What are all the proofs that the earth is a globe...

What are all the proofs that the earth is a globe? i need help with confronting a friend of mine who started to believe in the flat earth theory, needless to say he firmly believes that all the pictures taken from space are fake so those can't be used as an argument

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From the top of my head: 1. shadows, meaning if you put two sticks of the same lengths into the earth in two different locations, their shadows don't have the same length, because of the curved surface of the earth. 2. something that appears on the horizon at sea doesn't just pop up but seemingly rises from below sea level, again, because of earth's curvature. And lastly: gravity. If your friend believes in that ask him how he thinks a flat earth could have the same gravitational pull everywhere if it wasn't spherical. There are probably better proofs but these are the ones I can come up with on the spot.

Pictures from space are fake due to there being no satellites.

Doesn't mean the earth is flat. Tell him to simply look at how the moon is shaded.

1) Based on that diagram someone in North America would see a full moon at night, while in South America would see a new moon
2) Similar, no explanation for lunar phases
3) No explanation for retrograde motion of Mars
4) Everyone would always see the sun, unless they believe light doesn't travel forever
5) No explanation for the seasons
6) People have crossed Antarctica before, and have flown across it

Honestly at a certain point is it even worth arguing these things? Sure he's your friend but he's a retard, and 99% of people know it. Just let him be stupid and wrong and he will get tired of this phase in a while.

I had a friend who was super Christian and didn't believe in evolution. I didn't try to make him believe, college biology classes did.

Based on that diagram someone in North America would see the fucking sun at night.

see point 4

There's a magical lampshade.

I stopped reading after the first point.

Cell phone towers are redundant on a flat earth.

Just don't bother, there's no use.

You should ask him what shape every other celestial body is. If he says everything else is spherical, then you can destroy his argument.

But earth is special.

Ask him if he believes in gravity

That's only a theory.

Physical pros and cons:

* Seasons doesn't really make sense on a flat earth, unless you start adding crazy shit like the sun and moon starting spinning faster in the winter.

* Flight paths doesn't really make sense on the globe earth, unless you start adding things like "all the countries below the equator are third world countries, so they have to connect in the northern hemisphere."

Historical/cultural pros and cons:

* The timeline around 1920's towards the 1940's points towards a flat earth model. Almost all major military powers had an arms race down to Antarctica while the second world war was burning in Europe. USA, the Nazi, Russia, everybody wanted to be there. In the mean while we squirted out technological innovations like never before (internal combustion engine, computers, rocket science) which suggests they must have found something there. Shortly after that, they sealed off the whole Antarctic continent, said nobody was allowed to go there without supervision and started shooting atomic weapons up to the atmosphere (firmament). Antarctic continent is weird indeed and John Kerry was there the night Trump was elected. See Rob Skiba for more information about this timeline.

*The fact that mainstream culture media have started pushing flat earth so much the last two years raises suspicion that it is not true, or that they want us to believe it. Simpsons, under the Dome, basketball players and Obama have all hinted about it.

The jury is still out. We don't know what it is. Personally I'm starting to believe in a morphing earth. The earth is whatever form most people believe it is. Certain groups benefit from it being perceived as flat, others as a globe and there is a thousand year old struggle between these two mystical groups.

Extra pros and cons:
* Jet streams make no sense on a globe but just forms perfect circles on a flat earth map.

* The night sky rotates clockwise on one hemisphere and counter-clockwise on the other, which make many flat earthers to say silly things like "The night sky is just a part of a projection system, you can't triangulate between two different locations.", while still claiming they can triangulate the distance to the sun due to cloud rays.

Of course he doesnt, to be specific he says that gravity "isnt what they told us it is"

>Jet streams make no sense on a globe

it cant be flat, ive been to wyoming

Not sure of brilliant trolling or just abject Phillip J Fry level stupidity.

If one guy stands in south africa, one in australia, and one in argentina, and each looks at the southern sky, they will be seeing the same constellations.

>i need help with confronting a friend of mine who started to believe in the flat earth theory

Leave him in ignorance.

Alternative you can watch him the stars for a whole year, the apparent movement of the constellations should convince him.

The bible says it's a globe.


sun and just go more up for seasons


Why do GPS or satellite TV work like they do if there are no satellites?

GPS and ISS, really you don't need much.
Also add the fact that every celestial body we see is a sphere, it wouldn't make sense that the Earth would be the only 2D plane in a 3D universe filled with b a l l s