How are poor people supposed to study maths?

How are poor people supposed to study maths?

Define poor.

Well if you have ok internet, i think khan academy is a good place to start. I mean you will probably need to find your own worksheets, but that is all. Just be cautious tho, because the classes on khan academy are pretty slow sometimes, but they explain it well.

Library? Lectures on places like youtube? Books from thrift stores or second hand book stores?

The problem is that I have to work, no that I have no money for uni.

SO how are you POOR you absolute RETARD, and why did you form your question in such a way?

so your question is how are time-constrained people supposed to learn math? Also I don't understand, how much time do you spend on commuting + work? I, for example, spend at least 12 hours outside of my house (commute, work, uni) and try to sleep for at least 7-8 hours, thus free time comes down to around 3 hours(gotta minus eating, cleaning etc). Since those hours are available after the long day, I have no will to study anything in the evening. Sort your schedule out or take drugs

Stop doing everything except for working and studying.

They don't if they are poor their parents IQ is low thus their IQ is low so it's better for them (and their little brain) if they work at Walmart ot something

Live in a country with free education?

Oh, scratch this then. Instead live in a country that gives you money for studying.


You're not supposed to.

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i have a car some money saved up. live in the United States. where can i drive to and get free education

Canada, fake citizenship

>IQ memeĀ“
i'm sure i'm smarter nowadays after studying math than when I was younger.
Smarter as in "better at pattern recognition", not as in "wiser".

>what is a public library

After 8 hours of wagieing I have no power.

Then don't study math. If you don't have the willpower to find time for it, it probably isn't important enough for you to begin with.

I learned accounting from just doing my own taxes and studying during commutes.
Accounting isn't math, but I can't imagine it's much different.
There's plenty of wasted time in a day that you could use to listen to audio books or read a textbook.

Pirate books using your neighbour internet

Autism bux + distance learning.