Veeky Forums I mixed like a quarter cup of ammonia and bleach together in a 5 quart bucket and got like 5 whiffs in...

Veeky Forums I mixed like a quarter cup of ammonia and bleach together in a 5 quart bucket and got like 5 whiffs in before I realized my retarded mistake. Am I going to die?

Did you get the crystals?

Nah I ran out before they formed

You'd know right away from the terrible burning that wouldn't go away. You wouldn't be asking and instead be on your way to an emergency room.

Perfect, I assuming (hoping) as much. Godbless

>Why would you mixed ammonia and bleach in heaven's sake!?!! Haven’t you people learned already?

Not an expert but this might help.
Look up for the following symptoms:
- Eye, nose, throat irritation, eye tearing
- Sneezing
- Excessive salivation
- Hyperactivity, excitement or restlessness

If any of this is present you are going to live another day... If any of the following appear though then I have bad news for you...

- Dyspnea (a VERY annoying feeling like if you were drowning)
- Violent cough, possible vomiting and blood but not necessary.
- Strong chest pain, like in a very, VERY bad cold
- General weakness and other unspecific symptoms like headache, abdominal discomfort, etc.

Chances are, if you were on a well ventilated room nothing should happen... unless of course you were not and decided that it was a great idea to stay on a room filled with chlorine smell.

I just had a moment of full retard, didn't think about it. I was in the room for literally 10 seconds before I bailed, running outside etc. I have none of those symptoms other than a very mild headache, though I get daily migraines, so it might be that also.

I feel like a fuckin dumbass

You'll be fine op, I did this as a kid and I'm only moderately retarded

How did you manage to mix them tho. Fucking around with bottles of cleaner or what?

Be more careful next time man, chlorine is no joke.
I agree that you should be fine, if not for my medfag knowledge then because of my experience working with pure chlorine. Though it is very toxic you do need more than just a simple 10 seconds sniff to kill you so don't panic and go outside to take some fresh air.
A headache is not enough argument to think you are a dead man by no means at all

You've been dead all along. This is hell.

If you're not hacking up your lungs and getting pneumonia and if your eyes aren't burned then you're fine. If it doesn't kill you or severely disable you immediately then it's probably not going to cause any long-term damage either.

>t. I work in a facility with thousands of tons of liquid chlorine and anhydrous ammonia.

scariest job ever, is it a production facility or something?

you would absolutely know if you were exposed to chlorine gas in a way which was detrimental. I've inhaled it ONCE by accident and it's a weird mucosal burning you will never forget. It also made me strangely anxious, and im the least anxious person normally.

Just a no-excuse dumbass moment. I had this towel that wouldn't stop smelling like mildew no matter how much I washed it, so I put it in a bucket of vinegar water for a minute, then went "ah fuck it I'll put a bit of bleach in there too. That'll really kill those molds." Then it smelled chlorine af and my eyes widened and I pooped a little before running outside. Just wasn't thinking in that particular moment. At least I realized that shit within seconds of doing it, and now my towel should be 200% sterile.

Also update: am not dead. Thanks Veeky Forums!

If you arent already dead you are probably fine. Chlorine gas kills you by binding with the water in your body and creating hydrochloric acid in your lungs, eyes, on the surface of your skin, and to a degree in your bloodstream. Its a gruesome death which is why its outlawed in warfare. If you are not writhing in agony on the floor right now you will be fine.

>mixing anything with bleach ither than water
Jesus christ this is how morons die. Just dont do it again. It doesnt have lasting effects if you get away from it fast.

I am an expert. This user is pretty much correct.

We use chlorine gas to sterilize seeds at work. Fifty mLs of each and ten mLs of conc HCl gets you a stinky batch of gas. Four hours in a closed container with that kills just about everything that is on the surface of the seeds.

Yeah a chemical plant. First step is an ammoxidation reaction and then the second unit does a chlorination. Safety is obviously a very big deal. I guess it's good that at least there's not much chronic health hazards, if you're exposed to either gas you will definitely know it and if it's going to kill you it'll do it now and not in 30 years.

At least I don't work at an HF alkylation unit, I know someone who does and honestly fuck that. I also visited a plant that makes HCN once and that was some spooky shit, too.

OP here, I've worked with pure H2S at wastewater treatment plants before, and that shit'll kill you in literally half a breath, so I know the feels. Honestly, right now I'm dadmode disappointed in myself for being this dumb, if even for half a minute.

What a pussy

Bless you
No more retarded shit please, for your own health

trying my hardest dad

>I also visited a plant that makes HCN once and that was some spooky shit, too.

Do tell please, I am very curious.

There's emergency kits placed throughout the unit each maybe like 20 yards apart. They contain 5-minute SCBA escape packs and an antidote kit. The operators go through very frequent drilling on how to respond to a release, basically if it's a small release and someone needs help they can drag the guy out and pull him under a safety shower and inject him with the antidote and hope for the best. If the release is really bad then they have to just save themselves and trying to go back to help your buddies will probably kill you too.

Most places in the US have stopped storing HCN in large quantities or shipping it, now it's typically made on site and used quickly. I did get to see a railcar built for HCN, though, and those things are built like brick shithouses compared to the normal tank cars that always blow up when trains derail.