>Quantum "physics" says our thoughts shape reality!
>Astrology is true! I'm sooo Virgo.
> Homeopathy is better than western medicine because it's natural
>I hate it when scientists think they know everything! Keep an open mind!!
Quantum "physics" says our thoughts shape reality!
Other urls found in this thread:
The Fate of Your Relationship, According to the Zodiac - Man Repeller
Totes virgo.
>he trusts (((science)))
good goy, go chop your dick off! You've always been a woman! Don't listen to those dumb goy- I mean, X-tians!
Why would jews want that?
hard to have white children when you've chopped off your dick
Why would jews want that?
>muh science is a false idol
>muh nuclear weapons ain't real
>muh rise in life expectancy due to medicine ain't real
>muh satellites ain't real
>muh consumer technology ain't real
It's always the fucking Scorpios who praise astrology to high heavens.
>>muh nuclear weapons ain't real
Who said that?
This desu. Why are white people so retarded?
Hey! You!
Do not feed.
>because it's natural
They don't say that, because it isn't natural.
Jewish agenda is to remove whites from the world because they were the most successful in persecuting them.
>Jewish agenda is to remove whites from the world because they were the most successful in persecuting them.
Oh, so you admit you persecuted us. That's nice. At least you are better than most of /pol/ who just deny the holocaust completely.
Well, given that you accept the holocaust happened I guess you must see nothing wrong with us getting you back, right? I mean, it is all fair game right. If white people did it to us we can do it back to you. All is fair according to your rules.
As opposed to the rest of races (black, asians, jews) who made significant contributions ?
This is why genocide exists. An endless revenge cycle lol.
I am just saying. It is always the white people buying into spirituality and all that crap. Especially white women. Can't deny that, /pol/.
White people started it though. You are the kings of genocide. That is why literally every other race hates you. Black people really fucking spite you and are trying to take power away from you on every fund. Various Asian people's like the Chinese want to play you, and even some Asians living in your countries deeply spite you and join black people under the name of PoC. Everyone from the middle east wishes they could 9/11 every single building because you have killed so many of their kind.
Everyone hates you, whitey. And we are just casually funding all those groups, from ISIS to BLM. Say what you want about that, but you can't deny that you asked for it.
Wow, that's some legit weaponized autism.
Success breeds jealousy.
my point is that if you treat science like so jewish trick you're denying the obvious advancements it makes and the fact that the reasoning behind most scientific theories is easily accessible public knowledge, as long as you're not too much of a brainlet to interpret it.
>Jewish people are strongly over represented at the top of society
>Salty white hill billies are mad
Success sure does breed jealousy
>jews are subhuman...yet somehow they've got white people under their thumb and have been more productive and successful dispute being a numerical minority
You sound just like a nigger complaining about white pippo keeping him down
>lol let's just keep doing the same retarded thing over and over
That's not true. Mexican and black birches always buy into dumbass bullshit
Hahaha triggered Shlomostein detected.
I'd slit your throat if you were here. That's murder, not persecution.
>Jewish people are strongly over represented at the top of society
>Genocide is not persecution
Hmm, this really makes me think. I suppose you then agree that white genocide is not persecution.
Lmao look at how mad this guy is. Ahahahhahaha.
You're such a faggot it's hilarious. You're going to spend your whole life hating a group of people you've never met and be miserable. You think the commonfolk were behind any of that? Are you fucking retarded or something? Oh wait, you are.
Getting rid of white people is our people's duty. It is a sin to go against the people of God.
Arabs, and indians
who are you quoting?
>people who share the same ethnicity means they are all have one collective mind.
Persecution is "hostility and ill-treatment", not genocide.
His virginity.
>genocide is not ill-treatment
The white mind never seizes to amaze me. You are just hardwired to rationalize violence. That is exactly why you deserve all you get.
She can think that so long as she'll get high with me and let me plow her daily
>genocide is not ill-treatment
Oh I am laughin. The absolute state of brainlets from /pol/
If you torture them first then yes, but murder is not persecution.
There's a reason why states that use capitol punishment use "humane" ways to kill people. It isn't considered persecution for that either.
No, but you know what I mean. At the end of the day, humans are social animals who identify with their group. When a group sees someone outside of their group they tend to dislike them.
That is why if you want to build a successful society you should try to reduce ingroup-outgroup tensions by making everyone be part of the same group.
You know this is true. The reason there are so many problems in the US is because of how much ingroup-outgroup tension you have. Many black communities dislike you, so they fight against your government and even incite violence against the police and other government officials. Muslims, Mexicans and everyone else do the same. You have too much tension between your people. That is why your country will fall.
And we know this. We are very educated. We are intellectuals. We know that if we want to follow God's word and create a Jewish world eventually we will have to get rid of everyone who is not Jewish in order to keep a stable society. That is what we have done in Israel. Our economy is growing. Our communities are beautiful and welcoming. Why? Because everyone identifies under the same banner: Jewish. We are all Jews, so we would all die for the others. We all care for each other. Our crime will always be low.
That said, it was not clear from the word of God when should we start cleansing the earth of non-jews so we turned a blind eye to the specter of Christianity. Christianity became too big, too powerful and how did it all end: With Hitler, a white Christian, wiping almost all of us out. Then we learned our lesson. Christians are an immediate threat. The time to cleanse the earth and create a united world government under God and the Jewish faith is exactly now. Our goal is clear.
>murder is not persecution
Neat copypasta
>White people started it though
>The crisis escalated due to anti-taxation protests and attacks upon Roman citizens
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rick and Morty. The humour is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Rick’s nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from Narodnaya Volya literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these jokes, to realise that they’re not just funny- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Rick & Morty truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Rick’s existential catchphrase “Wubba Lubba Dub Dub,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Turgenev’s Russian epic Fathers and Sons. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Harmon’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
And yes, by the way, i DO have a Rick & Morty tattoo. And no, you cannot see it. It’s for the ladies’ eyes only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid
Still marginally better than "IFLS: What ~SCIENCE~ says about your penis", "my sex junk" the general "10 times science proved that X is totes good for ya".
>totes good for ya
Please, my stoner friends who know jack about physics love that TV show. All you need is a dumb sense of humor and being a prick.
Every fucking time
>I hate it when brainlets think they know what scientists think
fuck off treehugger
High openness to experience and low quantitative intelligence is a fucking scourge. Even more dangerous when they actually have above average verbal skills. Modern humanities is nothing but overwrought word diarrhea.
>thread devolves into jew/racial thread
you are all a bunch of faggots