How many girls in your sci/math class?


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A few. There were far more in my Japanese classes (mostly bio/biochem/molecular bio majors).

are we talking about girls or girls (guys)?

I would cuddle her without her consent if you get what I mean.

Below 20%

its shitty

About 40%. They're mostly brainlets that didn't know what to study and settled on math because they were good at high school algebra, though.

I don't know but it seems to be strictly decreasing with respect to time

Less than 20%

Do Traps count?

>Hey, Vsauce. Michael Here
>Are Traps Gay?

over 50% (math major)

I've been the only male in the class before

28ish electrical engineers in my year, 1 girl

There are literally no girls in my class and it's honestly the best environment i've ever studied in.

No drama, no guys tryharding to be cool. Just chill.

About 4 or 5 in some classes, mostly chinese

About half are grills.

seeing as it's a women's only university you'd be unsurprised to hear that it's 100%

there's no need to differentiate.

At my university:
>applied math/stats
about 45% women. does not seem to make any difference in quality of student, male vs female
>comp sci
largely female Chinese immigrants. all of them speak engrish wisth sth acshent-aru. they always have the Chinese edition of textbooks
>electrical engineering
mostly male pajeets, but also usually very smart and articulat. 1 white woman.
>computer engineering
white men and women, i want to say even split. does not seem to make significant difference in quality of student.

How'd you get admitted there, you lucky fellow?

only university my parents would pay me for.

>you will never have this body
Thanks for making me feel Veeky Forums

EE junior, there’s ~6 in my year. They mostly have zero real understanding of any subject. One of them is reasonably intelligent and actually has a grasp on Emag.

Like 4 out of 40 something students and even then none of them look like the grill in OP's pic


In a class with 30 people, 4 are girls, 1 is a trap

I go to an Engineering school, there are four girls in my entire year.

There were 5 girls in my introductory Computer Science class and 3 of them dropped

like 3 or 4 fat indian/pakistan girls.

Mathematics classes have a surprising amount of women in them. My topology class this semester has more women than men by quite a bit.
The only women in CS courses are pajeets.

I mean, that's pretty good

Mathematics, Economic and Biology has top-tier pussy.

>guys tryharding to be cool.
Do you seriously believe this is what will happen to a university class if there's a female in it?

I'm not the guy you replied to, but guys tryharding to be cool for women is always an obnoxious sight to see whilst in class. it always happens when there's a girl in a class, no matter how butt-ugly the bitch is. I've never experienced "drama" though, just witnessed the retard trying to impress some behemoth roasty, maybe you never notice it because you're either the roasty or the retard.

That's probably due to discrimination. Men on average have brains better suited for math.

About 4-5 in a class of 25

where the fuck do yall go to school?

20 girls 20 boys

im living the dream fellas

>maybe you never notice it because you're either the roasty or the retard
Kek that's some projection you got going on there. I only ask because I'm a natsci major and most of my classmates seem relatively normal so I never notice such things. Even when I took first year level math classes and physics everyone (male and female) seems to get along pretty well. I guess it's just mathautists like you who think males and females can't be friends without wanting to bang each other.

nowhere near you, Tex

math for engineers, college

About 40%, usually more males in the harder classes, like algebraic topology and riemannian geometry, but today i exchanged some words with a cute girl in one of my classes on algebraic curves, so i might finally make it lads

>Tfw no sheltered all-girls uni gf that somehow still browses Veeky Forums