What's a scientifically proven painless way to die?

What's a scientifically proven painless way to die?

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Rig a ring of shotguns aimed at head level to one trigger and stand in the middle.

Ascension into Heaven

Why do you care about pain if you're going to be dead anyways?

7 kilos of acid

if i'm gonna kill myself it's because i feel pain whether it is mental or physical, so i don't pain to be the last thing i feel.

i drank 7 kilos of coca cola and i'm still not ded

I think if you're gonna go out, it might as well be cool as shit.
But if you want it to be painless, google 'exit bag'

forgot pic

I always have wanted to free fall from the atmosphere to kill myself.
It would be the coolest suicide ever, shame that i'm not an astronaut.

>Take out loan from bank
>go on one of those ''weightlessness flights'' where you spend 3 min in ''space''
>jump out
>posthumously kek as your cadaver splatters somewhere from fucking nowhere giving hundreds of people PTSD and making global headlines
Make it happen

>so i don't pain to be the last thing i feel.
that's silly and irrelevant
a valid answer to the question would have been "because feeling pain isn't nice, and things that kill you are typically very painful"

then what do i do?
devote my life to researching a way to deactivate pain sensors in the human body?

carbon monoxide (CO) intoxication

helium exit bag
This WILL kill you though. Don't even think about it if you aren't serious,

no, you find a way to kill yourself that's unlikely to be painful.
for example: jumping from a very tall building is a good idea, stabbing yourself in the gut isn't.

>helium exit bag
thank you very much
At this very moment i'm not going to kill myself but i prefer killing myself over dying from starvation.

Jump off a very tall building and land head first into pavement.

nuclear bomb explosion at ground zero

>put on simple air filter mask
>lay down on bed
>pull plastic bag over head
>have a power nap
You'll wake up dead.

Opiate OD. Slowly slip into a blissful death.

>Not wanting an extremely painful method
>low test
Pick 2

Stream it faggot and post the link here

How are you gonna wake up if you're dead?

The surest, fastest, and most painless way to die is to swallow a whole vial of seconals. You'll be asleep within minutes and dead not long after.

Teleport without the safety mechanism

Depends if you can get your hands on a gun or not. A headshot is a pretty surefire way to lose consciousness immediately.

Otherwise, sleeping pills or opioids would be your best bet.

In all seriousness, seek help. Some antidepressants and counseling will probably set you on a path to happiness.

Head explosion

It's not possible to die

a head beheading with anesthesia in neck.

>many-worlds memeterpretation

generally, explosives has the least pain, shotgun to head wins with regards to efficiency though. You only get one try though

Heroin overdose

>Hit by a train

My god, I guess it would not hurt but fuck, it must fucking take a lot of courage

>a head beheading

So this is what you do. You get as many loans as possible. Then you quit your job and travel the world fucking girls of every race and doing all kinds of weird and dangerous activities and drugs. You will die with a smile on your face faggot.

more like because our brains aren't exactly future oriented

>seppuku and self-immolation are a thing
>hurrrrr jumping in front of a train takes balls

this, or morphine overdose, same thing basically. Literally the most peaceful way to go.

>18 minutes to die by train
>drowning causes more agony than burning alive

this chart is full of shit

>18 minutes to die by train
This makes sense. They account for the possibility someone jumps in front of the train you were going to jump in front of, causing some delay.

its cold outside where i live.
buy 2 large bottles of red label drink them and fall asleep outside in a tshirt and jeans

Die a little more inside each day.

You won't notice the cummulative effects until you truly don't care anymore.

Yes, I am aware of the spelling error, but I do not care.

I am also aware that my prior sentence rhymed tyvm.

burning alive is less painfull than it looks like. Your nerve endings burn off and you basically choke to death by the fumes
I also think that chart includes the ones who fucked up, because i find it hard to believe to live for another 1,7 minutes with an exploded head

yeah, everyone I've seen being burned alive looked like they were having a great time stop spouting made up bullshit about nerve endings "burning off"

do you even third degree burns

In an apartment block where I used to live, a man doused his wife with kerosene and set her on fire. The plan was also to set the apartment on fire. Most of the kerosene landed on her legs.
Well after the neighbors (me included) doused the flames (I almost lost a finger while untwisting the fire hose because some twit opened the mains before I was done), both he and she were in shock.
Well at first she did not feel the pain in her legs.
They were just a very dark red. Within about 10 minutes she was writhing in pain. Cried like a little baby while the EMTs worked on her.
Last I heard she had to have multiple skin grafts.
Just thought I'd share.

How is drowning painful? Don't you just pass out then die slowly?

Have you ever inhaled a liquid? It's about a hundred times worse than that. You cough and choke and inhale more water and cough and choke some more for a long time until you pass out die. I have seen a diver drown.

Never inhaled a liquid but if your lungs fill with water you suffocate right? If your brain doesn't get oxygen you pass out and then it's painless from there right?
any medfags know what's good?

Seconal. 10/10
Not easily available because its quick and painless.
Society wants you to bash your brains out on a pavement or suffocate to death.
Thanks Obama.

You're ignoring all of the psychological horror on top of the physical agony of not being able to breath.

There must be a reason this doesn't come up more often.

because then everyone would do it

take a bunch of heroine or any painkillers you can get your hands on. Painkiller = no pain.

inert gas inhalation

carbon monoxide is even better because it's toxic and undetectable.


baking soda and vinegar CO2 chokies

Seems like Veeky Forums has really put out some thought on this.

Don't give in OP, the shitty feeling and mindmist will subside.

>posthumously kek

Burn charcoal in your car
Just make sure you don't live

I've often wondered about this.
I lived through some very dangerous situations by pure dumb luck.
Is it possible that I died, but just don't remember it because I reloaded my game and made a different choice / lived on in a different world?

They may be considering the time it takes to get to the train and to wait for it to show up, during which you are in some sort of mental anguish?

>drowning causes more agony than burning alive
learn to read you stupid cunt
fire to self agony 95
structure fire 91.5
drowning 79

91 > 79
my man jump from a high building and let us know how it feels

Pretty sure quantum immortality is when there’s an infinite amount of games running simultaneously, so there’s at least one game where you never game over. And when you do game over, the game ends, so you never ‘witness’ the game over.

Heart attacks are not a fun way to go no matter how high you are

You forgot pulling the trigger
You won't die by standing in the middle of a circle of shotguns

Break into a substation, rack out one of the switch gears, put both arms into different holes and grab the line side legs. Should vaporize you.

Overdosing on opioids and/or benzodiazepines. Unfortunately doctors only give these pills out to chads like Heath Ledger, not ugly awkward robots like us.

>overdosing on benzodiazepines
This works because once the effect of benzos wear off you will literally be unable not to kill yourself, with whatever means you can find.

it's like taking all the successful attempts at a level and stitching them all together at the checkpoints to make one perfect run of the game.

Na it was probably just a British train

Yeah I have tried swimming as far as possible under water while diving as well and there is no describing the panic you feel when you need to breath but you're underwater, I can imagine drowning is absolutely fucking awful

if you take enough opiates to die you're probably not going to feel a thing. don't they kill by respiratory depression anyway?

hanging probably isn't too painful if the rope is soft