Have hold so I can't register for Ph.D classes next semester

>have hold so I can't register for Ph.D classes next semester
>go to check what hold it is
> 3 HOUR module on sexual assault and harassment prevention and awareness

what is this cucked stupid culture that schools perpetrate nowadays? I'm there to do research, not be a SJW activist. I haven't raped anyone, leave me the fuck alone. I fucking hate liberals

Other urls found in this thread:


Uh, how about not spreading rape culture and toxic masculinity so you wouldn't have to attend this module?


It's mandatory every v few years at my uni. It's pure liberal propaganda, filled with celebrity hype and forced racial awareness. It pissed me off so I didn't do it, but I got flagged, so I had to finish to stay enrolled.

This. You cis-white scum

>American "higher education"

Only STEM Ph.D's from respectable universities have worth, not the bullshit what you're doing.

I just sit in my lab all day and code. I don't try and sex the undergrads in my TA classes even

how the fuck is that toxic masculinity or rape culture

I'm in molecular biology and bioinformatics you twat

>> 3 HOUR module on sexual assault and harassment prevention and awareness
just opt out of it you beta pussy

Why the eurotophobia??

Also, read again: >Only STEM Ph.D's from respectable universities have worth
>from respectable universities
Just the fact that you have to deal with cuckoldry from your own fucking university makes it not a respectable one.

At least this one isn't that bad. Although I'm not sure if telling people not to assault others does anything, it makes clear the rules and gives (particularly women) resources to go to if you are assaulted/harassed. 3 hours is a bit excessive though.

>Why the eurotophobia??

>such a snowflake that you're upset to learn about an important topic in today's society



"respectable universities" are more like to have the kind of shit OP is complaining about.

This. Princeton gave a phd in math to that nigger who took the whole thing as a joke and obviously knew next to nothing.


t. rapist



had to look it up in the archives. her name is piper harron.

Here's her thesis: theliberatedmathematician.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/PiperThesisPostPrint.pdf

There was a video of her PhD defense, but I can't find it.

>This thesis shows that the shapes of Sn-number fields (of degree n = 3, 4, or 5)
become equidistributed as the absolute discriminant of the number field goes to infinity. The result for n = 3
is due to David Terr. Here, we provide a unified proof for n = 3, 4, and 5 based on the parametrizations of
low rank rings due to Bhargava and Delone–Faddeev

That sounds like math to me. I know she wrote her thesis like it was a children's book but if you know any math you know she actually proved those things, which is mathematical research, which means she deserves to be a doctor.

It's time for you to go back to

Having your advisor ghostwrite the only math in your thesis doesn't make you a legit PhD. And the fact that this """thesis""" was accepted is a giant joke and a spit in the face of professionalism. By the way, if you're white, Piper would like to let you know that you need to quit your job and give your position to someone of color.

>Having your advisor ghostwrite the only math in your thesis
Prove it, provide evidence or kys.

>Having your advisor ghostwrite the only math in your thesis doesn't make you a legit PhD

But now this is a lie. Or at least something you don't know. There is no evidence that this happened and I am inclined to believe she did write it because if you know anything about what she is doing, you know her theorem is actually not even impressing.

Her thesis is actually super standard, even slightly mediocre, for a Ph.D. It is what you would expect an everyday thesis to be. The problem is that you have not read any of it and this brings us to the main problem:

Her thesis could be written in only 20 pages if she only did the bare minimum of stating the problem and proving it. But why is it 100 pages long? Because for some reason she decided to put in the extra work to maker her paper accessible to everyone. She actually defines everything, even trivial terms that her advisor and everyone at her level already understands. In my book that is extra work. She did more than was necessary to get her degree. That is cool if you ask me.

And what is interesting is that when people post pictures of her thesis here, they always post pictures of the sections he admits are for the laypeople reading her. That is why she uses informal language. But when you get to the math parts it is completely rigorous and symbolic. But none of you fags have ever read that because I bet you are not even mathematicians. You are just some cross posters from /pol/ who should really consider suicide.

> By the way, if you're white, Piper would like to let you know that you need to quit your job and give your position to someone of color.

I'm not white but if you whites are so petty then I think you should actually quit your jobs, at least until you stop being babies.

I can't prove it 100%. But she says she struggles with math on her blog and couldn't answer any questions about her thesis during her defense.

>it's okay to write "I guess!" in my thesis because niggers are too stupid to be normal people
I'm not even a /pol/ poster but you seem really intent on defending someone who acts like a literal child. So if I put "I really enjoy icecream" in my thesis that would be fine? No one would laugh me out of the department? This is about the fact that niggers are held to a different standard than everyone else, and the fact that you defend this behavior shows just how much of a faggot you are. I would highly consider suicide if I were you.

I have a story related to this
>last year
>freshmen orientation for a southern USA tech school
>I, along with every other freshman have to go attend a lecture on rape culture bs
>female lecturer, obviously
>she mentions a bunch of bs, including that Skyrim has rape scenes and nudity in it (which it doesn't, by a mile)
>the real kicker? she puts up a bunch of statistics saying
x percentage of boys have seen porn online
x percentage of boys have seen rape online
>etc etc etc
>no sources, obviously
>a girl calls out
but what are these statistics for girls?
>the lecturer kinda stops, stutters, and pretends she didn't hear anything
It may not have been much, but it felt good to witness

My Marxist University forces everyone to take a module on white privilege.

You guys are so fucking pathetic for putting up with that shit.

Yeah, white people are so retarded. I'm Hispanic and I recently decided to check what the feminists from my university were up to. I found out that they have not gotten a publication since 2016 and that they are underfunded as fuck. Basically, no one gives a shit about them. I can just imagine feminists trying to host those kinds of talks and getting laughed at.

And things like toxic whiteness. Kek, if someone here came to us with toxic hispanicness they would literally be gunned the fuck down. White people are such fucking cucks.

>My Marxist University
You studying in Cuba? China?

>a module on white privilege.
Is this inherently bad?

Fuck off to The people crying over a small course on relevant topics are the pathetic here.

It's just trolling guys. He doesn't even believe it himself. Ignore that stupid shit.

>relevant topics

This shit is as irrelevant as can be in the western world. Classes like this could be alright in some other country's, but why do you have to waste the time of already sensible people with this bs.

>rape culture

Pick one faggot

Coding is patriarchal; you probably have avoidant personality disorder.

you need the module more than anyone.

This sounds like UC Berkeley, are you at UC Berkeley?

>"white privilege" is real

Brainlet racist confirmed.

Are you the kind of person that claims to be "scientific," yet has an emotional breakdown in the face of facts and statistics? :)