes them feeling like somebody actually understands what they're talking about and is interested. But go too far and they think you're an idiot. It's a fine line. Then other professors don't even want to be teaching and would rather everyone shut the fuck up and let him do his thing and leave.

>The professor that sucks at lecturing, has a heavy accent and terrible handwriting, but he WON'T post any online resources or email about when we have tests or homeworks due because he thinks we ought to attend his trash lecture if we deserve to pass.
Holy shit fuck this guy. I can learn the entire lecture's material in a half hour instead of wasting the time commuting and then trying to make sense of his dribble for an hour. Just give me the damn homework problems and test dates and I'll be fine.

>doing gen chem lab back in freshman year
>TA couldn't pronounce an r to save his life
>never gave half of our lab reports back

Go fuck yourself Min

>select all squares with vehicles


Asking questions related to content they did in previous units. "How do i use x software to do y", "but in we did it this way".

how about
I guess

it only is retarded if you interrupt the prof mid lecture on a fucking stupid point, if you wait for a lul or after the class have at it. open office hours exists for a reason

You missed a couple of steps bucko
[math]x^2 + (3 - 3) = 12 - 3[/math]
[math]x^2 + 0 = 9[/math]