Why are cats legal to own when it's been shown for like 4 decades that they can trigger schizophrenia, bipolar...

Why are cats legal to own when it's been shown for like 4 decades that they can trigger schizophrenia, bipolar, major depression, and loads of other mental problems due to the Toxoplasmosis parasite that they all carry?

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Because (((they))) want you to own a cat.

why are cigarettes legal to use if it's been shown for a century that they cause cancer

why is sugar legal to use if it's been shown since decades ago that it causes obesity and health problems

why is traveling allowed when its been shown since 5 centuries ago that traveling helps a lot to spread diseases

link me to shit that shows toxoplasmosis causes those things.

why cigarettes are legal? toothpatse? pesticides?

Social traditions are hard to break down because people aren't autistic. Same with everybody accepting aging because it's in the culture/society.

I've owned cats most of my life and I'm a healthy, well adjusted person YOU COCKSUCKER SON OF A CUNT RTERTEIRFINCWRUWFH

dogs aren't any better user
>eat their own shit
>lick their anuses
>drag their ass on your floor
>the welfare niggers of pets

people do that though

Why is living allowed if you could die

It bloody well shouldn't be.

Because roasties like them. When was the last time you saw something roasties like banned? That's right. NEVER. Because roasties control the government and basically everything.

If you wanted to get cats banned then you would have to do a lot of activism and social engineering to convince the majority of people that cats are actually a masculine hobby and therefore part of toxic masculinity and there they should be banned. Then banning cats would be super easy, the government would just do it immediately.

Do you eat cat shit?
Because that's the only way they might give you Toxoplasmosis.
Nice thread, shit eater.

I wish people would stop posting this girl.
She isn't even hot

how can clocks be real if time isn't real ???

the economy

>We must protect people from themselves at all costs
Choose one

it's not freedom to get schizophrenia you fucking retard


Probably because we're all going to die eventually and healthcare is an industry for making money not helping everyone.

100% of people who drink water die


It is freedom to take the absurdly minimal risk of parasite infection to keep a pet you troglodyte.

You know, like breathing, eating shitty food, steroids, drugs, alcohol. Do you have the mental capacity to see the relation or do I need to elaborate more?

Because nothing beats having a kitty licking your clitty, not even being knotted (unless it's a threesome with a both a dog and a cat).

>not even being knotted
Doubt it

Watch this video to dispel all your Toxoplasmosis fears:


Prove it!
I know plenty of people, myself included, who have drunk water but are still alive.

But I lick my gfs ass all the time and I don't carry disease

Is this schizophrenia in action or some other mental illness?

because cat ladies are actually the largest electorate.

that video says nothing about what happens if you get it. absolutely nothing.

>"so yeah it's really easy to get basically"
Wow, really dispels all of my fears user! :)

>Don't worry most people have it.
>Above post talk about it being possibly the/a cause of a few (neurological) diseases

Fun times.

this doesn't show whether or not it causes that stuff though...

I have had schizophrenia before owning a cat and still have it. Explain the process of this.

Schizophrenia is often misdiagnosed as a psychotic disorder when the negative symptoms are misdiagnosed as depression or some personality disorder. Psychosis isn't the main asset of schizophrenia. Schizotypal personality disorder doesn't even exist, it's just negative schizophrenia. This is why a lot of people don't get help until they have to lie that they hear voices.

I don't know either.

t.socialist cuck

How do you even survive without daddy reminding you to breath

The world population of humans carrying T. gondii is literally as high as 50%. Pretty sure it won't make much sense to try to blame any psychiatric or medical conditions on an attribute shared by half of the planet.

Firstly, i know this is bait, but i must respond to make sure people know why you are retarded.
>they all carry
Not all cats have toxoplasmosis. In fact, if your cat doesnt go outside its highly unlikely that they have it, or ever had it. Just because they can carry the parasite, doesnt make them any more likely to have it than you. Humans can carry it too you know.
>schizophrenia, bipolar, etc.
Show me a study that links these mental illnesses to toxoplasmosis and i will show you an unreliable sorce. Toxoplasmosis does have an effect on your brain, and does change your behavior, but it doesnt give you a mental illness.
Did you know you are far more likely to get toxoplasmosis from undercooked food than you are from any cat? In fact, theres a good chance you are already infected. Most people show no symptoms. In some countries, the percentage of people who have been infected by toxoplasmosis is 90% or higher. The only reason you should be concerned about toxoplasmosis is if you are pregnant, as it can cause birth defects. Unlike you, i will provide a source to back up my claims.


Shitposts like this are cancer. Not only do they shit up Veeky Forums with misinformation, they could prevent an innocent, parasite free cat from being adopted because someone took OP seriously.

not baiting at all. it has been studied for 4 decades you fucking retard. anti-psychotics react with the t. gondii cysts in schizophrenics. gee i wonder why they suddenly get better...

Nice source you got there.

She looks mostly happy, on my end of the spectrum, a sandwich is life.

Schizophrenics never get better. The medication only dulls the symptoms enough for them to be low functioning members of society. Quit spreading misinformation.

some do get better user. It's not the majority, but you can pull some of them out of it. The ones that are way gone though are fucked forever.

here are a lot of sources


Toxoplasmosis parasite causes behavior changes in humans. Makes women more promiscuous aka sluts and men more docile aka beta. Take the good with the bad mate.

Your own source lists undercooked food before cats as a risk factor. The studies linking it to schizophrenia only show an increased antibody response to t. gondi in those who have schizophrenia. Also fuck off with Wikipedia. What are you 12?

From your own source

“In most of the current studies where positive correlations have been found between T. gondii antibody titers and certain behavioral traits or neurological disorders, T. gondii seropositivity tests are conducted after the onset of the examined disease or behavioral trait; that is, it is often unclear whether infection with the parasite increases the chances of having a certain trait or disorder, or if having a certain trait or disorder increases the chances of becoming infected with the parasite.[151] Groups of individuals with certain behavioral traits or neurological disorders may share certain behavioral tendencies that increase the likelihood of exposure to and infection with T. gondii; as a result, it is difficult to confirm causal relationships between T. gondii infections and associated neurological disorders or behavioral traits”

Your source says that there is no clear causal link between toxoplasmosis and schizophrenia. However there was something very interesting in there.

>There is a negative association between an infection with the parasite T. gondii and multiple sclerosis, therefore, researchers have concluded that toxoplasmosis infection could be considered a protective factor.[153]

While fascinating, im sure this is due to the fact that MS is more common in cold climates and toxoplasmosis is more common in warm climates, but still. Pretty fucking crazy.


>But I lick my gfs ass all the time and I don't carry disease
Do you have a single fact to back that up

Others have already pointed out why you are retarded but would really like you to feel bad about it.

>Positive antibody titers to T. gondii have been shown to be not correlative with major depression or dysthymia.[146]

>A 2016 study using the Dunedin cohort found that "there was little evidence that T. gondii was related to increased risk of psychiatric disorder, poor impulse control, personality aberrations or neurocognitive impairment".[147]

>Cautions that were noted include that the antibody tests do not detect toxoplasmosis directly, most people with schizophrenia do not have antibodies for toxoplasmosis, and publication bias might exist.[149

>Toxoplasmosis is generally transmitted through the mouth when toxoplama gondii cysts are accidentally eaten.[36] Congenital transmittance from mother to fetus can also occur.[37]

>Cats excrete the pathogen in their feces for a number of weeks after contracting the disease, generally by eating an infected rodent. Even then, cat feces are not generally contagious for the first day or two after excretion, after which the cyst 'ripens' and becomes potentially pathogenic.[44] In addition to cats, birds and mammals including human beings are also intermediate host of the spores and are involved in the transmission process
So basically if you clean your litterbox once a day, like you should, it’s unlikely you will get toxoplasmosis even if your cat is infected.

>In the United States, the percentage of pigs harboring viable parasites has been measured (via bioassay in mice or cats) to be as high as 92.7% and as low as 0%, depending on the farm or herd.[39]
I hope you cook your pork well

>A survey of free-ranging chickens in the United States found its prevalence to be 17%–100%, depending on the farm.[108]
I guess chickens should be illegal too?

>Chronic infection with T. gondii has traditionally been considered asymptomatic in people with normal immune function.

These are all from the source you listed.

>The seroprevalence of T. gondii in domestic cats, worldwide, has been estimated to be around 30–40%.[113]

>Frequency: Up to 50% of people, 200,000 cases of congenital toxoplasmosis a year[6][7]

A higher percentage of people are infected than cats. If anything humans, pigs, and chickens should be illegal. Now fuck off of Veeky Forums forever brainlet.

back to /r9k/, faggot.

Holy fuck OP got rekt in his own thread. Probably the worst BTFO ive seen in months.

Your wrong. This is why crazy cat ladies happen. Taxoplasmosis. Fact


t. catlady

captcha: kreiskrankenhaus arapan

I would refer you to the pile of evidence right in this very thread that says otherwise.


half of those are for OP.

Also, your cats need to be eating mice/birds and shit on a regular basis, as this is how they become infected. If your cats are well fed, the won't be eating things they find outside.

Your response to a well reasoned and sourced argument in "nu uh, retard" it seems. Good for you.

they don't have to eat them. cats kill mice outside all of the time if they ever get out of the house.

Not him but I'm a socialist and this post offended me.
True libertarianism can only exist with a socialist economy and no state

What's wrong with toothpaste ?
