Get better grades than other students in lab

>get better grades than other students in lab
>produce a better thesis than other students in the lab
>produce better papers and more citations
>they spent shitloads of time talking and socialising instead of gaining knowledge
>they got better jobs
I thought academia and universities cared more about what you know rather than who you know, bros.

It's always about social networking aka nepotism. Why the fuck didn't you make any connections? You should've asked one of your professors if they knew an organization or company that would give a good word about you

I thought academic hiring valued knowledge and mental ability over normie facebook and linkedin bullshit




Why didn't you use your outstanding academic status to get recommendations?

Its all about connections. Convo with my buddy:

>Me: Are you applying to post-docs?
>Friend: No, I don't have any connections and the ones I do have don't have funding for post-docs.

Welcome to academia, enjoy your stay. Only way to survive is to go to conferences and job fairs and socialize. The most important thing for jobs is 1) if the hiring committee knows you then 2) if the hiring committee knows your adviser. If you lack 1) or 2) its gg, apply to mcdonalds.

Why is everything based on fucking nepotism? Both industry and academia REEE

Its not nepotism really, its just risk management. Hiring somebody that you are familiar with or who somebody with a good reputation is familiar with is less likely to be a fuck-up than some total stranger.

Is it true? How bad is it? Should I give up?

talk to your fucking professors you idiot they are paid to deal with you
fucking do research with them damn

Because people are more comfortable with people they know or at least people they've seen before. You won't be able to get through life being a complete asocial autist. Sorry, bud.

I am too shy and ugly. Stop being reddit, come on.

90% of the people I've done research beside are ugly social rejects who need their mentor holding their hand to give present a fucking poster just do it you beta piece of shit I'm sick of your excuses

>drop out of school because doing rote bullshit is pain
>do my own thing, work hard, produce superior products
>get awarded massively

hmm, maybe education is an internal, lifelong pursuit instead of a cash grab

> people treat you like shit based on shit which you hardly can control like looks
I want to shot my uni, unfortunately on this island they ask for an id to by a plastic knife
> it is just your attitude, stop finding excuses, I know other people who are , and are
Please leave, reddit.

>pathetic human excrement wannabe school shooter calling people reddit
You're hopeless. Just neck yourself.

Your professor don't care about your face dude. You're trying to get professional opportunities not ask out a girl.

This. But it is important to be properly socialized and well groomed, or even unfunny and awkward academics will shun you. Drinking in moderation helps with this. Not during research or lecture, of course.

>You won't be able to get through life being a complete asocial autist.
>it is important to be properly socialized and well groomed
Thanks, anons. I'm going to try and not be autistic in grad school.

Fucking useless piece of shit.

21st century. You can change everything. The "looks" excuse does not work anymore.

Get fucked asshole.

Lovely LARP thread

Either Veeky Forums is naive is fuck or the LARPers are more elaborate on here, but for some reason LARP threads grow fast on here.

gee I (((wonder)))
blood is thicker than water