When did you first realize you were significantly smarter than everyone else?

When did you first realize you were significantly smarter than everyone else?

For me, it was in elementary school, when we were taught about simple machines, and I noticed there is really only one simple machine, the inclined plane, and all the others were derived from it.

I don't really have a moment of realization, I just remember being smarter than most people, but thinking nothing of it.

You're probably not as intelligent as you think you are.

When I became truly Euphoric after realizing there is no God

Around the same time I started BRAP posting.

Same here, comrade.

How do you derive a pulley from a plane? Other than increasing distance travelled to decrease effort what relationship do they bear?

A true renaissance man

Literally the same as nazis
A true gentleman doesn't need opinions, only facts

plane -> lever -> pulley

It's a lever that travels all the way around the fulcrum.

This is why scifags shouldn't go near politics

When I was in first grade, there was this boy and he was really intelligent. At the age of 6, he could read, write, and calculate better than any other pupil in class. He played an instrument, participated in reading competitions, etc. All the stuff that little prodigy shitters do. His parents fostered him very well.
My parents just let me be and did none of that. Nevertheless, in 2 years, I was on his level in reading, writing, and calculating.

Thanks Kai, wherever you are. You motivated me.

If all simple machines are somehow "the same" then it makes no sense to specifically choose the inclined plane as your archetype as you could choose any of the simple machines as your archetype.

I realized when the elementary school I went to told me I was "gifted" and I was the top math student in my grade every year.

I could read and write from an early age, I almost made it into the gifted program (I got picked but I didn't pass the bar). Despite that I stopped being exceptional in high school.

When I spontaneously started reading off billboards at age 3-4 without anyone ever teaching me letters.

When did you realize that you weren't as smart as you thought, fellow anons?

When depression lowered my IQ by 30 points.

Never. I'm not a brainlet that Dunning-Kruger-overestimates himself.

Whenever I outperform everyone in my classes. Learned to read way earlier, got pushed two grades ahead in reading until they just let me do whatever I wanted during reading period. I consistently help my peers to understand things, even though we just had the same lesson. In psychology, there's this girl that spends all her time studying, but I still destroyed her in competive tests. I was the first student in 20 years to get 100% on a certain history exam I didn't study for, and I hate history (got 100 points extra cred, yeet) . I'm almost always the first to get something done in programming, and even then my implementation is usually better than everyone elses. Only student to get extra credit on an essay, that I banged out in an hour. Literally over 100% in all my classes, and I'm giving my medium effort.
My biggest regret is that I never payed attention in math because I didn't see the value in it, my bad.


I just managed to go through school with little to no effort. Though I'm now looking inti the possibility I have adult attention deficit disorder.

>almost making something but failing out

Reading back over that, I still don't feel smart. Does anyone here actually feel smart? Every day all I can see are my limitations.

You're not smart unless you're Terence Tao, brainlet.

When I realized I had the phenotype.

Understood, senpai

does depression really do that?
Jesus Christ now I have a legitimate reason to commit sudoku


I was 9 when I was studying hawking radiation for fun

When I outperformed everyone on logic, even adults, at the age of 8 I think. And then at the same time I learnt a new language only by listening at it, and then perfected it with two hours of reading.

What is the scientific reason anyone who praises this show causes me to want to murder them?

Because it's an objectively unfunny show and all its viewers are insufferable Kekistani cunts?

I know I'm smarter and a lot more ambitious then the people around me I know that much for sure, but I'M definitely not the smartest person on here I haven't even passed calc 1 yet and im 21. I figure Ill get there, All learning takes time, but even still.

I just cannot believe how stupid and horrible the people around me are, I mean Holy fuck They are all lazy drug, using, uneducated and ready to commit crimes at a moments notice.

Meanwhile here I am a law abiding citizen trying to be a god fearing selfless straight white male with morals here in 2017


Everytime I described math and science theories without ever knowing the whitemans name for it.

I've simply stopped.
The target I have is a mathematical one. I don't have piles of theories. I have cities and towns of hyperspace conjectures. I find myself in a body in this place. The models most relevant to me wrapped in a way around me like a body. There is a light I follow in this place . I can always see it. Despite the walls and the depths and caves and complexes.

A 5Dimensional slice would just look like noise to you

When I was little, teacher wrote [math](x - a) \cdot (x - b) \cdot \ldots \cdot (x - z)[/math] on the black board, and asked us to evaluate it. I figured the answer out immediately.

Doesn't seem very special now in hindsight, but the teacher was very impressed.

Have you considered trying out spaced repetition and active recall for your studying?

I feel somewhat related to you. I know I am not smart, but the people around me are sometimes so lazy and single-minded, that they make me seem better than what I truly am.

How is a plane like a lever? A lever takes advantage of torque, where an inclimed plane institutes a non-vertical normal force


When I was in first grade and have veen called by a second grade teacher and showed me a pyramid in her hand and told her student what is this, the stundent didnt know and the teacher told me what its called, i told her its a pyramid, the teacher said no i mean its a triangle right? i told her yes thinking she meant the shape of its facades.
I realized i was smart. and passed all elementary having top grades and loved by my teacher.
Now i realize i am average. and the succes in elementary school was due to my Mom, because she spent all her time taking care of me and teaching me, with strict decipline. i got beated alot by mom, and she called dad to beat me when she was too sick to beat me. I thank them, humans are like dogs. me atleast.
What fucked my discipline is middle school. it was too easy. any mone coould get top grades without making much effort. It fucked all my discipline, by the last year of middle school i spent all my time playing vidya. now i suffer. i am so lazy that
2-dont care to put capital letters at start.
1- i browse Veeky Forums and dont make threads.

To be fair starting threads is absolutely god awful because you can't use legacy captcha and have to click on roadsigns for half an hour every time.

then wait 2 hours to get 13 replies from clueless anons. then it grows exponentially and autists derail the thread.

Wow you must be a genius user you figured it out so quick, pls be my boyfriend life is gonna be so great for you.
Also That's retarded a lever does not work like an inclined plane. They have a very superficial similarity.

This whole thread is either bait or brainlet sucking themselves off. Welcome to sci.

when i had to take an iq test to be admitted to school 1 year early and got send to the math classes 1 year above mine and got the highest scores in class then it went downhill from there
was supposed to skip another year but my mom intervened because i was already the youngest in my class and she didnt want me to be alienated even further eventhough the only kids i played with in recess where the ones 1 year above me
>got bored with repetive tasks and studying
>stopped doing my homework because it could be done in less then 5min before class or during the drive to school anyway
>had to do the 7th grade twice because my 2 of my teachers got fed up with me rarely having the homework
>got depressed because i felt like a retard and started playing runescape 8hours a day
>grades turned from 1/As to 3/Cs
>only classes i still got As in were physics and math
>started to study CS and havent showed up to any of my classes in 2 years because i cant endure the embarrasment of being regarded as a low IQ brainlet that i probably am by now

also stopped reading books around the time i got addicted to runescape thus my writing skills are those of a 5th or 6th grader

When I went undefeated in Veeky Forums arguments on all significant boards for more than a year.

>not getting bored before you even skip a class
>not going to school for a full 12 years ironically


I want to meet that person IRL to convince him/her to commit suicide

Because, like Big Bang theory it attracts retards who think they are smart by watching a show about smart people. And there is nothing more insufferable than an average to dumb person who not only believes they are smart, but is elitist about how smart they think they are.

A lever is a plane on a fulcrum.
It's what the plane is resting against shifted toward the middle of the plane.

You're not smarter, you're just significantly more autistic.
Maybe not smart at all, you pretentious cunt.




Yet not so generous in your estimation of others, nor too timid with praising yourself.

this kills the Autist


The drop isn't permanent, don't worry. I'm not the user you're replying to, but my IQ went from 130 to 103, then back to approximately 130 when I was put on medication

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer's head. There's also Rick's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they're not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick's existential catchphrase "Wubba Lubba Dub Dub," which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev's Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon's genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.


I was put into an advanced mathematics class during my second year of primary education.
i was the only person in it for months, and they disbanded the class after i went to my third year of schooling.

now i'm pursuing a PhD and i feel a lot less smart

In high school, I got bad grades because I didn't care, so I didn't do my work. When I had some incentive to care for a semester, I would end up with over 100% in my classes for my final grades, but then I'd go right back to not caring. I did pass all of my classes just by doing the bare minimum and passing finals. At some point I realized that there are people who make an effort and still struggle. As some point I realized that if I actually cared, I would have been one of the top students in my class without really trying.

When I found out women have the mental capacity of children and I don't want to sleep with them unless we can have a meaningful conversation. I suspect that makes me more autistic than smart though.

When did you first realize you were significantly smarter than everyone else?

For me, it was in high school, when we were taught about simple machines, and I noticed there is really only one simple machine, the electronic dildo, and all the others were derived from it.

I remember teachers explaining to me in elementary school that they had to keep the pace down to make sure everyone understands, so I guess I was complaining to them or came off as impatient.

Also remember seeing some school psychologist once and after saying a few words he told me I spoke like an adult.

So probably around that time.

In uni, when i had to write the bs thesis for both of my two friends, while working on my own. Three bachelor theses in music, linguistics and math/philosophy, whatever you mericans consider formal logic.

>Elementary school
>Sculpt, draw and do math like a boss
>Secondary school
>Get into junior High
>Go to University
>University is way south
>Can't even speak properly because people look at me weird
>I don't even speak properly, I just don't have a nigger-tier vocavulary

Communists fought Nazis, Nazis were bad, therefore Communists were good

>Rick and Morty
It's a cartoon. No matter whom it panders to, it's a waste of time that's selling you references to things you already know

You replied to a pasta, btw.

When I was six and saw my friends struggle to spell the word 'other'

You're a virgin though

most universities in USA don't require a thesis for a BS

sometimes they require a "final project", which is more of an application of knowledge test

>And then at the same time I learnt a new language only by listening at it

how i learned english

Ah, so the secret to intelligence is to go to community college

Lurk moar

>can't figure out how to use legacy captcha
What a fucking retard

what meds? I don't want to take antidepressants and become a zombie for the rest of my life.

Plz dont meme it, it is a legitimate advice


That's not how antidepressants work faggot, if you want that just take benzos. Wellies4lyfe.

>Smartest man in the universe



I got diagnosed gifted in 2nd grade, IQ came out to 148. Due to self esteem issues I never really thought of that as anything, and I struggled in school due to SPD and ADD. It wasn't until my sophomore year in high school that I realized that I was more capable than all of my peers (not really in a narcissistic way, more of a "wait a minute, im not so dumb after all way")


Similar train here.
>Sent to gifted program in 4th grade
>142 IQ
>Low self esteem
>Never finish anything
But I still have low self esteem and basically a train wreck at 27.

Your logic is severely flawed.

>Nazis fought Communists, Communists were bad, therefore Nazis were good

when I realized the superiority of 2d women and how my recognition of this places me far above most else

>Work at arcade
>People would put money in a machines that were unplugged, marked with a sign that says "out of order" and had their coin slots taped over for good measure (they would actually push the quarters through the tape)
>People would put money in machines and just stare at them loudly complaining that the machine is broken while ignoring the flashing "Start" button.
>People would walk in come up to the front desk and ask if we were open
>People would show up after close and when they couldn't open the locked doors they would start hitting the door and loudly yelling through the window that "the door was stuck"
>People would confuse the document shredder on the front desk with a change machine actually shredding their money despite it being clearly labeled as a paper shredder, a sign next to it explaining that it is not for customer use and that money would not be refunded if they were dumb enough to out money in it, the change machine being labeled "Change" in 30 inch letters and numerous signs throughout the arcade pointing to it's location.
>have to tell people to not allow their kids to put quarters in outlets
>These things and many more happened on an almost daily basis for the three years I worked at that job.

I am a fucking brainlet but the average person is a complete retard that is barely sentient.

When I started my second year of Ph.D in molecular biology, I suddenly realized that's what I was - a biologist.

When I got 2 years ahead and my teachers still wanted me to skip another grade

season 1 was pretty good tbhfam
though they did
>depict bacteria as viruses
>claim to create stable gold out of oxygen by only adding protons
>a whole bunch of other shit that isn't scientifically accurate
Both the dog episode and the anatomy park episode were good though

Really early on in school, we were doing that thing of using money to count and it was super easy and when I looked up people where going at it for another 10minutes. I'm not that ahead of the average person now, but it was pretty fun having that mathematical intuition early. It really made math class fun later in life because i'd get to nothing for half the class

Fuck yeah bud wellies are great just don't snort them


Curved surfaces are just an infinite number of inclined planes

this is a meme right?

You are begging the question. The properties of an inclined plane are not being exploited in the machine (and so it was not derived from one). Moreover, an inclined plane is not required: assuming no friction, any body can be used instead of a wheel to the same effect.

Isn't that a structure, not a machine?