I am 33. Stage 2 brain cancer. High IQ 132

>I am 33. Stage 2 brain cancer. High IQ 132.
>Badass underground fighter.
Trained in several styles of martial arts.
Able to sense evil.
>Including sword training. Bo staff. Bow. Projectiles.
>Can operate any vehicle. Air land and sea
>C'mon \X\philes. Lets turn me into Deadpool.
>We all know the science is real. I just need the scientist.

Other urls found in this thread:


I hope you mean the recent movie Deadpool and not the regular comic portrayal.

But no, sorry, the science isn't real. You'd have to somehow imprint your DNA on cancer and then have that cancer replace every cell in your body. There's no way to do that. Cancer isn't even one disease. We can't even do this with nanobots yet. Worse, your cancer may be associated with your genetics, which would make it impossible to turn you into Deadpool anyway.

Check out Quantum Immortality, maybe there is chance for you still. But in my universe you're a toast. Sorry.

Why don't you try going outside. Feed your Brian instead of your retarded ego..

BNCT to rid your brain of its cancer
.45 ACP to rid the world of your cancer

Isn't stage 2 benign? Stage 3-4 is where the trouble comes.

Stage determines the level of diffusion. It's already cancer because it took on multiple organs. At the moment maybe only one or two with only a few metastasis, but it can keep growing

Go to a proton therapy clinic.
Ask them to pray the cancer away.

Lol no


>brain cancer
>high IQ
yeah right

>Little did he know, his brain cancer was the cause of his aptitude all along

It is your own fault you got cancer, if you are able to sense evil then you should be able to sense it within you. If you are still alive, you can still fix it.

>Bo staff
So staff staff?

I'm stupid and able to sense stupid, you're stupid

Stupid fuck. lol

If it's that good, why am I a loser if I have a 135-140 score on IQ, checked by private companies?

This is all because you went into higher education
>Highly educated men (≥3years university education) had increased risk of glioma
Are you rich too?
>High income was associated with higher incidence of glioma in men

You realize an IQ of 132 isn't high, right? Maybe in your home town in buttfuck nowhere, or in your undergrad psychology class, but not among worthwhile company (or in Veeky Forums, for that matter).

It's only "high" relative to the working class plebs with whom you associate. A "high" IQ in Veeky Forums is 150+; there was a thread a couple of weeks ago in which we collected IQs and found the average here was 138.

What's even funnier is that you probably don't have an IQ of 132. You probably took an online test and think you're a genius. Ignorance is bliss, kid. :)

Please let this be pasta

It's very easy to sense stupid people and OP's post reeks of stupidity.

Op your iq could be 250. Your post is still dumb as fuck and you need to be hit in the head with a rock

It is now.

Did you get headaches OP? I live in constant fear that I have cancer and my newest worry is a brain tumour

>new-age manifestation mumbo jumbo you hear from psychopathic grifters
I'll show you expansion

We do this all the time
>chai tea
Literally tea tea