Who the fuck actually browses Veeky Forums?
Who the fuck actually browses Veeky Forums?
I do
i come here to laugh at the pseudo intellectuals and ask about the meaning of life
Really it's just you and me, I like to pretend that there's a whole community and stuff.
Those kids that sit alone in every class.
are you telling me you go to class to socialize?
>yfw Veeky Forums are the real robots
From a brief look around Veeky Forums, it's basically /r9k/, but only the STEM college students, and no porn.
So in other words I might start spending more time here.
uni students and high schoolers dreaming about uni
This is literally me in the back of the class away from people, but I do well in class so it doesn't matter. I will get into a top 10 PhD program and hopefully meet new people and socialize more.
Pseudo-intellectual morons who think they are mathematical geniuses but they aren't
college freshmen and high schoolers
>Not sitting in the front of the class so you can focus efficiently, and also not have to see anyone other than the professor.
I think anyone here who actually studies math is aware of the reality that barely any math geniuses actually exist.
my brother dose (he is a mathematician)
Every chan and most social media in general are populated primarily by shillbots.
This is the real redpill desu
Over 90% of posts made here are by paid protestors
>Not sitting in the back of the class with sight of the whole class to gather as much information about them as possible
I focus enough, front of the class is a meme and is only for those who can't focus properly unless the professor is staring them down. Whenever I sit anywhere I try to get the best vantage point of the entire class/theater/whatever to always know what is happening.
I don't get why any smart and disciplined person would browse Veeky Forums. You are smart enough to realize you are wasting your time and disciplined enough not to need the instant gratification of imageboards.
Markov chain generators and general AI prototypes. Exclusively.
>ask about the meaning of life
>implying such a question doesn't automatically make you a pseudo-intellectual
>tfw that nuked my home now
But occasionally there's a grad or postgrad on Veeky Forums posting who actually knows what they're talking about.
>That one kid dressed in all black who sits in the back and gets the highest scores on tests but never takes any notes or carries any books
What are we counting as “geniuses” these days, anyway?
Shit, you're talking about me. My friends hated that about me. I missed a lot of school, so when I had been out for nearly two weeks and showed up on test day, and still scored higher than they did, it pissed them off.
Hey now be nice
That's /g/ and /reddit/
Its literally just you and me OP
I come here unironically for the maths puzzles
I graduated two years ago. I still come here because this is one of the few place were I feel I can be openly autistic.