What's your answer to this?

What's your answer to this?

Other urls found in this thread:


Study was made by people who flunked math and stats.

Not a question. Nothing to answer.

Of course they don't. You either get the concept or you still need more instruction, answering the same problem with different variables 50 times isn't going to help, and whoever came up with that idea was a fucking brainlet. It isn't like your'e going to learn every possible equation by rote memorization. It's why I never did math homework, I just aced the tests.

What it should say is ""New study found that students who don't study for math and science consistently fail"

>answering the same problem with different variables 50 times isn't going to help
Except it will. See spaced repetition.
I know you're probably trolling, because anyone with intelligence enough to ace tests without studying couldn't possibly think something as dumb as you said. I'm saying it anyway for the young, unmotivated anons.

Blatantly false.

Teachers often set homework shortly after they learn something then never set it again.

What they should be doing is using homework as a refresher for prior lessons. For example they test you on something you learned 4 months ago to check whether you remember and to help reinforce long term memories.

This makes homework more interesting as it is a quick refresher not a lengthy repetitive task. It is also a test of their skills which also helps boost confidence and develop a student's interest in developing them.

The problem is teachers are corrupt, teacher's unions are only interested in putting across the image that they are doing something useful for society and that it owes them more money. The majority of teachers are morally vacuous or completely deluded and don't care about their student's education at all.

How can you fucking know how to prove some shit if you don't do exercises?

Where is the fucking study?

Probably not in elementary school or whatever they did this study on, in college it certainly does. I get annoyed when a professor doesn't assign enough homework because that's how I actually learn the material.

I think it's this one: researchgate.net/profile/Adam_Maltese/publication/236805115_When_is_Homework_Worth_the_Time_Evaluating_the_Association_Between_Homework_and_Achievement_in_High_School_Science_and_Math/links/57922ecb08ae33e89f752dac.pdf

but it probably does help your understanding of the material, which is the objective

Since one of the things you are graded on is your homework, I'd say it is, on the face of it, malarkey.


Brainlets will always be brainlets

This. Most high school and below teachers are brainlets who need to compare themselves to kids in order to feel smart.

burger education?

Doing a lot of probelms helps you recognize the paterns

Don't share this with the brainlets I tutor or I'm out of a job

Because they give way beyond the point of diminishing returns for the incredibly tiny amount of content they actually teach. You could cut 80% of it and not affect grades at all.

I agree a 90% , true learning comes from pure field experience

What is improve grades?
if the test is different then what you trained then yes...

You only learn mathematics by doing exercises, there is not a single shit I did not learned like that.

Even computer developers need to do that.

If you did not understand the concept, yes you won´t learn with exercises, you need the concept

-Most modern kids have brain damage, especially males
-Rote memorization doesn't work and never has
-Grades are a metric, and like any metric, are worthless if not properly designed and executed
-The world is miserable, bleak, and in a degenerate state. Kids righhtfully don't give half a fuck, and too few people are around who can adequately explain and show the beauty and interconnectedness of all things

The world is designed to pump out overspecialized, compartmentalized cogs. A system that promoted selective intelligence and demands selective stupidity can only scale to a certain point.

how did they conduct the study if they didn't do their homework

nigga ain't really doing homework and sayin he is

Well you are supposed to dive into that shit now just "do homework".

You don't just show a formula who show the steps on how it works and why whoever devised it followed that track of thought that led to it since knowing why it was devised helps you understand it more..

>I get annoyed when a professor doesn't assign enough homework because that's how I actually learn the material.

Learn to self learn user.

>teachers are shit
>kids have no idea how to do shit
>go home and are expected to self teach abstract mathematics
>doesn't work
Gee, whould've thunk it.

What if I see the pattern at the first time?

then doing several different problems will make practical shortcuts more apparent and reinforce your understanding of the pattern

Wouldn't be surprised if the study was flawed.

incredible. me and everyone else in my program must be statistical anomalies then, since doing our homework mysteriously improves our grades.

>only 11 citations in 5 years

The keyword is "study". Alot of studies are bullshit or paid for by companies / organizations that are trying to push a product or agenda. The general public automatically equates "study" with hard science, and because of this they assume that the study is 100% telling the truth instead of partial truths or straight up lies. Google around and learn how shit tier many studies actually are.

I'd assume that it only looked at early high-school maths, in which it's really easy to cheat so no one learns anything from it.

As soon as you get into harder maths it's bullshit.

>solving a couple of problems on one topic
Very helpful for cementing knowledge
>solving hundreds of problems on one topic
Only helpful in stirring up hatred and resentment for math

Study was made a Stacy who has a social science degree and has never taken a stem course

>A review of the standardized tests students completed for NELS and ELS offers further clues. The NELS math tests (six different forms) involved 40 problems to be completed in 30 minutes. The overwhelming majority of these problems required basic mathematical operations in algebra, number sense, geometry and basic probability.

Math level is so low, math homeworks just happened to be repetitive shit low value or creativity.

I'm sure Big No Homework is funding studies to convince people not to do homework.

This. Most of high school maths for me was:
>Solve this problem
>Now solve it again 20 more times with slightly varied constants
The more capable kids hated it because if you understood the first question, you understood the rest and maths just became mostly pointless busy-work. The struggling students hated it because if you didn't understand the first question, doing it 20 more times wasn't going to help you understand it; it just rubbed it in your face that you didn't understand.
The stronger students were bored; the weaker students were frustrated. Both groups came away thinking maths is some bullshit exercise in punishing students.

The problem lies more in the fact that inherently people don't want to put in the effort needed to practice outside of class, even at a university level. The only people that were successful in physics and Organic Chem II were those that had the self discipline to review and preview material. Most people just don't do that because they either do not understand the importance or because it doesn't provide instant gratification.

>People fail at things they don't give a shit about or are unchanged by things they don't give a shit about

I love the sciences and math but even I get this.