Why is American highschool math so easy

This is a test paper from precal , which an user posted in /adv/ for help . I'm a pajeet (Indian) and we had really complex questions compared to this piece of shit.

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It's america , they're usually dumb people

Pajeets and Chinks have a good amount of IQ compared to people in the West

Woah , posting a test paper with a name on it ! That's a true brainlet

This. They have more indoctrination than education. The jews are smart though, they have all the money and pull fellow smart people from chink lands.

And because of this, 'muricans reckon themselves wealthy and smart hahaha

Thank no child left behind for that, instead of actually teaching concepts to the students, the schools are required to make it easier to get better test scores.

Because cheating is frowned upon in burgerland

>a geometry test
i think you've been lied to pajeet

Stephanie Arcos is going to get very pissed when she finds out you poo'ed in her loo.

I think the real issue is that school funding gets tied to test scores. Better scores = more money.

From my experience and (somewhat limited) knowledge on the subject, that is the case, but I think its that teacher pay is more dictated by scores rather than school funding.

pic 1/2

fuck me, I didnt select the picture


You doing ibdp or cbsce

Well since India's literacy rate is 74% and the US i0s at least 20 percentage points higher than that, I think we can safely assume that the American education system is far superior to that of India's. Also, look at any global college ranking, USA significantly outperforms India. ITT isn't better, difficulty of admission /=/ good school.

Which grade is it ? We learn about those things here in something like 9th grade

Because people flip their shit whenever you propose to make it better.


This is an interesting list but something people often don't consider when discussing education is the quality of the teachers. You'd be surprised how unqualified some elementary and middle school teachers can be. My father was a fifth grade teacher for over a decade, for example, and he didn't even know what the Cartesian plane was or have any familiarity with elementary algebra. Not even exaggerating. Increasing standards of education also means increasing standards of educators. Then you've got union fags and diversity quotas and all of that shit to deal with, plus it's a rather low pay job. Lots of things need to be fixed.

none of that matters. People not being liked by God is why they fail classes. Just look at godless communists vs Americans who praise God in classrooms during the cold war.

>blaming teachers when school administration is the most corrupt and bloated part

Okay, they suck too then.

Shit, I learnt 6th to 8th grade stuff on that chart during high school.

Is this a real high school test in the US?
If this test is average difficulty i really get what you guys mean when you say the us school system is fucked.

This is fucking freshman geometry in our country you retarded curry eater. Stop trying to make your shit-covered country, overpopulated with shit-colored people, all following a shit religion look like its superior, when in reality, you're really just the largest third world country on the planet. Fuck India.

That's a pretty nice list. I think with 3 years per grade it would work out nicely, so you would finish school when you're about 42

no that is an extremely easy exam and out of the norm. Also this isnt even a precalculus exam, but likely a freshman/sophomore trigonometry exam

Very much this. People fail to understand that in the US we teach everyone, even little Timmy with downs syndrome has to be able to graduate High School.

It goes back to the parents and the idea of American democracy. When you're told your son has a learning disability you raise hell to make sure that he can graduate high school because if he doesn't he'll be a convenience store clerk forever. You complain about rights, and citizenship, until the school board reworks the tests and subjects to make sure that even someone like your son can pass and qualify for college. I have a few buddies that if they were born anywhere outside the US would have been sent to idiot school and forgotten. We can't do that here.

Remember, US colleges are the best in the world and everyone wants their kids to be able to go. So our primary and secondary schools are literally just tools to qualify little Timmy with downs syndrome for college so at least his parents feel proud he can maybe possibly get a degree in art or something

Pretty much. This program is only suitable to very talented kids, almost only 125+ iq. That 6th grade is absolutely brutal.

It's easy to go thru American education and never have more than a couple minutes per class devoted to trigonometry. I never had a whole class on trigonometry, and had to learn the ubit circle and its identities myself....abd consequently, constantly have to teach it to classmates. But it only takes a minute or two. The point is, teachers don't really teach it. It's an aspect of math you're supposed to learn on your own, or at least take the initiative in learning. Not learning it dooms you to not knowing the final 1/5th of your precalc class, which is still an 80%, and national precalc grades actually tend to be lower than that.

Yeah I feel like a lot of people on this board forget that you are a lot smarter at 20 something than you are in elementary school. Your capacity to learn and problem solve increases.

My school had many classes, so smarter kids took advanced classes or skipped classes while dumber kids took dumb classes.

i did pretty much everything above grade 3 in two years
with only plane and quadratics being done before hand
weird system here

>US colleges are the best in the world

Some of them may produce very good research, but the average american university doesn't hold a candle to the average european university when it comes to actually teaching their students

>One billion people , 70℅ in villages with no electricity
> Take average of a billion to get shit average ratings
> Try to imply that average applies to all Poos
No fan of Pajeets but the eduxated ones I've met are pretty sharp. Don't think averages apply to India and China the same way they do to the west.
Literary choosing 0.1℅ of top IQ n India gives you a million people.

The general education requirements of US colleges hinder the students. You euros only take classes that have topics based/need for your major and not arts or humanities classes.

Sour grapes much?

What university to you go to?

how do you tell if sin 233 is positive or negative without calculator?

Just imagine the unit circle and think about where 233° is

Oh, I didn't see the °

States are in charge of education here, not the federal government, so you'll see a lot of variation in difficulty level in tests like these

This user gets it. I know like five people from HS that are teachers now and all of them are borderline retarded. Anyone can be a teacher because the standards are pathetically low.

This is way worst my high school on Mexico, in Mexico never get multiple answers math test, every time was problem developer solution.

If it were radians, you should know pi to enough digits to determine the answer.
233 is strictly between 74 times pi and 75 times pi, so sin 233 (radians) is positive..

To be fair, these are good questions. The point is the students to Understand and this test actually tests that instead of testing the ability of doing mere algebraic manipulations.

Clearly not some finale test. Looks like something kids were probably given 1-2weeks into the class.

t. finished high school 2 years ago

American schools don't give a fuck. My calculus teacher was there about 25% of the time

for banking business sake

And a lot of people forgot just how painfully slow their classes in elementary school were.

You don't need 3 fucking years to learn to add, you don't need 3 fucking years to learn to multiply.

Mind, most of that is swallowed up by security and corruption. A good quarter of Detroit schools have multiple periods where either a student acts as teacher, or they have no teacher at all, which does wonders for the already shit attendance rate.

Seems to be slowly improving over there though - dunno if that's due to squeaky wheel getting the oil, or some folks realizing there's some ludicrously cheap property over there with an impressive (if decaying) level of infrastructure around it, or if they've just hit bottom and there's nowhere to go but up.

elite students in the US are expected to start studying their chosen subject independently before high school begins, in contrast to third world countries' students that need to be threatened/forced into learning something

People who are good at math go into honors-level or AP-level math courses by the time they're in high school or earlier. Standard courses are easy because everyone is expected to pass. (American society expects everyone to have a high school diploma.)

Furthermore, the image means nothing because we don't know whether this is a final/midterm exam, or one of many small tests (i.e. quizzes) given throughout the year. When I was in high school, I'd have a lot of tests and quizzes, and a lot of homework assignments, all contributing small amounts to the final grade, rather than one single "pass it or fuck off" test such as you'll find at the end of a graduate-level university course.


i need help with my math:

>His name is arcos

Fuck. My school barely taught me basic algebra in 9th grade.

Aka, you don't really understand what sin and cos are

Jesus christ I remember this post. Also, burgerland already has a problem with teachers being gud enough to teach Calc 1 in fucking college. Getting teachers gud enough to teach calc 1 in 7th grade is.....not likely. At the community college level, good calc 1 tutors aren't even common. That user's post is a society that actually values things that matter instead of shallow consumerist media. That's not America and will never be America.

Parenting goals

>which an user posted in /adv/ for help

>name and handwriting is clearly that of a woman
>thinking women are on Veeky Forums

That's because it's a test on what is likely the first chapter they went over. It's used by the teacher so he can understand who's having issues with what concept.

95% of people wouldn't be able to handle this curriculum.

It seems fair for what it is. It is titled "unit circle test." It's over the unit circle. If the course is giving an exam just over the unit circle, they probably do tests every 2-3 weeks, in which case instead of getting one poo-tier difficult exam, they get like 7 easy ones, but all of the concepts are still covered.

They can finish after the 6th grade or 9th grade. There are no coal mines to hide kids away from anymore.

The material would probably get less difficult with time. The problem is that kids would be falling off of the bus in first grade.

Of course, the only way you're going to teach kids at this pace is to have the school centered around math and science, have the best teachers in the world, and have an excess of one-on-one instruction to troubleshoot specific issues. On top of that, the kids would need to have personalities suited towards studying for multiple hours each day in elementary school.

Honestly, the only way I think you could get a >50% success rate is if you board them on campus and regiment every aspect of their lives as soon as they enter school, and that level of involvement would cost a hell of a lot of money.

I teach students in high school and college who struggle with elementary concepts. It has become customary for me to "remind" students how to add a fraction to a whole number. The amount of time and investment needed to make sure these students succeed is beyond our limitations. This plan is more optimistic than communism.

>can't even post the image right

Do fucking brainlets expect us to read sideways

>Literary choosing 0.1℅ of top IQ n India gives you a million people.
This is why exams in Asia are so hard. There are so fucking many of them that it's just not possible to allow everybody with the desire to succeed to do so like in the west. They need a method of removing people from the pool, and bullshit standardized tests are a great way to do it.

1. unit
2. a
3. c (d because they forgot to say leg)
4. b
5. 4th
6. sin(arctan(-7/6)), cos(arctan(-7/6)), -7/6
7. -sin(arctan(-5/4)), -cos(arctan(-5/4)), -5/4

High school is just daycare for soon-to-be adults.

I think you misunderstood the last two. Obviously you can just shove everything through arctan to get the associated angle and then run it through sin to get the proper value, but you can also just find the hypotenuse of the triangle formed and divide the y value by the hypotenuse for sin, the x value by the hypotenuse for cosine, simply take the ratio of the two numbers for tangent (which you did, but likely only because you realized you could cancel tangent and its inverse).

Didn't you ever learn sohcahtoa brainlet?

sounds like your schooling was lacking user. you dramatically overestimate the human brain

the brain actually goes through developmental phases.

here are some basics for you.

the point is you can't teach the average 3rd grader the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.
they literally are incapable of understanding its significance.

It's still "exact"

>not getting the joke

>the point is you can't teach the average 3rd grader the fundamental theorem of arithmetic.

It's literally just teaching them how to divide with remainder. "Keep subtracting till you can't no more and there's only one way to do it" is something a 3rd grader can grasp.

Also Jean Piaget was a fucking hack:
Children can learn this stuff. See