Gender Equality

You are the only people on this site that I can trust, Veeky Forums. My question is, if men and women are equal, how come women need all this extra shit to make it? I have no disdain for women whatsoever, they're lovely for the most part, I'm just genuinely trying to learn and understand.

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>if men and women are equal
Obviously false. I'm not even a neo-nazi

what do you mean by extra shit ?

what do you mean by extra shit ?

I think he means both material extras and social extras. Indeed, gender equality doesn't exist. It just shifts in a lot of ways, these days women have gained and retained privileges and men have lost all of theirs.

Personality types are identities who willingly trade time to improve their public interface over the axis of being attractive/attracted ratio'd by [math]t = \frac{1}{2}[/math] over the constant [math]e^{\frac{1}{3}}[/math].

honestly, i just don't think about this stuff... you have to realize gender equality is just another form of a social construct that just causes more chaos in social norms... when I talk to women or hang around them I don't think about "extra" shit. I just think of them as humans who look elegantly pretty. Yeah, it's easier said than done but my point is that when you get past the feminine side of women. you don't need to dig deep into understanding them. There no diff than men DESU

I made a long list with things but then I managed to missclick and it was all gone.....

Quotas in the workplace, board of directors, courses and programs only offered to women in school and the workplace, campaigns for XYZ cause (can't remember the last time men did this), easier military requirements, way less punishment for the exact same crime, statistically court heavily favouring women in divorce cases, etc. Things like that.

I guess I mean handicaps?

I'm definitly not a neo-nazi. Just a curious person.


Hormones are a hell of a drug, my man.
Also, they have significantly and measurably different CNS architecture

>if men and women are equal,
women and men are not equal, since men love to do things for women for free.

Only materialists care about hormones or CNS.

Im clinically retarded. Women are just mathematic resonance manifesting itself in 4 dimensional spacetime for the sole purpose of being creeped out by me.

Not him but what about
- makeup
- hair extensions
- perfume
- extravagant clothing
- handbags
- high heeled shoes

Really user, have you only seen females in the zoo??

hey bud, they aren't intrinsically ~equal~.
Look at it like positing or assuming an axiom to derive the rest from. If we assume everyone is equal despite gender/race/etc, then we can come to conclusions based on that assumption. There is no ~natural~ equality. It's about constructing the most consistent and pragmatic system we can. So obviously it won't be the case that in particular situations men and women will display properties unequal in value, it should necessarily be expected.

I think what I dislike about threads like this is that it's the same thing as concern trolling but masquerading as a thinly veiled /pol/ threads.

>Why do niggers, women and gay people need all this help?

You've loaded the question immediately, but let me try and give you an example to try and show you how discrimination of the past has left a lasting mark on society which should honestly be self evident. Consider the case of the Burakumin in Japan; these people are genetically identical to the Japanese but are severely discriminated against due to the belief in the past that they were impure and tained by death and not even worth being on the societal caste system. Their family names were recorded and thus the beliefs developed over time that these people are the bottom feeders of society, prone to crime, prostitution, drug use and so on. The word used to describe them in Japan is as taboo as the word "nigger" in the west. When people talk about the news of how a Burakumin was arrested for murder yesterday, it is dismissed as "typical of them". Why do they live in the poor areas? Could it be they were systematically discriminated against and thus refused homes and loans? Relegated to their own sectors of society, their own schools and such? Is it any surprise they would become Yakuza and engage in crime syndication of gambling businesses? Are you starting to see the similarities between these people and black people?

Our society wasn't always as inclusive and accepting as it was now and there is still more to do. Black people had to fight for their rights, women too had to fight for their right to vote, for education, to work and so on. There are people still alive today who experienced all of this. So some people offer them a leg up until they think the problem is addressed.


Probably because men make it harder for women. Harder for them to become successful through the social interactions and judgements they recieve from us.

This tbqh

Women are naturally more dependent than men because they bear children, and that requires support from others. If you had a child developing in you, you would want help and support too in caring for it and delivering it.

Men on the other hand can just blow their load in whatever and move on with their lives. Hence they are more independent and less needy.

equal as in equal rights not equal like equivalent

>Are you starting to see the similarities between these people and black people?
>these people are genetically identical to the Japanese

Remember Veeky Forums
Successful woman coming from a rich family is good.
Successful woman coming from a poor family is red flag.


I don't think you should be on Veeky Forums if you can't infer the point I was making. That if you can systematically discriminate against people who are genetically identical to you because of their family name then imagine how easy it would be to do the exact same thing based on how they look or talk from the colour of skin, their Irish accent or other dialect or their gender.

The SJWs took the term "white privilege" too far when in the past it was literally used as nothing more than the exclusive ability of white men to blend into society if they so choose while minorities can't.

Imagine being locked in a room with members of the KKK. White privilege is being able to leave the room or pretend to be one of them until it's time to go.

>Imagine how easy it would be to do the exact same thing based on how they look or talk from the colour of skin, their Irish accent or other dialect or their gender.
I don't deny that discrimination exists, I deny that it is always a bad thing - some people are genetically just worse human beings. Blacks and gypsies.

Thanks for the replies, folks. I'm not trolling or pretending or whatever.


Even if men and women were mentally equal women would still make up bullshit to justify female dominance in everything.

Yeah, I think that too and I really spite women for it but then when a girl sucks my dick for some reason I forget all about that and get reminded that women are really a good idea. Just got my dick sucked hard and she swallowed so call me a male feminist for the next... about 10 hours.

>quotas in the workplace
Used to be a quota 100% men, 0% women
>board of directors
used to be a quota of 100% men, 0% women
>courses and programs only offered to women in school and the workplace
my mother used to tell me about how at her public middle school in the 50's the boys had classes on economics and business, the girls had classes on homemaking and sewing
again most college programs had quotas of 100% men, 0% women
>campaigns for XYZ cause (can't remember the last time men did this)
be more specific here, not sure what you mean by "campaign", assuming you're not talking about running for political office, civil resistances, etc. which are almost entirely male domain

So why did men get all these advantages? i have no disdain for them, etc.

>men and women are equal

Men and women have equal RIGTHS

Men and women have Differences:
Different Sexual organs, Hormones, Brain Sizes , Body Height, IQ, EQ, Chromosomes/DNA.

Gender Studies Students, who denies such differences have some sort of Collective Mental Illness.

Not science

And that’s due to different evolutionary...conditions? Human males and females have developed for ~200,000 years to fulfill their roles of masculine pursuits (hunting, warfighting, most science in history) and feminine pursuits (childbearing/rearing, housekeeping), respectively. Although there have been extremes (early/mid 1800s), women have generally submitted to the needs of men.

>tfw successful woman from poor family rekt my life just for a little more
You're so fookin rite mate

You know how many dicks you have to suck in order to go from poverty to middle class? Do you want an STD?

You know how many men women have to throw under the bus in order to go from middle class to upper class? You wanna be one of those?

Well, at least you say it unlike the dog whistling larpers / cowards whose only achievement in the past decade has been throwing a tiki themed party.


Male and female equality is a legal concept, not an empirical reality.
The differences in SD of IQ between genders is incredibly well documented, and explains a huge chunk of the disparity between men and women in terms of criminality and in terms of high prestige jobs like being CEOs and physicists and shit.
There's also endless examples in evolutionary psychology of how men and women on average behave very differently, owing to their biology.
Given all this though, you should obviously never judge an individual on the average of their group, that's retarded. A woman can only ever be 1 woman, so it's fucking irrelevant if the stats say she should be some way, if she isn't, she isn't.
But if you're going to compare large numbers of them, inequality will arise, and a huge chunk of it is the result of natural biological differences.
I'm sure some chunk of it is sexism and societal norms, but whether it's 2% or 50% I have no fucking idea, because the feminists refuse to let anyone study it properly so we could find actual sexism and address it, because if you don't go by their "muh men and women are exactly the same, people are a blank slate, and any inequality is sexism" narrative they destroy your career.


>>Men and women have equal RIGTHS
says the liberals

In what alternative universe do you live in? How is this not science related?

You literally just made up a lot of extremes.

3/10 woman

Because 3DPD.

It's actually not hard to understand.

For most of human history, women didn't work at all. As you would expect, this still has consequences in today's culture and workplace environment. Adding to this background, there are gender expectations (ie. men do better at math/science, women do better at humanities) . The end result is that you get a lot of ground women have to cover in order to be equal to men in terms of job and education opportunities. The "extra shit" you posted, helps with this difference.

Hope I've been helpful.

What the fuck? He's talking about how things were approximately 70 years ago. Women literally didn't work. What extremes are you even talking about? Things were just as he's saying.

Why do choose to be ignorant on purpose, just to promote your personal beliefs?

This is all a confusion of language, both intentionally on the part of some, and because of visceral emotional reactions on the part of others

Men and women are equal? Clearly that is not true because men have penises and women have vaginas. Women also have more estrogen and men have more testosterone.

There, this is proof that they are not "equal" biologically, if you mean equal as in "equivalent in every way"

But they really mean equal in terms of abilities. As in, a woman can do everything a man can do, and a man can do everything a woman can do, when you control for the biological differences. But this is simply untrue when you mean physical abilities. Men can lift heavier things on average. Average male bodybuilders can significantly outlift world class female bodybuilders by a large margin, it's not even close. It's the same with every sport except maybe ones that require agility, meaning a small body is helpful, and ones which men don't bother to play

So then they say mental abilities. Well this is simply untrue, men are clearly the majority of scientists, engineers, and innovative people in general.

So instead of saying "okay maybe they aren't equal, maybe they have different priorities, maybe that's okay and a good thing and we should encourage people to take their own path in life because all paths are valid and worth pursuising" they say "NO, that evidence doesn't matter, we are equal it's just that men have been holding down women. If men didn't hold down women they would be just as many scientists and engineers and CEOs!"

But this is simply untrue, because even in the most egalitarian, gender neutral societies in the world, the Scandinavian countries, gender differences only become more pronounced statistically because women are more free to pursue what they want due to government subsidies, so they end up wanting to be home makers, caretakers, teachers, traditionally feminine roles.

The whole debate is nonsense


Those 1 in 3 women working in 1950 were on low education jobs.

Quotas on the workplace, boards of directors, courses are things that only apply to higher education jobs, where women work today.

I exaggerated when I said that women didn't work. You can take it as women didn't work [in high-end jobs].

There were no quotas back then..................

It's literally a law in certain states today to have a 50/50 quota split.

>I'm not even a neo-nazi
You'll get woke soon enough.

Most of those are you listing different types of clothing and fragrance is something men use as well you moron.

>if men and women are equal

in what fucking universe are we talking here OP?

I need Masculinism because a woman has never asked me out. One day men won't have to do all the work, but it isn't today.
