My ever person in my Calc class is a biology major except for two people. What even are these people...

My ever person in my Calc class is a biology major except for two people. What even are these people. It's like they're smart enough to do well in school but too stupid to do anything interesting so they chose biology. And they all hate math. They're just there for the degree requirement it seems.

> It's like they're hard working enough to do well in school but too stupid to do anything interesting so they chose biology.

are you studying physics by any chance, OP?

I hate to break this to you user, but biology is more interesting than math.

>hates math
>pretends to be smart
Wow it's like you're describing computer science majors.
I'm not even meming. Every single one of my classes is filled with assholes complaining about how hard their classes are and rationalizing their laziness by saying they "don't like the abstract stuff" (keeping in mind this shits's about as abstract as replacing the number 3 with x) and would rather code.
Needless to say, I cannot wait to leave these brainlets in the dust. They can happily go to their mind-numbing, soul-sucking code monkey jobs.

nice bait faggot cause you're fuckin WRONG

excellent comeback, user

Maths is more fun than biology

t. medfag

biology is more fun than math

t. chemfag

Yeah, it's because only brainlets take remedial math (re:calculus) in university

Pure maths is the only interesting maths.

Fuck statistics

I hear you. It's because most people mistake cs for programming.

it is worse if you are taking a CS degree but have no interest in SE but are in it for e.g algorithm design, but still have to deal with the ones in it for software engineering.
most of the students on my groups have been code monkeys to be.

I had the unfortunate experience of having a class last year where all the degree specializations had to participate (think algorithms, software engineers, interaction designers, etc).

software engineers seemed to detest putting effort into anything theoretical not related to SE.

Biology is more fun than math

t. biochemfag

its because you are not going to a good university

No shit, man. It's too bad because I could've gone to a good school but I decided to take the easy route. Too late at this point.

So is that what x equaled all this time??

both the initial statement and comeback are on about the same level, to be fair

biology is interesting but it requires less imagination to be interesting than math.

Are all mathfags elitist?

when most normalfags profess to hate what you study because of its difficulty it's hard not to develop an elitist attitude

the average person struggles with calculus or simple algebra

I feel like all elitist mathfags are undergrads.

Probably because math is the study of being correct.