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Science #92
If you had to go back in time and explain modern science to, I don't know, a templar...
Are there any novels that talk about what would happen to the ISS inhabitants if, say, there was a world ending event...
Should having bizarre scientific views be considered psychosis...
Which great minds inspire you the most, Veeky Forums?
How prevalent are study/work aiding drugs (adderall, etc) in the science fields
What is the rationale behind the tone tone semitone ton tone tone semitone format of the standard octave?
Marian/exoplanet teraforming
IQ tests are bullshit
Organic Chemistry
Humans are the most adaptable, clever, and aggressive predators in the known universe...
Earth's Expiration Date: 100 Yrs
Okay, so how many chromosomes do people who think this is logical miss?
Hi Veeky Forums
Philosophize This
Your move, brainlet
What do we do with algae?
Okay, Griffiths is fucking gay and doesn't know how to word shit. What are the best alternatives to Griffiths...
Should I take "intro to number theory" as a sophomore at a top 20 uni in the US studying math/comp sci
Hey Veeky Forums can you me what's wrong with me...
A hard sceptic of anything, but with a polite agreeable personality/or rude if i snap, help
Beat me
If you know philosophy, you know everything
Managed to stop voice hearing for a short duration
Artificial Intelligence used to Expose Women's Bare Faces
How would Veeky Forums put a stop to these things?
Half life is mentioned in a lecture or book
SpaceX ZUMA Launch Thread - 0100-0300 GMT on 16th (8:00-10:00 p.m. EST on 15th)
It's that time again
Get better grades than other students in lab
Even if man-made climate change is real couldn't we just ignore it and let technology fix it?
Go home for a break from my PhD
Java or python?
Should I study biology?
Is economics a science? or is it social trash
Worth learning when I already hate MATLAB? Or Python instead?
What is this
Mensa qualification
Dividing by zero is undefi
Why are mammals stuck at 4 limbs?
What is the biggest number that can be written using only ten ASCII characters?
What does Veeky Forums think of meditation and mindfulness?
(Prove it)
Is it true? Do dumb people have more kids? (Not saying r7 is dumb btw)
Does this board even have any ivy league/top level users? What college did you guys go to?
Science forum
Watching a closed jar terrarium video. Show it to gf
I don't know why, but this shit has been on my mind since I was like 10:
Recently published paper on /b/
So what actual evidence do we have that time "exists"?
You should be able to solve this
New Boston Dynamics bot, and it's a qt
Hey guize, I have a question about the CO2 global warming
Is anyone here actually smart?
How do we stop nuclear power?
Why do brainlets think that science and religion are incompatible?
That student that brings sewing needles and balls of yarn to the lecture...
go to physics professors office to discuss LCR circuits
Why did birds not evolve to have propellers instead of flapping wings?
How come this is the wrong way to see the world?
Tfw IQ not high enough to be good at anything
We live in an illogical world
Statistically speaking, what are the chances of finding a 10/10 virgin girl with an IQ above 120 and below 19?...
Watching this show is making me depressed. I am 26 and have yet to accomplish anything of note in my life...
Have any studies ever measured doctor performance by race? if so what do they show?
What would happen if two black holes (of equal mass and density) traveling at light speed collided...
Presentation help
Depressed af about math phd
Sleeping pills that will knock me out
So, is there an actual masterrace?
Generally speaking...
Who the fuck actually browses Veeky Forums?
Say something nice about this show
How do we stop the rise of "Pop-Math"?
Chris Langan and his CTMU
Tfw you round gravity to 10 and pi to 3 in the same equation
Just how many dimensions are there?
Is this the biggest waste of money in science history?
Seeing Electrons with the Naked Eye!
I had a fever and missed classes all of last week. How the hell do I do this...
Have to do problems #15 through 20
Help. teach me how to solve ameircan math
Ivy League Schools
Why do humans look so much more perfect than any other animal, scientifically speaking?
Forbidden Knowledge Thread
What is the biggest non-infinite number?
How do you solve equations like this Veeky Forums
Japan: cock-ring the moon to power aerff
Mathfags BTFO?
That person who keeps asking irrelevant questions during lectures
Function allows just one output per input
Deep space gateway thread
I think therefore I am?
SQT - Stupid questions thread
WHY IS incest wrong? Especially since we are in the era of safe sex. Nothing could go wrong
What's the definite way of representing the number 0?
Which two STEM majors complement each other the most?
TFW Math genius
Falling for the grades matter mean
Logic Riddle for geniuses
TFW XXXTentacion used to come on Veeky Forums before he was famous
I have number cluster which is including 53 elements. Their log2 equivalent is in this table...
How do you become a tenured professor?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Lets finally settle this
How do you think we can get to Proxima b?
Hi Veeky Forums...
Tfw 83 IQ points is the bare minimum to be cannon fodder in the military
Can someone tell me that when these buddhist monks can withstand extreme pain...
Hard Problem of Consciousness?
/uni/ - University General
Chad wins again
What is the best way to get sick on purpose? I've heard that eating tobacco gives you a fever, is this true?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on capsule networks proposed by Geoffrey Hinton?
PhDs of Veeky Forums, what do you think of your situation?
Is STEM being infiltrated by affirmative action?
Do you think the industrial revolution would have happened by now if isaac newton wasn't born...
What causes this shit and how do I end it permanently?
When asked whether there was a God and an afterlife...
Theoretical Physics
Are we going to make it?
When will there be a fucking cure for hair loss Veeky Forums?
Is this sustainable?
Revolutionary calculus proof
Austists in MINT
So what's the consensus on Elon Musk on Veeky Forums
Moon landings
What prevents you from changing your gender?
Computer Brain
He is /ourguy/. Right?
Discovery of gigantic 'planet' baffles astronomers
Tfw used to be physics genius
Induction proof assignment
Scientifically speaking, why do I find this 600kg death machine cute and feel the need to cuddle it...
Science is being held back by excessive formalism and an overreliance on mathiness...
ITT: post countries with literally NO contributions to science
So about this "consciousness" and "soul/spirit" bullshit. Let's put it into perspective for the love of fuck
Why do we assume the square root of two is irrational because it's proven to be not rational?
Post and rate schedules
Engineering & Physics Career
Since IQ is a being discussed quite a lot atm, i've started wondering whether IQ and "Talent" exist
Did Gödel prove Math, like all human activities, is just form of Democracy?
Is there any good reason for this?
Whats your favourite equation. I;ll start
Should ai have rights?
girls aren't good at mat-
What if pi has an end?
Is there any conclusive evidence that eating red meat is scientifically dangerous...
How much of being fat is about lifestyle choices and how much is about having good genes...
Stupid Programming Mistakes
NASA looking at Nuclear Thermal Rockets for Mars missions
The fallen testicle
Describe the taste of mustard to someone who has never tasted mustard
Personality aside, which majors are best for getting laid?
Veeky Forums, I'm on course to graduate May 2018 with a BS in physics (minor in Math)
Never been on Veeky Forums before, but why is there no Carl Sagan thread here today?
So Veeky Forums, why is MATLAB such a pain in the arse?
Pictures taken of Jupiter with NASA's $1 billion dollar probe
Do certain races have a higher IQ?
Prove this without completing the square
What if, instead of explaining universe by physical laws we assume intelligent life exist everywhere...
Macro evolution, speciation, deep-maroon pill thread
Why philosophy students IQ is so far from other humanities majors IQs and is only beaten by Math and Physics?
Majoring in CS
How does the mind create action potensial in the brain for voluntary movements?
Can't we make a gmo algae sort of like africanized bees that thrives in globally warmed oceans and fixes co2 issues?
What do you regret today Veeky Forums?
How could I get the light to stay concentrated
Why is MBTI so successful even though it has been debunked?
Can we complain about pop-sci?
Veeky Forums BTFO
OC. Prove me wrong
ITT: we post inventions that make sense
R-selective species reproduce a lot, don't invest much in individuals...
ITT. Physics
4 holydays so far in this class
How do you qualify someone to not being smart enough to do a certain task? Let's say for example getting a degree in X
Give me a logical reason why humans have souls/conciusness/mind (whatever you wanna call it) but animals are biological...
/uni/ - University General
Bill Nye on suicide watch
Is Forestry a good career?
Why are we here?
I've been playing russian roulette with 1 bullet in a six cylinder revolver every day when i wake up
Why aren't you more excited about this? Think of all the species that were lost during various extinction periods...
What engineering is the best?
He studied computer science
Can you prove math is objective?
Got a B in Calc II on first try
My body is ready
A U T I S M Thread
Post ur scifu
Why can't division by zero numbers be another type of number that expands the world of algebra just like imaginary...
Weed Out Classes
Some autistic user on here always spergs out about how "god" doesn't exist in completely irrelevant threads...
The Superuniverse Theory
Math for a Brainlet
Sure this is going to come off stupid and ignorant, but
What's outside time?
My English professor just talked about how "the radiation from cellphone causes brain cancer"
I cannot comprehend death. I refuse to believe there is absolutely nothing on the other side
Taxing graduate tuition waivers
Anyone else think pre calc was significantly harder than calc 1,2,3?
ITT: College feels
Has anyone had a crisis over a scientific related thing? Mine was with determinism
ITT: Lies brainlets tell themselves
How do I continue to smoke cigarettes without getting cancer? Do taking vitamins and positive thinking help?
Gay Conversion Therapy
I've never understood Darwin's theory of "selection"...
Is the education system a failure?
Do free will exist?
I know this is probably not the right place to post this...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
How can we use imaginary numbers when you can't take the square root of -1
STEAM Thread
Do all electrons actually have the exact same mass? If so, why? How is it possible that their mass is exactly the same?
Gender isn't a social construct
Is this guy a good scientist
I'm losing my sanity over this one
Can i major in math with a 24 on the ACT for the math portion?
Is a virus a life form? It doesn't seem to be living, it's barely anything but a protein chain...
Why men have to compete for women and not the other way around?
Hey Veeky Forums, why does youtube hate science education?
What drugs should I take before an interview?
Why are fucking all commies gifted at fucking sciences...
Can someone that is of average intelligence be a doctor? I'm pre med and I'm worried :/
Hey guys where do i find some kewl hardish HS level probabilities exercises? Many thanks xd
Tfw want to major in math
WMD - Write my dissertation
Life in Academia
If light is matter why doesn't it collide with other light?
What's a scientifically proven painless way to die?
There are people alive today who were studying calculus before they reached the age of eleven...
Can someone please explain this shit to me?
When did you finally realize that Statistics is better than Mathematics?
Falcon Heavy
How are imaginary numbers even possible and why are they able to be useful?
Im a dumbass
Doing an SAT practice test and came across this question:
WTF, f*ck science now?!?
Is it biologically normal for an adult male human to be sexually attracted to 13-year-old female humans?
Which one of you fags will send your kids to Mars?
Where's these memes but for physics?
Be high school substitute math teacher
Scientifically speaking, why are Bears the best and most interesting mammalians?
Is anyone else frustrated with the lack of technological progress these days...
Rigorous self-study recommendations for early math
Emdrive general
Can someone actually solve this determinant?
Despite the abundance of reported claims of self-improvement by those who adhered to the NoFap...
Is Machine Learning a meme?
This man is smarter than you
WiFi routers stunt growth/prevent germination of cress seeds
Why do we practice eugenics with plants and animals but not humans?
Chess is more complex than Canadian Checkers
Why is medicine so unobjective and poorly quantified?
Death theory
Is Gender Fluid Real or is a disorder?
My parents just showed me the results of an IQ test I passed when I was 8 years old...
He thinks 1 x 1 = 1
Autonomous weapons systems?
Should I go into Nuclear Engineering? Or is it a trap and I wagecuck myself
From the perspective of evolutionary biology, is being cuckolded worse than being raped...
Why is 0 times any number=0?
How come Steven Hawking has never invited you to stay for dinner Veeky Forums?
What would happen if you fed anti-depressants to a cat?
Can anyone help me in Math
CS is a meme, why don't you become a doctor like m-
What do STEM Majors think about Business Majors?
Overrated theorems
Has philosophy come up with any relevant questions or answer regarding science in 21th century?
There's no such thing as god
Global Warming
How can you learn so much
Is it actually possible to end aging, or is that just another pop-sci pipedream?
Took us 5 minutes to solve
Population gets so high thus
Why is a 13 year old bare-bones piece of hardware made with ~$15 worth of materials still $100
Gender Equality
If science and math is important and people with high academia are deemed with more prestige then how did Trump become...
/mg/ math general
Redpill me on meditation
Who here /twisty puzzles/?
What did you learn or study today Veeky Forums? You DID learn something new today... right?
Cure Internet Anger?
How come when high IQ people see the design...
ITT scientific things you want to put your dick into, but probably shouldn't
Sex reassignment surgery perfection when?
A Few Anti-matter Questions
What is the scientific reason asians have tiny dongs?
Can someone explain why The Enterprise looks so fucking weird?
Pearly Penile Papules
Do negative numbers have anything to do with physical reality at all?
What p-value should we use for research?
First semester at uni
Why is the genetic basis for the intellectual disparity between races so taboo?
Friendly reminder you're all philosophers within the school of empiricism
How to Cure Aging – During Your Lifetime?
Have hold so I can't register for Ph.D classes next semester
Is there a way one angry man could wipe out all life on earth?
Exercise for improved cognition
Search for ancient technology on google
Is there a great mathematican known to be a virgin sperglord?
This might be the 100th thread about this but in all honesty, how many genders are there anthropogenically?
My uni is ranked 350-400 top universities, am i doomed ?
Why can't US taxes follow a comfy function?
What's you best brainlet filter for other boards?
Quick question
Biobros, get me interested in botany please?
Thoughts on electrical engineering?
Failed my doctorate defense
Let's look at a real world application
Math major
IQ distribution
Waiting... :-)
Is math related to science?
What is the future of sex?
Fell fore the STEM meme
Nikola Tesla, the man who lit the world
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Can /sci solve this?
Thoughts about Chemical Engineering?
Why is it that your friends ALWAYS bail out on you when you are down in your luck or in times of crisis?
Quantum "physics" says our thoughts shape reality!
Do you think we die when we sleep? As in our consciousness is erased and another one wakes up?
New V-Sauce
How do we game theoretically solve the issue of nuclear deterrence?
If you are dreaming and in your dream encounter a random number, is that number truly random?
Is stats+math with CS minor the new 300k starting?
What branch of math should I self-study to better understand the following concepts, for theological purposes: Oneness...
How do you talk to unintelligent people?
What was his problem?
Is there anything left to discover that's not related to physics?
Only woman to win Fields medal
How come we haven't yet built small, manoeuvrable spaceships yet which can just fly around the solar system?
My philosophy professor asks for examples of oxymorons
Why hasn't an "Iron Man"-like suit been made yet?
Any bio fag care to explain what pic related represents? also 2 more picture coming ITT
Hey Veeky Forums!
ITT we write a letter to Veeky Forums, our rival intellectual board. 1 word per post
Psychology is a pseudoscience
What's this board's problem with biology? Why do you dislike it so much?
The mathematician, Mike Roshko of Edmonton, graduated in pure mathematics from the University of Alberta two years ago...
Fags on /g/ are crying that CS math is too hard
These caffeine withdrawals are killing me...
Why do science never research the benefits of nofap and claim is placebo?
How can I decrease the overshoot on a discrete time PID controller?
Information = dark energy/matter
Studies physics for years
For me, it's the Pilot Acroball, the king of pens
Hello I am sir science ph.d
Homemade Autoclave
Colonizing Venus
What are some Veeky Forums approved reading lists?
Places To Dump Nuclear Waste
Calculator app
Ideal gf of Veeky Forums and... physicist, matematician, biologist, etc
Neanderthals were more evolved than homo erectus because they migrated from africa...
What things are currently impossible to create with today's technology?
Are these still legit?
Dream Jobs
Orbital ATK Minotaur-C launch
People talk a lot about AI changing the world, or genetic editing changing the world...
I've not talked to anybody all day
I've read and investigated countless of stories and testimonies of people having visited heaven during a comatose
What is Veeky Forums's handwriting like?
Too old?
The technological singularity is beginning. 2018 is going to be a wild ride
Turns out minutephysics was a communist all along
What is your favourite Math function?
Is anti-aging research the most underrated field?
/med/ - Medicine General
Hey Veeky Forums trying to get back into maths and need some help:
Never too old to learn
I was recently tested and have a I.Q. of 246...
Join us on Telegram
Every person with a Phd that I in real life has only improved their career or business with it (outside of academia)
Its 26, right?
Once upon a time, dinosaurs ruled this planet
Mind control..... teach me how Veeky Forums
What are some logic based riddles you like?
What's the answer, Veeky Forums?
Does entropy defy Darwinism?
Should we colonize Titan?
What do you think happens after we die??
Why don't women like scientists?
Hello Veeky Forums...
Is AI superintellgence safety actually an issue or just something people on LessWrong jerks themselves to
Wouldn't a planet made of gas just harmlessly faze through Earth?
I can't imagine 4D space
So when it comes to Von Neumann we are indeed dealing with an unparalleled intellect...
Fictional Solar System
What have you achieved by the time you were 23?
It's international spook day, so post some spooky math
Why is humanity so obssessed with AI and automating everything regardless of the consequences...
What makes skeletons spooky?
I want to learn
I browse Veeky Forums a lot even though I am stupid as fuck and understand nothing you guys post
Does quantum entanglement not majorly fuck with causality?
Tfw no qt math major gf
Is computer science a meme degree or not?
Can we go back to causing global warming at a rampant rate...
Guys, what are these things in the sky?
Quantum theory and free will
What's Veeky Forums drinking tonight?
Help with Proof
Intellectual status of Veeky Forums boards
SpaceX launch thread - KoreaSat 5A
Euclid BTFO
148 IQ
Basic Math
Tfw Veeky Forums memeing about engineering is unironically making me feel bad about studying engineering
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why is the Earth round?
Veeky Forums Youtube channel recommendations
Do you really get 50% genes from each parent?
How do I eat recreationally without getting fat? What replacement is there for the dopamine rush of eating...
Which STEM jobs come come remotely close to 300k/starting?
Fukin brainlets making brainlet mistakes
Logic and Set Theory
The concept of globalism is basically to improve economy by working together but aren't humans just using it to steal...
Mechanical engineer switch to computer
Why not colonize the Moon before Mars?
Is analytic philosophy respectable?
NASA just released a study which shows going into space causes your epigenetic triggers to go off "like fireworks...
Hello Veeky Forums, I've began listening to classical music and have now realized I'm better than everyone else...
What's a good programming project? I'm completely out of ideas...
Why don't women have semen receptors on the insides of their pussies and experience great pleasure or orgasm from...
Energy shields
Why do chemists get paid so little?
How do some students ace tests?
The IQ is a meme thing
/med/ - Med School General
What do you call it when people start reaching inverse conclusions when they reach a certain level of understanding
Evolution isn't real
Psychology question
Engineering General
Take Calc 2 test
Should I do a double major in math/chemistry or mathematical physics/chemistry or something else?
What about this one?
Is this series convergent or divergent?
Do you agree with the argument this Calvin and Hobbes strip presents on the education system?
What if they try to ban science and math because of white privilege?
Living 211 years
If women don't use logic to reason, and instead rely on emotions, how do they accomplish anything...
Be 26. First year math student
Help at preparing for an exam
What are the strings made of?
Can we have a scientific talk about the origin of religion please!
Prove you are not a brainlet
How can women's much smaller brains compete with men's...
How advanced of a sci-fi future can we realistically expect?
Since humans are the most advanced species in the history of Earth would we be justified in completely exterminating...
Dreamed of being a physicist as a kid
Guide to score perfect 800 in SAT Math section
These faces were generated by a neural network. When will you fags admit that AI is real?
Redpill me on richard feynman was he a hack?
Self-diagnosis is bad
Continuing my previous thread that hit the bump limit
"Hey user what do you do for work?"
City designs for mars in future
Dump some knowledge you got i need to consume the information presented
Are gender roles still biological?
Reminder that fruit flies, not humans, were the first animals to achieve spaceflight
When did you finally realize that the whole "there's more variation within than without" gripe was nothing more than a...
Prove that you're not full of shit Veeky Forums
How hyped are you for Mars colonisation?
Professor uses Powerpoint
Who /electricalengineer/ here?
Anyone else feel that studying maths has made them smarter?
Is there a convergent series which has a limit of 100
Can anybody provide proof for evolution? This guy Kent Hovind will pay anyone $250...
Race: Biological or Cultural?
Human head transplant feasibility
Jobs in the future will require an IQ of 130+ due to automation
Google Translate AI creates interesting conversation
Has anyone come up with a theory to why things exist instead of not exist...
Is this true?
How are object represented neurally?
Think hard
Prove that we are capable of free will
If chronic fatigue syndrome isn't real, WTF is this fucking me up?
What the absolute fuck is happening?
People unironically believe the mind exists
How dangerous is it to do a home fecal transplant given that you check the donor's stool using all of these tests...
Math is a joke compared to physics tbqh...
How long would it take to learn the knowledge needed to perform self-surgery at home, and not kill or maim yourself...
Go to class
Why is nuclear power bad?
Why are cats legal to own when it's been shown for like 4 decades that they can trigger schizophrenia, bipolar...
/mg/ math general: Poppin' Wheelies Edition
How do they work?
We tried to warn you
Passion vs Safety
How is there no thread about this? We're fucked even more than we first believed
Science, Philosophy
Thoughts on the newly discovered interstellar comet?
If a man who is exactly 50% white and 50% black and a woman who is also exactly 50% white and 50% black have a child...
I have stopped eating completely. I only take caffeine pills to keep hunger at bay
On a scale of 1 to 10 how much easier is chemical engineering than electrical engineering?
How are poor people supposed to study maths?
Why are people getting Ph.Ds when it's hard, takes a lot of time and often doesn't end in an enjoyable or well paid job?
Gravity vs acceleration
How to deal with the fact that you are stupid?
Is exercise really necessary to be a healthy human being?
I feel like Veeky Forums is the most appropriate board to ask this question...
Tfw this can't take cool space photos
Can Veeky Forums solve this?
It feels good being 18, knowing that you have 50 years to wait for technology making humans immortal
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Jupiter missions
Science of being tired
The hypocrisy of SETI
What nootropics work and what do they do for you?
Dividing by Zero
Differential Geometry
Why do science retards here deny that nutrition is more important to health and cure diseases than what their masters...
How do you feel about the fact that girls do better in math and science than boys?
Stimulants general
If I removed the DNA in every cell of my body...
99% of math majors cannot prove this
Just found out 2 past PHD students under my professor killed themselves...
Killing oneself
How do you feel about smelling farts for cancer prevention?
Can one of you help me w/ the following equation?
Anyone else feel that math courses are typically organized to be depth first searches of the material (study one...
"computer science is within the field of mathematics"
Subhuman behaviours
Non-STEM hate thread
Why does the right push the "you don't need college meme" so hard?
Veeky Forums I am looking for guidance in where to go with my future. This is a long post...
Homemade bioweapons
Yes I'm dumb but how the fuck do you find the area of this shaded region
So Veeky Forums is she the next Einstein or just a big meme?
Will this be possible in our lifetime?
Prof: Algebra, geometry perpetuate white privilege
Does anyone think the same as me?
Any way to make me not a brainlet?
Will AI significantly change the world like everyone seems to think?
Are maths a science or technology?
Recently purchased textbooks
He studies outside the classroom
/b/ couldn't answer it
Are you smarter than a 13y/o?
Magnets attract iron
What are the most controversial theories in your field?
Isn't infinity a shitty concept in math?
Kerbal Space Program
Why are we attracted to the things that we're attracted to?
Well Veeky Forums
Computer science, self-taught or university
Will I get meme'd if I buy and read these books?
Veeky Forums I mixed like a quarter cup of ammonia and bleach together in a 5 quart bucket and got like 5 whiffs in...
Is "race realism" real science or is it pseud shit?
How do I stop making logical fallacies?
You should be able to solve this
Thoughts about Medical Laboratory Science? Is it a meme profession/study?
Answer me this, Veeky Forums
Find X
Is it true, Veeky Forums?
What's your answer to this?
Why does no one in elementary and highschool education bother to explain formulas to kids...
Pocket philosophy thread, also infothread yous choose
Time travel hoax BUSTED
How fast would you have to walk to be stationary while the earth spins?
I've met Cedric Villani
What is a polynomial function that matches the curve of the bottom of the ship in the middle? And how do i find it?
Career Thread
How do I stop being a lazy piece of shit, scientifically speaking
Is linguistics a respectable branch of science?
When did you realize that people with PhDs are basically just as retarded as you are?
What's the future of warfare Veeky Forums? Autonomous armed drones? Bioweapons? Nanobots?
If we could discover how to access the 4th dimension of space, wouldn't that be the ultimate place to hide things?
Stop denying anthropogenic climate change
Which one is the best diet?
Why have scientists for years only looked for life and planets by going up...
In ancestral times girls about 14 were biologically the best wife material and men appear to have evolved an...
What do you think of imaginary triangles, Veeky Forums?
I am a philosophy undergrad with a deep interest in logic (both philosophical and mathematical) and set theory...
How would you use your STEM skills to kill the Mexican cartels?
Limitations of Math
Deceptively Simple Problems
Which of these is your favourite rocket manufacturer, and why?
Can one of you mighty fine people tell me how to go from the left to the right side?
How many blankets do you need too survive in absolute zero?
WHY DIE????????
What is the universe selecting for in life?
/sqt/ - stupid questions thread
What's your opinion on roko's basilisk?
Why are birds so smart?
What's the most dastardly space to work in?
Tfw fell for the double major meme
Professor keeps mispronouncing the word 'quadratic'
How do I become smart?
Living on venus
Diets that are conducive to neurological and cognitive efficiency?
Read your shit study. People who eat a lot of meat also don't exercise and are more likely to be smokers. HMMMM
Could our brain be engineered to sense forces like gravity or entropy?
Can we travel faster than light?
Name one important contribution females have made in science and mathematics (you can't)
5 days ago the biggest hurricane in Ireland in recorded history hit
ITT. Coffee
People say ants are just bio machines with no thought processes of their own...
Solid proof illuminati exists
Alright Veeky Forums, I need some perpective...
Is addiction real?
Excessive masturbation has been scientifically linked to:
Best website for newest science news?
I have a worrying proposition
When do we cure cancer? Where's the improvement since 2000?
Do we even stand a chance?
How long until humanity runs at odds with an intergalactic or interdimensional peacekeeper...
Python vs. R
How do I improve my calculus skills, Veeky Forums?
9.7 million-year-old teeth found in Germany resemble those of human ancestors in Africa
What's the big deal about Quantum Computers?
Let's get to work
No cheating
What book do you recommend as a gift for a friend who is a freshman mathfag?
Solve light pollution
Why is American highschool math so easy
Continuing my thread that hit the bump limit
You travel back in time and you see pic related. You
What is causing Canada's opioid crisis?
My ancestors :)
How long until we can bioprint functional limbs?
Is it true that psychedelics can help mathematicians achieve breakthroughs?
People who did nothing wrong ITT
Are nootropics a meme?
Higher dimensions
/mg/ math general: Jim Simons Edition
Was von Neumann the first and last natural posthuman?
Can I microwave my socks?
Itt we think of math concepts that would make good song or band names
Eye Pigmentation and Vision
I am not sure if Veeky Forums is the right place to post this but fuck it, it's related to science/medicine...
The Many Worlds Interpretation of QM is now commonly accepted among physicists. As far as I understand it...
Gordon Ramsay is now making cocaine
How come in age of particle accelerators, gravitational waves, fibre optic broadband, OLED displays, solar cells...
Are Biologists/Biotechologists just Doctor wannabes?
Are we going to make it?
What conspiracy theory do Veeky Forums believe in?
New to /sci. Felt I had to come here. Can somebody give me some absolute facts...
Why does gravity want to "attract"?
Why don't we as humans think greens and veggies taste good? Most of us have to force ourselves to eat it...
Veeky Forums YouTube Channels:
The BIGGEST Number
Are sun spots evidence of the surface of the sun opening up?
If scientists are so smart why aren't they rich or come up with a mathematical proof on how to become rich?
Can we jump on the Blue Origin train again?
Do any of you guys ever feel like even though you're going down the best path, the grass is greener on the other side?
I bet none of you can even do this
Everyone here always hates on "high school math" but during all my time in engineering I've never used anything more...
What benefits have nofap?
Tfw you let somebody fail just because of 1 or 2 points but he was a huge bitch so you don't bother looking over the...
Why is Venus much hotter than Mercury even though Mercury is closest to the Sun?
So I was wondering while studying for medicine exams...
Would it float?
What makes us see, think, hear, taste, feel, smell and so on?
Can someone please explain why the SpaceX ITS with it's 42 engine first stage will work when the Soviet N-1 with it's...
Let's see how smart sci is
Magnetic Black Hole
Humans are responsible for global warmi---
AlphaGo learning to play from scratch
What happened to this guy?
What's your favorite axiomatization of the real numbers?
What are all the proofs that the earth is a globe...
Can science explain why as a straight male i like traps more than women?
How many girls in your sci/math class?
What did he mean by this tweet?
From a scientific standpoint, what is the purpose of laughter?
How do you spell this number?
Space stealth tech
How could one go about curing himself from sexual deviancy...
CS is the most boring subfield of math. Prove wrong
Formal Education
How much sleep did you get while completing your Veeky Forums degree?
What is the main goal of life? Choose one:
It has become impossible for me to continue reading this book for my Calculus 3 class...
What comes to mind when you see a picture of NDGT?
Fusion Meme
Does drinking shorten your lifespan?
Never show up to my cal 3 classes
Humans are insignificant trash. We will never leave our solar system. If you believe so you are delusional
College professor said math is still a theory? wat? is it?
So... Now that the dust has settled, which is it, Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums, what experiment should I run on a bunch of isopods for my undergrad bio lab?
When one of your students who failed the first test comes to office hours and makes an A on Test 2
Do astronauts have sex on the ISS?
Why aren't brain scans used when diagnosing mental illnesses?
New Physics Theory
Why does the skin tone of human offspring approximate the skin tones of the parents...
Does masturbating to your imagination increase IQ?
Killing yourself without dying
Sci will defend this
I just can't grasp algebra
Robot Fighting Competition - Robotics General Thread
African American Nig nogs are being outdone already lol
Do people on this board unironically think IQ matters? Or is it just /pol/ seepage?
I don't know if this is a recurring thread everybody is bored of or some kid of taboo since I almost haven't been here...
Why is society still not accepting of autism, even when science is on our side?
Fibonacci Sine Wave
Where would science be today if nazis won ww2? would things be more or less advanced than they are today?
Is Feynman the ultimate anti-mathematician?
What notation in math and physics looks the shittiest?
What's the most painless and succesful suicide method?
Recruitment question
Why don't we have more people of the same intellect level of pic related? When will we have another Leibniz/Tesla etc?
/mg/ math general: LMFDB edition
If you have a friend who is running into problems because of their addiction, tell them to give methadone a try...
Have scientists been superceded by Veeky Forums?
Does anyone have thoughts on Dianetics?
Are there any theoretical space fuels that are completely renewable...
What do you think of high school level maths? I find it interesting, since I love maths, but it's so slow...
What are quarks made of?
People with legit high IQs, what's it like to be very smart?
Do you believe in God Veeky Forums ?
Hi Veeky Forums
How does this make you feel?
Has anyone on Veeky Forums ever taken the Math 55 course from Harvard? What was it like?
Steps on Mars
Anybody here taken the physics GRE?
Deep Space Propulsion
So, what are you supposed to do?
How likely is it that death is the permanent end of consciousness?
So, Veeky Forums, what music have you been listening to lately?
Well, flat earthers have a point here. Explain Veeky Forums people
Tfw all the mars colonists will be super geniuses
Name a better spaceship
Tfw bluepilled to believe I'm not a genius
While Loop on Matlab
Is this person dying, Veeky Forums? I dont know how to read this
What if the world is actually only 6000 years old?
Is astrophysics a meme degree?
Hey Veeky Forums, how do i get high myself? Without buying anything from a shady dealer?
Is it society's fault? Or is it more likely that they are defective from the get go?
What is the biggest cosmic mystery? if you could have an answer to one question relating to astronomy, what would it be?
At what age did you prove tan - 1x, Veeky Forums?
Why is there a massive orange cloud over BRIGHTON and NEWHAVEn ?
Anyone else dead scared of HIV...
Can you be great in STEM with average IQ?
Phychology Experiments
Anyone else fry their brains with drugs?
Are magnetic fields affected by the warping of space-time caused by massive objects?
How do we get rid of it and save science?
Adderal, other "study" drugs
What year do you think immo
Assange leaves a puzzle
What if it's a mistake in biology to localize organs and organ systems by spatial location? In other words...
Last threads
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/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
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Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
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When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
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Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
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