He ripped down the flyer I had just put up and studied it with narrow eyes. "But, what the hell is a manga club...

He ripped down the flyer I had just put up and studied it with narrow eyes. "But, what the hell is a manga club?" he asked, pronouncing it "mahn-jah." "Does that mean 'vampire' in Swahili or something?"
"Funny no. It doesn't. But I wouldn't expect your pea brain to know any Japanese, so don't feel too bad." I was impressing myself with my witty comebacks. Who knew I had it in me? "ooh, you're so smart, Freak Girl. I wish I could be a nerd like you and start a mahn-jah club at school"
"It's manga." I corrected "Hard-G"
"I thought we would start with a little full metal alchemist" she said, reaching into a cardboard box and setting a stack of manga on the table "and if there is a little time, we could watch some anime, I brought in some Dot Hack Slash Slash Sign, have you heard of it? It's based on a video game sort of like Fields of Fantasy"
"Nice" I said impressed by her selections, and here I was worried she would whip out a Pokemon or Sailor Moon in a lame misguided addled effort to be cool.

There are only two ways I can conceive you are aware of this work.

1. You are an irredeemable pleb that the book targets, and you are legitimately upset after reading it.
2. You seek stuff out like this to trigger yourself, and trigger others, a typical clickbait junkie.

As always, not all books are Veeky Forums

Why would you mispronounce it with a soft "g"? Wouldn't it be more likely to mispronounce the first "a" like the "a" in "sang"?

this hurt to read

Time to change this into a useful thread:

CHALLENGE: Rewrite the excerpt from the OP, either as prose or poetry, in a way that doesn't hurt to read but still retains as much of the information as possible.

>when you actually like japanese animation quite a bit but you don't want to be associated with these autistic maniacs
Why must you push it in someone's face? Oh you saw all 6 gorillion episodes of One Piece Man! Glorious!
I just don't give a flying fuck.
Not everyone needs to know about fucking everything.If someone doesn't know what a manga is and is not interested in to you don't need to call them idiots for fucks sake. Why feel offended? I don't feel offended when people say that what I read is shit.
But these people are disgusting autists who can only accept a single field of interest or a bunch of (somewhat) closely linked interests.
Fucking Otakus,Miyazaki was right.

I've been reading manga for almost twenty years and I've never heard anyone, down to the most old fashioned grandmas pronounce it any other way than Man-ga. It's the first thing the american brain jumps too, because that's how they learn syntax.

She's one of those people who posts about how random they are on their tumblr blog because they annoyed their mother.

>Dot Hack Slash Slash Sign
>saying the full title

>Miyazaki was right.

This has been a pasta since at least 2010 you stupid nigger.

I never wrote English prose before.
Let's see if I can breathe some life into it:

He took down a piece of paper from the wall and studied it closely. "What is mahn-jah? Sounds like the name of and African monster."
"Funny you say that,it's actually Japanese" I said it in a somewhat smug manner.I impressed myself with my own knowledge.
"Somebody is really smart I see! Maybe you should join the mahn-jah club you big nerd!"
"It's pronounced with a hard "G" if you want to be precise with your insult."
"The plan was that we start with Full Metal Alchemist"[1] she said while grabbing a bunch of tiny books from a big paper box and slamming them on the table right before us."And if we have time left we could watch a few episodes of anime. I've got Dot Hack in my bag. It's a gaming themed show.[2]
"Not bad" I wasn't amazed, but the selection was pretty good,or at least better than the stereotypical, option of Pokemon or Sailor Moon.[3]

[1]Why not write some notes regarding the original text?Well then:
I don't know why didn't the original use capital letters for the title.It's an elementary school tier spelling mistake.
If the Japanese stylized the spelling and writing then my mistake.

[2]Why use some knock off title if you are not allowed to write out "Final Fantasy"?
Seems "cringe worthy".
Cut it because it's painful and pointless

[3]As pointed out,no need to say the full name,and I agree with his opinion.
A club is for people with interest levels that higher than "casual" in my opinion,though,I have never been to a high school club,it's not a thing around here,or at least not centered around subjects I'm interested in

In conclusion the wording can be uplifted but the subject mater doesn't lend itself to printable quality of reading in my opinion.
Just like the case of RPO[4]

[4]Ready Player One by Ernest Cline,which coincidentally was also a "subculture" centered work of "art" ,but had more focus on the "retro gaming" crowd

This is even worst than OP. What the fuck.

I'm interested in your critique.
What made it worse?
(Was it overly formal? etc)

>"I thought we would start with a little full metal alchemist" she said
>"Nice" I said impressed by her selections
Who is "she/her"?
Why does the narrative jump from the main character talking to a bully to a disembodied voice making epic references?

Maybe I'm retarded but honestly as far as I see it this is just bad on a technical level.

He ripped down the weathered, ancient leaflet I had just put up and studied it with vaguely ethnic-looking eyes. "But, what the hell is kitab al-azif?" he asked, pronouncing it "Eh-Ziff." "Does that mean 'dorky New English bookworm' in chinese or something?
"Funny no. It doesn't. But I wouldn't expect your non-anglo brain to know any Arabic, so don't feel too despondent." I was impressing myself with my witty comebacks. Who knew I had it in me? "ooh, you're so smart, Book Boy. I wish I could be a nerd like you and start a book club at school."
"They're grimores." I corrected. "Hard-G"
"I thought we would start with a little Unaussprechlichen Kulten," she said, reaching into a cardboard box and setting a stack of moldering tomes on the table "and if there is a little time, we could read some blasphemous literature, I brought the Necronomicon, have you heard of it? It's based on the anguished gibbering of The Mad Arab himself sort of like a really good stephen king novel"
"Nice" I said impressed by her selections, and here I was worried that women were too inferior to read books and she would whip out some needlepoint or a butter churn in a lame misguided addled unholy effort to finish her daily chores.

His 100% right about otakus honestly.Anime wasn't a mistake in itself,but the obsessed fanbase made it into one.
I talked with otakus in real life once and they didn't care about the art,the characters or even the message of the shows they have watched.Only
>Epik fight dood!
Not a wholesome way to live.

Oh, I know. That's what's so sad. And that this man, one of the best in his field, art and story alike, watched something he poured his heart into twist into obnoxious fan service and the oversexualization of children.
He's even said he hates Kiki and Nausicaa, because when he looks at them, he knows they're just fap material now.

Funny thing is that I'm reading an essay/interview collectiom by him and he has been harping on this since the 80s

That's an abrupt viewpoint shift.

Where can I read this? They bone, right>

Yeah. Probably. Japan idolizes ah- youthfulness a little too much.
He's that sort of artist that loves the world, but sees and recognizes a lot of terrible things and he's sort of torn. So he makes beautiful things- but is very cynical. Alexander McQueen was like that too. It's something I identify with. It's hard to reconcile those two view points.

Shit like this always has an ebook up somewhere.
(Only stuff I want is hard to get gas the internet antiquary wars now(

>tfw she was in her late 30s when she wrote this trash


Can't be

>this man, one of the best in his field, art and story alike

awful taste

>doesn't appreciate miyazaki
you're clearly in a position to lecture me on taste

The best anime of all time was made by Hideaki Anno

>Gamer Girl (2008)
>Mari Marcusi, born in 1974

>tfw she's a philosophical zombie

>only one person can be good at what he does
go away

It's not healthy to write about teenagers when you are that old

It was just an elaborate trolling
Should have put "le shitpost face" there.
Here,let me correct the mistake:

oh. she's emotionally retarded.

Tomino says hi, you meme loving fucks

This is why democracy does not work.

please tell me more about Miyazaki's "epic stories"

his works arent plot driven or character driven. It's the original moeblob anime. Cute blank slates doing whimsical things. Really shallow themes of friendship pacisifism and environmentalism.

Start over with Dezaki.

Weebs invariably pronounce it Mungo, tho.

what, really?

I thought that was a meme.

The television was the color of sky striated with cumulus clouds. The buzz of the cicadas felt like getting his ears drilled. "What the fuck is a manga club?", he asked and spit his tobacco out on the grass. "Uh, it's like, you know, comics, but made by the Japanese". The Japanese saw a reconfiguration of their entire society following the two H-bombs, leaving them fixated on nuclear warfare. In effect, it's actually America's imperialism that set Japan on the cultural path it is now, leaving us with manjas and these "cartoons for adults". Of course I won't bother explaining that to the retard that I find standing in front of me, asking these stupid questions. I don't know how you can not know what a manga is, in the year of Trump. I do assume that these people sometimes go on the internet, and must like learn things outside their sphere of interests by osmosis or something. Why did he have to rip the flyer at all, anyway? That kind of pissed me, because he's the kind of person who just can't fucking mind his own fucking business. A plane passes overhead, barely visible through all the hot air. He was crumbling the poster in his left hand, thinking about the decline of Western culture and the rise of cultural Marxism, the two things he spent the most time thinking and talking about. "She must be one of those stupid tumblerinas", he thought, and could not remember how he came to be in the present situation, walking along a featureless road amidst a field with some vague female figure in a hoodie. Neither did she, for that matter. Another fact that slipped his attention but not hers, is that she only seemed to be aware of herself in the pauses between the descriptions of all the other things happening around her. As if the particular universe she inhabited was a single-threaded program, with each and every thing waiting for its turn to execute.

Just like a totemo sugoi nihonjin, you baka 白豚.

8/10 would read

Holy fuck, this wasn't made by some user as satire?

What the fuck. Here I was thinking it was a clear cut case. Jesus Christ

Was about to say this. Anyone who thinks that Miyazaki movies are anything other than style over substance Disney wannabes is delusional.

Someone should write this like a scene from blood meridian.

>He was crumbling the poster in his left hand
the narrator POV shift here was a bit confusing desu

Am I missing something? What happened between the 4th and 5th line, and who is "she'?

Well it's him obviously

Someone do this, I'm not talented enough

I can't figure out what's going on in the OP, let alone what would be going on in a BM-esque style.