Do free will exist?

Well? Determinism vs nondeterminism. Go!

no. free will would mean there are an infinite amount of possibilities and outcomes in this world. When, as everyone has experienced, there are a select amount of choices at any given time.

No, free will only implies potential for infinite choices not that there has to be infinite choices.

>free will only implies
free will is a theological term, not a physics one. You are out of your field.

The illusion of free will is just as good as the real thing. If it is indistinguishable, what's the difference to us? The reality is probably that our decisions are predetermined, as our brains don't really have access to quantum phenomena, only predictable chemical reactions.

buying into the free will meme will turn you into a demagouge's soldier. As you believe that anything is possible, and -he- will bring it to you in return for your service in his murders.

Is randomness free?


Gun to my head, yes

a) this is completely unrelated to science
b) what definition of free will are you talking about?

The whole debate about Free Will and determinism is a meme. Both are true. You have free will and all of your actions are pre-determined.

Yes, God hacked it in.

>God hacked it in.
If God had to hack it in, who built the system he hacked into? That'd be the real guy you should worship.


There's one problem with this debate that needs to be addressed. People who explicitly deny the existence of free will on scientific grounds will tacitly affirm their belief in free will when engaging in ego wank battles. When one assumes everyone has equal reserves of will power and control their destiny of their own accord, he is free to gloat at what a hard working, prudent and responsible individual he is for forging is own superiority while placing fault on those who 'chose', of their own accord, to be 'losers', therefore deserving to be treated like trash. However, once you factor in determinism the prideful workaholics are reduced to being nothing more than conditioned individuals on autopilot that happened to find their niche. The hard work and discipline society espouses become nothing more than the effortless function of a correctly configured brain.

Ultimately anyone who experiences psychedelics and noted their unbelievable transformative effects will have their belief in free will shaken.


>Determinism vs nondeterminism

see there you go again, fucked up before you even got going

free will doesn't exist regardless of determinism or indeterminism
assuming determinism is true:
everything is predetermined so you don't have a free will
assuming nondeterminism is true:
every event is guided by a random chance and tendencies, so you still don't have free will
now go tell your friends on i fucking love science

>as our brains don't really have access to quantum phenomena, only predictable chemical reactions.
It wouldn't even matter than, acting random is not what free will means.

I used to vehemently argue this topic.

I believe I found the answer: Who the fuck cares?

>free will hurr durr nichola tesla hurp durp
>free will exists please respond
You should THANK me for saging your shit thread you fucking nigger

this is also a good point

people seem to get really upset about this, then they turn 19 one day