Prof: Algebra, geometry perpetuate white privilege
>Gutierrez worries that algebra and geometry perpetuate privilege because "emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi" give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."
>She also worries that evaluations of math skills can perpetuate discrimination against minorities, especially if they do worse than their white counterparts.

>“On many levels, mathematics itself operates as Whiteness. Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White,” Gutierrez argued.

>“Are we really that smart just because we do mathematics?” she asks, further wondering why math professors get more research grants than “social studies or English” professors.

>“If one is not viewed as mathematical, there will always be a sense of inferiority that can be summoned,” she says, adding that there are so many minorities who “have experienced microaggressions from participating in math classrooms… [where people are] judged by whether they can reason abstractly.”

>To fight this, Gutierrez encourages aspiring math teachers to develop a sense of “political conocimiento,” a Spanish phrase for “political knowledge for teaching.”

how can we get rid of white ppl and solve this problem, /sci?

Other urls found in this thread:

>“Are we really that smart just because we do mathematics?” she asks, further wondering why math professors get more research grants than “social studies or English” professors.

she even says "we" like she does any math, fucking 10/10 made me rage

Are we really this unconscious and insecure? I'm not really mad about that claim, but worried that such retardation can have an effect.

>Who gets credit for doing and developing mathematics, who is capable in mathematics, and who is seen as part of the mathematical community is generally viewed as White
This 'whiteness as a social construct' angle is pretty fucking retarded, famalam. But given that this is a radical change of tactic from 'whiteness as original sin' you should just view this whole situation as evidence that the progressives are treading water. Ignore the retards and they will starve.
t. nigger

No matter how insipid her point is it’s still a point.

not all points are created equal, or valid for that matter. in any case, i hope that math doesn't become polluted in the way that other fields are.

>give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."

Because it was. #WhitePride


Are you sure this story isn't fake? It's only on here and Fox News (both tabloid sites) with no evidence of quoting anything real.

>speaks spanish, a white european invented language
>complains about white european invented math terms

Fucking impossible to tell. The problem with satirizing postmodernist ideologies is that it doesn't take them long to catch up with their own parodies.

>"was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."

But this is true?

When you portray this stuff as news it's called propaganda. It's beyond satire here.

None issue. This is what happens when you have too much free time. You create non existent problems.

It's a joke to real problems us minorities face.

I personally thank the Greeks, Indians, Arabs and Europeans for all their works



It's real. Did you even look at the link in the OP??

It links to the original source and all.

It's in the book: Building Support for Scholarly Practices in Mathematics Methods

and a Google book preview confirms that the above is in it.

I'm so fucking tired of the retardation going on in America from both sides.

Was the internet a mistake Veeky Forums? Did science actually go too fucking far this time?

Should we just ban Americans (excluding of businesses, hospitals, tax and science institutions) from the internet? Because it really seems like this shit needs to be contained.

i find it funny/sad how she says we and this article says she is a mathematics professor.. she is an education prof who "studies" math education. she is not a prof of math.

>“political conocimiento,” a Spanish phrase for “political knowledge for teaching.”

is this something from franco era spain?


Turn around everybody, this is fake news. Probably written by some Drumpf supporter to create controversy. Literally everyone knows Greeks were black. Fake news. Bye-bye.

>Greeks were black
>Euler was black



>pic related
>not black
This really makes me think

jesus was black

Why did you post this link O.P? If you didn't I doubt most people would have ever heard about this complete non-story.

It should be "conocimiento político", and it just means political knowledge, and it is not a phrase with the added meaning she mentioned.

Fyi, chicanos and any spanish speaker living outside of spanish speaking countries are retarded.

>political conocimiento
>no "conocimiento politico"

>Fyi, chicanos and any spanish speaker living outside of spanish speaking countries are retarded.

I don't know man. At some point we have to ask ourselves, are these people sincere? I mean, white people are really dumb. They give so many privileges to people with "diverse" identities that it actually makes economic and social sense to just pretend you are oppressed and see how much white people give you. I think it is pretty smart. You guilt trip white people into giving you an entire fucking article. And if she is succesful then you know she would get grants to do diversity research to see if removing geometry improves PoC's grades?

It is all a bunch of retardation but wherever there is money to be made there will be someone to make it. I would do it. I see no shame. I am hispanic myself but not in the US unfortunately. If I was there though I would be crying oppression every day just for the lulz.

¿Realmente crees que ellos lo hacen por inteligencia, user? Digo, no te voy a decir que soy un /pol/tard, pero dicen demasiadas estupideces. Chillan como si estuvieran viviendo en nuestros países y no en los pinches Estados DificultadFácilEnLaVida de América.

Tiene "sentido" señalarle los privilegios a los blancos (y a los estadounidenses en general) sólo si viven fuera de ellos. En serio, un oprimido en welfare seguro gana más y vive mejor que mi papá ingeniero.

No dudo que tengan sus chicanos intelectuales, pero como en todo lugar, son la excepción, no la regla, y el resto sólo parlotea el discurso más convincente de su barrio.

Look at you cherry-picking the opinions of some extremist nutcase and making a blanket implication that all people that agree with any part of liberal ideals must fall into line with this way of thinking when in reality most people would simply consider this man an extremist nutcase.

When you post shit like this here you not only ruin the quality of the board (if Veeky Forums ever had any to begin with) but you also give this man the attention he is so desperately looking for which reinforces his batshit crazy worldview which in turn angers you and reinforces your equal and opposite batshit crazy worldview and you two feed off each other until shit explodes into violence. Don't think nobody can see your end game.

>¿Realmente crees que ellos lo hacen por inteligencia, user?
No quiero suponer que se sus intenciones, solo creo que no es valido simplemente asumir que son idiotas porque tambien puede ser que son genios. Las dos opciones son posibles asi que no podemos asumir nada.

>pero dicen demasiadas estupideces
Este no seria el primer caso en la historia en que alguien dice un monton de estupideces solo para hacer dinero.

>Tiene "sentido" señalarle los privilegios a los blancos (y a los estadounidenses en general) sólo si viven fuera de ellos

Si pero mira a los liberales blancos. Ellos no piensan eso. Un blanco ve a un negro llorando y de una vez quieren darle dinero y darle una entrevista sobre opresión.

>un oprimido en welfare seguro gana más y vive mejor que mi papá ingeniero.
Tampoco exageres kek. Esta gente obviamente es pobre, pero obviamente lo tienen que major que los pobres que son blancos pues los blancos no tienen grupos politicos asi como los tienen los no-blancos como BLM.

Solo mira mi imagen, es una negra dando algun tipo de clase a un monton de gente blanca y abiertamente les dice: TODOS USTEDES SON RACISTAS, DENME PLATA EN PAYPAL PARA PAGAR POR SU PECADO ORIGINAL DE NACER BLANCO.

Y ahi los ves. Los blancos felices de participar. Felices de ser insultados en su cara y felices de financiar a estas personas. Dinero es dinero.


Imagine if whites had gotten this mad when asians were stereotyped as good at math.

No matter how insipid someone's post is it’s still a post.

Case in point, you.

cut your paranoia and read the fucking article, dumbass. it's an illinois professor, and it's a she. OP didn't say shit, either, just showed us this dumbass ruining math education. the only one running his mouth with loud, dumb political opinions is you

But they did get mad user, the problem is whites are split between saying they cheat/ fake shit or using blacks and browns as strawmen for their troubles when they don't want to admit a lot of college spots and tech jobs are being actually filled by asians. Saying blacks/browns take too many spots when they barely can maintain a +5% occupancy average in STEM grad and jobs spots.

At this point it's about saving face and passing the buck as much as possible.

It time to start lynching these uppity niggers. Again

Hitler was a black man

It's obvious why black kids do badly in school. Look at how their black parents raise them up.

>Teacher calls home and reports that a black kid isn't pay attention or doing their homework
Parent yells at the teacher for trying to cheat them out
>Teacher disciplines a misbehaving black kid
Parent goes to the school and kicks the teacher's ass:

>Parent yells at the teacher for trying to cheat them out

As someone who actually taught k-12 classes for a couple of years in both rural and city schools this is not what happens usually. What happens on average is general acknowledgement of the situation is received but ambivalence towards fixing the problem in a proper manner is undervalued. Either by choice or unawareness of resources available to them.


This was just on RT, it's mainstream news.

was it, though? I don't know about the history of math but babylonians were not white. And islamic countries were much more productive than christian yurop.

> I don't know about the history of math but babylonians were not white.
Babylonians never described abstract rules or concepts, we have a lot of clay tablets from them with their procedures and they just give you a list of what to do in what situation. Greeks were the first to generalize stuff beyond simple solving procedures, i.e. making the step from computations to mathematics.

Also, stop using white as a substitute for European

>And islamic countries were much more productive than christian yurop.
Yes, maths in Europe kicked off in the 16th century in Italy (partly because of greek refugees and more contact with islamic scholars), but almost all maths was mainly developed afterwards. The greek are only claimed to have developed maths because the first mathematicians in renessaince europe had a huge boner for ancient stuff. Everybody before Descrates, Newtown and Leibniz had only marginal influence on the development of maths.

Made that substitution because the fucker I quoted made it. My mistake.

Thank you for sharing

But she does, and has a couple of publications

But truth is racist

Algebra and geometry were invented by non-whites

Kinda reminds me of James from numberphile.

it all makes sense now.

>"emphasizing terms like Pythagorean theorem and pi" give the impression that math "was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans."
How horrible, we are teaching FACTS about the history of math. HELP RACISM HALP.

"You should kill yourself" is also a "point".
That does not mean that any attention should be paid to i or that any sane thought is behind that.

lol this reads like it was literally made to get people on here to rage

>How horrible, we are teaching FACTS about the history of math. HELP RACISM HALP.
Educate yourself. Pythagoras didn't invent the concept of his theorem. He formalized it and published it, and was able to make it catch on. Ancient Babylonians were aware of the concept thousands of years before Pythagoras.

Algebra was invented by Arabs, even the name comes from Arabic, how did she manage to associate it with whites?

She never claims this. It is made up by this tabloid website.

The article exaggerates, but it's still pretty bad.