How high does one's IQ need to be to avoid falling for a placebo effect?

How high does one's IQ need to be to avoid falling for a placebo effect?

Brainlets: Placebo just works
Pseudo-intellectuals: Try to resist placebo to try to prove how enlightened they are
High IQ phenotype: Willingly perform the art of doublethink themselves into being cured via the placebo effect without even needing to eat a pill, just through raw force of will

Don't think IQ would help much.
Maybe having extensive knowledge of drugs and medicine would help so you could tell the difference between a sugar pill and actual medicine.

>Willingly perform the art of doublethink themselves into being cured via the placebo effect without even needing to eat a pill, just through raw force of will

hilarious and true

>Willingly perform the art of doublethink themselves into being cured via the placebo effect without even needing to eat a pill, just through raw force of will

Can Chads really do this?

>Can Chads really do this?

jesus... mustard seed... something something... yep checks out.

this is actually true

Yeah placebo only works on brainlets guys. I've worked out for years forcing myself to not fall for the placebo that it makes you feel better. I feel like shit, but I sure proved how intellectual I am.

Ascended master: trigger the nocebo effect and then cure yourself with the placebo effect, all with sheer force of your mind

The placebo effect is automatically voided as soon you know there's a chance of it. Also it works best on brainlets with no knowledge whatsoever.

>*Conjures new diseases and then their vaccines using sheer willpower*

Heh, this reminds me of the guy in game theory class who, when prof was having us play all those games like prisoner's dilemma etc. would constantly do something "rational" that in the end made him worse off and then would complain how everyone was "irrational" for cooperating on prisoner's dilemma and so on

>The placebo effect is automatically voided as soon you know there's a chance of it.

>Tfw they extract BrainPlusIQ directly from your cerebellum
>Tfw it needs to be dilluted to 2ppm for public consumption

The guy who let the cat out of the bag on the the placebo effect is a cunt, now we high IQ fellows can no longer be cured with sugar pills

nopethe placebo effect works even when you are aware of taking placebo medicine and knowing that increase its effectiveness further

The higher your IQ, the stronger the placebo effect.
The greater ability for your mind to manipulate itself.

So if people pretend that water is medicine they will be cured?

Sounds bullshitty

Almost all voodoo and wiccan magic works on the placebo/nocebo effect.

Self triggering it is simple.

What if there was a placebo effect that EVERYONE is subject to and nobody realizes it?

For example:
Like what if ionizing radiation didn't cause cancer? and was just a nocebo effect that seeped into the collective unconscious?

not necessarily that exact example, but you get the idea. something that EVERYONE holds true to their heart and is common sense, but is 100% wrong, and yet is 100% right because everyone believe in it. What if EVERYTHING we know as a species is 100% wrong, but is also 100% right because we believe in it? Kind of like a collective dream?

We have no cure for the common cold. The common cold is confirmed for nocebo.