Let's say that in the future machines become so advanced that human labor isn't needed anymore...

Let's say that in the future machines become so advanced that human labor isn't needed anymore. Instead humans will just simply manage and program their own personal machines and perform research that is too advanced for AI. The machines will just take the place of their owner as an employee and get paid as such.

People will finally get more free time and civilization will advance rapidly. Why isn't this our top priority?

>tfw OP has literally just described the desired endpoint for a communist society.


Could turn into a Brave New World though.

How is this a bad thing though? I'm not even pro communism.

More like 99% of the population is going to stay home, eat Doritos, take drugs and behave like baboon people being an even greater burden on us phenotypically endowed individuals than ever before.

That'll be the day we all die.

Its not lol, but people hate the word communism. It is though; the natural endpoint for communism. The idealpoint where no one has to work as wage slaves and everyone will be able to devote their time to fine art and hedonism.

I think the difference between communism and what OP is saying, is that the person doing the work in this situation is emotionless systems. So it might be unfair to them if AI could understand that, but we still get to keep what we earn so to speak since its our free time.

Its the communist dream though; to be unbound from the chains of working life in a fair and equal society. A mechanised/digitised workforce.


so its still a capitalist society?

That might work, considering everyone has smartphones now. But instead of you owning a specific robot it might work better if some company or the government owned all the work robots and you paid for someone else to manage and program the robots (maybe with your taxes). Then you would have an easy job in something that the robots don't do. This seems like it would pussify the population but maybe not. Maybe we'd have more free time/resources to be fit and learn stuff.

That's literally the ancap endpoint where everyone is a nation unto themselves.

Because idiots like you would rather shitpost on Veeky Forums and niggers in africa would rather spread aids

Ha, i don't think that policy would get through in america where the government isn't trusted with their robots.


its also the communist endpoint just without the money etc and with no nations

desu ppl are too much of bastards for communism to work.

The machine would be more or less like a slave. You'd make it do all the stuff you didn't want to do or stiff that is potentially harmful. You could have one machine or thousands depending on what you could manage. Think of it like your own enterprise. Let's say you specialize in landscaping. You would program all of your machines to do this related task.

How will people earn income to pay taxes though? The assumption here is that all the menial day to day stuff has been automated. People will still need some form of competition to stay sharp. I'm guessing art or research will be the only forms left outside of machine competition. If people can't compete or don't want to they can simply enjoy the fruits of automation.

I think that would be disastrous -- not everyone has the skills/IQ to be an artist or a scientist, we would need to increase the average IQ of humanity before total automation.Else we would be like a worldwide welfare-trapped African-american community.

Its a simple solution, if a person cannot find a way to add value and collect a wage they are offered wefare in exchange for their sterilization.

A couple generations after it'll be nobody but elites commanding armies of robot workers and we wil have a sustainable population.

There are also other jobs that it wouldn't make sense to have a robot do. Like maybe something in recreation or personal care (like for the elderly). Then we're going to need people to operate and maintain the robots, not to mention design new ones.

Regression to the mean. No amount of education and parenting can guarantee that your children won't be useless to this society ... eugenics is very dangerous, I would rather take the humanitarian challenge and try to improve everyone.

That sounds a little extreme. It'll still have the same dynamics as modern society. successful people will breed and those who can't keep up won't. It should take care of itself. It's like Asian culture. Most people are fairly intelligent due to intellectual competition. Granted, if any country decided to invade they'd be pretty fucked as they put all of their eggs in this basket.

>successful people will breed and those who can't keep up won't.

this is not true.