Do we even stand a chance?

So, if the insects of the world all or mostly die out, does humanity even have a chance? What do we do? Who would want to live in a barren desolate world anyways?

Insects are the most resilient fuckers on this planet and nothing we can do is going to make them all go away.

This article clearly refutes your claim. Some insects are incredibly resilient, but not all.

>spray poison on vast fields of crops (which attract insects) for the summer months of every year, and year round in the tropics

>wonder where all the insects have gone

wowee gee who could've seen this coming

not all insects go to crops
a little poison on a small patch of land isn't enough to even kill 1% of a single species
this is an environmental problem

bit of both I'd say. eleminating pesticides will help but not fix everything

oh no not flying insects what will get all up in my face and annoy me by flying on to my computer monitor at night when it's hot and the window's open now

you do realize that most of these bugs are a food source for things that are our food source right?

I'm pretty sure nothing I eat lives off of bugs.

Good, I fucking hate bugs

Found the Drumpf voting /pol/ morons.

>were going to run out of sparrow, anteater, and ant meat
jesus please end it

this has to be bait

I eat plants and herbivores

Good, fuck those annoying buzzing cunts. I hate insects.

Could you offset this by actively cultivating these insect species? We have bee hives, could we actively raise populations of other pollinators?

Bees are the only pollinators we need.
The problem is they're dying out.

probably, but most people are stupid enough to think "I don't eat this and don't eat anything it directly produces so it's not a problem". Except the ecosystem exists in a precarious balance that we keep fucking up and it'll bite us all in the asses

>a little poison on a small patch of land
In what alternate universe is gigatons of pesticide
"a little poison", and millions of acres "a small patch"?

How don't you know about the food chain?
They literally cover this shit in kindergarten/preschool.

Pesticides are nearly a mistake at this point. Like antibiotics, they're useful to a certain degree but they've been wildly overused.

Venus fly traps eat bugs. What are you gonna eat when the venus fly trap goes extinct? Checkmate.

I would be willing to make mosquitoes and flies go extinct and to hell with the food chain. They are the assholes of the insect world.

Guess you've never tried chicken before?

I'm from north america, the chicken I eat is raised in a box being coated with the shit from the chickens above it, eating pellets of mostly corn.

I would rather the world suffer total environmental collapse than ever have to walk through another gnat cloud.

>what will we do without pestilence and our pagan worship of the CYYYAAAYKULT OF (((LIFE)))
probably have more land to live in

>All these ignorant retards
>On fucking Veeky Forums

Yeah boy oh boy I can't wait to live in a fucking arcology because we have ruined the planet thanks to retards like this.

I don't know why ignorant retards on Veeky Forums are a shock to you, you must be new here. But surprise, you are one of them. The earth's ecosphere will not be reduced to a barren wasteland because flying insects die off, it will just change, as it always has.

No chance for humans but the biosphere will recover over a million years or so and the planet will be back to where it was in terms of diversity. Reefs have gone extinct 13 times in the fossil record but have always sprung back once conditions are just right.

>millions of acres

There's nearly 4 trillion acres of crop land in the world, fyi.

>over 40% of land
small patch

Not surprising desu.
One thing I've not seen posted a lot in threads and discussions about the drop in insect and spefically the bee population is the problem with plants and their nectar getting less and less nutritious thanks to the increase of CO2 since the industrial revolution.
It is even worse for the plants we farm as we have mostly bred for larger harvests and not nutrition.

Good. Let the fuckers die.


The 6th mass extinction in the history of Earth is already well underway. The one that killed off the dinosaurs was relatively mild. Some have eliminated almost all life except microbes. All that remains now is to see how severe the current one will be.

>Monoculture is unsustainable
Gee, who would have thought? Dumb kikes and their EVERYONE NEEDS TO BE FED altruistic garbage.
We need to put the CIA to use, have them incite wars between overpopulated shit holes like China and India, remove ourselves from Israel and the rest of the ME and let them destroy each other and get the planet to around 2 billion people, most of the remaining people should be in the US, Europe, and Japan so they can keep making manga and anime.

>mentioning /pol/ for no good reason

You are worse than them.

...a "chance" to do what?

Spot the trump voter.

Pity you are too dumb to realize what you and your kind are doing to the Earth.

>no more insects
i see no problem here

holy fucking shit my dude, that's a lot of acres...