What prevents you from changing your gender?

Hey, retards! It's time to answer a simple C E L L B I O L O G Y question that everyone gets wrong!

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You're going to bait and switch this thread if anyone answers with biological answers backed up with information bodily developed with "Gender is a mental choice!" and turn this into a /pol/ shitfest.

If you're not then pic related.

gender doesn't exist, only biological sex does. also
>inb4 some retard defines gender as a social construct

Everything in that pic can be transplanted.

Doesn't mean they will function tough.

Functional uteruses can and have been transplanted. I don't see why not the rest.

that cat got a castration or something, however not a transplantation

Depends, wanna talk endocrinology or psychiatry? Gender is more in the domain of psychiatry, sex is more in the domain of endocrinology, pediatrics and urology / plastic and reconstructive surgery

Pic was not the proof, just a funny image.

My sexual chromosomes and common sense

Nope. XY females exist.

I'm not OP btw, just a hardened gender theorist from the wastelands of /lgbt/ who thinks you idiots can't figure this one out. This guy is on to something, however.

Still a dude.
And btw kill yourself literal faggot

>thinks he must have a Y chromosome because he has a penis
What if I told you, breeder scum, that you might actually have XX sex chromosomes?

what the fuck

why is this so bizarre to watch

Because I have sperm cells and I can do math?
Repent sodomite. Thy judgment cometh.

>I have sperm cells
You have proof of that?
>can do math
wow, I'm sure the ladies love you

>What if I told you have a 0.005% chance of having a disorder?
What's your point?

That the correlation between chromosomes and gender is less than 1.

You can always put your mouth on my cock and figure if you fell something moving around on your mouth.


The reason is simple: Gender is not fluid, and it is not fragile.

Proof: Assume that Gender is fluid. If so, why is it so related to sex? If Gender is completely fluid, you would find that people could define themselves as anything outside of the bounds of the set of Male and Female traits. However, this is not true. We only know of male and female traits, and classify ourselves as having male traits and female traits (dominate and submissive). This is why gender is bounded.
However, one cannot transcend gender, as by definition, you would then become inhuman.

Gender is not fragile as, through childhood development, your identity, which includes your gender, is imprinted upon you.

>put my mouth on your cock
>there's something moving around
>starts crawling over my tongue
>I spit it out
Wow user wash your dick next time.

Excuse me, my girlfriend is gender fluid and does transcend gender.

Brainlet. Ants can't live in a cock. They would get smashed in your pants by just walking.
Have a little of common sense before trying to look funny

what a terrible end to a terrible thread

you're either born with a penis or you're born with a cunt, any abnormalities (or mutations if you'd prefer) that you acquire from birth, be they mental or physiological, just means you got cucked by nature

eat shit and die, you unproductive faggot


What the fuck

Looks like it can't be boiled down to simply chromosomes, but it can be boiled down to genes, SRY being a very important one. The XX male condition happens when the male SRY gene gets "transplanted" onto one of the X chromosomes during meiosis.We can identify your gender based on your genes.

>We can identify your gender based on your genes.
So then your gender is unknown if you haven't had a DNA test or produced offspring?

>yahoo answers
>a post about a dude who literally forced a ant in his urethra.
Your point?

>>yahoo answers
>>a post about a dude who literally forced a ant in his urethra.
>Your point?
That you have no sense of humor.

There's two ways to define it, socially and biologically. In the social sense, if people think you're a man, then you're a man, but biologically speaking you could still be a woman. Just like a white-looking jew isn't white genetically.

The smartest person in this thread...

>People using diseases to prove a point in general population



So the social term is just utter shit who does not worth anything.

Is like people thinking you are black when you are white.

Sociology sucks

>There's two ways to define it, socially and biologically
And psychologically too. Somebody can self-identify one way while being socially and physiologically the other.

I seriously doubt that this occurs without a mutation or hormonal imbalance/

Etiologies' of disorders of sexual differentiation may or may not be genetic or hereditary, and the underlying pathophysiologies can be vastly different. It can be due to de novo mutations, inherited diseases, epigenetic modifications, problems regarding post translational modification, in utero exposure to drugs or toxins, endocrinological diseases, congenital disorders due to maternal diseases... The list is pretty much endless and that's just talking about disorders of sexual differentiation and ambiguous genitalia at birth. Gender dysphoria and psychiatric disorders are a whole other can of worms belonging to an entirely different field. It's simply way too multifactorial to be boiled down to a single determinant.

Another interesting example is complete androgen insensitivity syndrome. The patients are genotypically XY and phenotypically completely female at birth with no ambiguous external genitalia but they lack ovaries and a uterus. When they reach puberty age, they do not undergo menarche and that's often when they're diagnosed. They have a functional SRY gene but the androgen receptor is not functional. They have primitive intraabdominal testes which should be removed to prevent testicular cancer. With appropriate management they often live completely normal lives as females aside from being infertile and lacking a menstrual cycle.

>So the social term is just utter shit who does not worth anything.
It is actually worth a lot. It defines what bathroom you use, who you can marry in most countries, who gets to feel you up at airport security, your odds of being raped or climbing the corporate ladder.

Yes, but it can occur. The point is that gender has different meanings in different contexts. It is not well defined.

Well, to answer OP's question, I don't think anyone with normally formed genitalia of a particular gender can change their gender. The technology isn't there. That's not even going into the neurological and other physiological differences. Might be possible in a distant future though.

The answer to the question is twofold. One is chromosomal biology and the other is the judgement of human society. The later of which is not a bad thing by default. Given we aren't alone on the world and should probably not act as if we were.

Now let me ask you a better question.

What is wrong about the life you were given and how does an alternate set of reproductive organs help you achieve what is potentially missing, in a way that wholesome self-actualization can't achieve already?

Because when I read about trans people being disappointed that no one really cares about what they do with their genitals, followed by the expectation that they should be regarded as potential partners. I can't help but wonder if these people ever think about something other than themselves.

>1 in several million is born with some disorder that """disputes""" the norm of sex and gender
>this is somehow supposed to prove that our definitions are wrong and not that their pathetically small presence indicates nothing more than being a dysfunctional outlier


You can't change your gender.

But you can change your sex.

>All swans are white
>What about this black swan?
>Ugh that's obviously a dysfunctional outlier don't ask me to update my definition of swan as "white bird"

>If Gender is completely fluid, you would find that people could define themselves as anything outside of the bounds of the set of Male and Female traits
That does not actually follow. The fact that gender is bounded does not entail that gender is not fluid. Gender is a spectrum. If gender is fluid then you can define yourself as anything on the spectrum, but not outside of it. Masculine and feminine are the binary poles of this spectrum (disregarding societies which have a different conception of gender), but that doesn't mean men and women correspond perfectly to these extremes. I'm sure you've seen men you considered feminine and women you considered masculine and even people who were so androgynous that you couldn't tell.

>But you can change your sex.
Really bad bait.