Why and how are pi and nested square roots of 2 related? How to derive Vieta's formula from this for example...

Why and how are pi and nested square roots of 2 related? How to derive Vieta's formula from this for example, or vice versa?
Please give insight.

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I think both stem from iterating sin- and cos- relations to each other.

the last squareroot is unclear to me. it says sqrt(2 + ... + sqrt(2)). what happens at the "..."?

Pi is the arc length of the curve y = sqrt(x^2 + 1), so you take an arc length integral to get this interesting thing as an intermediate step if you work the integral in a certain verbose way.

I understant it as :
[math] \pi = \lim 2^k \cdot U_k [/math]
Where [math] U_1 = \sqrt 2 \\ U_{n+1} = \sqrt {U_n + 2} [/math]

Actually, there's yet another relation between them.

The cosine of pi/(2^k) can be expressed with sqrt 2s and you can sum them up to build the area of a quarter circle from the inside with triangles.

edit: you can sum their reciprogs up

Can someone provide a step by step (at least 5 steps) guide on how to calculate the hypotenuses gotten from dividing the circle into 2^n parts and connecting the dots?
I can't calculate past the third? step which yields sqrt(2-sqrt(2))
I'm so retarded

And this only because I know sin(pi/4) yields sqrt(2)/2.
How should I "know" that sin(pi/8) is sqrt(2-sqrt(2))/2 and so forth?

>and you can sum them up to build the area of a quarter circle from the inside with triangles
Is it beneficial to calculate the areas of the triangles when their hypotenuses will yield pi already, with the 2^n multiplier.

Just what is it with these circles and square roots of two? It's so pretty.

Oh, didn't notice this post. Would you have the time to work out the integral in a certain verbose way? Or someone else? This is fundamental and interesting after all.

Doesn't that actually lead to 2^(k+1)

Note, sqrt(2+sqrt(2+sqrt(2+...)))=2.

Veeky Forums why aren't you more interested, these are really interesting limits for pi.
Please be more interested and do that wonky arc length integral in a verbose way for the fun of it. And explain how it leads to the result in OP image.


Very thorough post. Interesting stuff.

Wtf are you mathfags even saying

You start with the double-angle formula.

[eqn] \sin(2x) = 2 \sin(x) \cos(x) \\
\sin^2(2x) = 4 \sin^2(x) (1 - \sin^2(x)) \\
4 \sin^4(x) - 4 \sin^2(x) + \sin^2(2x) = 0 \\
\sin^2(x) = \frac{1}{2} \left(1 - \sqrt{1 - \sin^2(2x)} \right)
If you let x=pi/8 you get
[eqn] \sin^2(\frac{\pi}{8}) = \frac{1}{2} \left(1 - \sqrt{1 - \sin^2(\frac{\pi}{4})}\right)
= \frac{1}{2} \left(1 - \sqrt{1 - \frac{1}{2}}\right) \\
= \frac{1}{4} \left( 2 - \sqrt{2} \right) [/eqn]

Now you can plug in x = pi/16 to find sin(pi/16) and so on.

There is a minus there somewhere.

As long as you can establish that:
[eqn]\sin{\frac{\pi}{2^{k+1}}}=\frac{1}{2}\underbrace{\sqrt{2-\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2+\sqrt{2+\cdots\sqrt{2}}}}}}}_{k\text{ square roots}}[/eqn]
(As demonstrated in )
Then the result follows from the fact that:

Check out an analysis book newfriend.

I came up with a way to do that with just complex numbers
