Can anyone help me in Math

Can anyone help me in Math.

I want to take the AFOQT (a test to join the Airforce) and I suck at Math. I need someone to teach me on how to work out the problem.

For Example:

"Mr. Johnson earns $500 per week. If he spends 20% of his income for rent, 25% for food, and puts 10% in savings, how much is left each week for other expenses? "

I know $500 × 0.45 but I don't know on how to do it by hand (without calculator ).

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

Of the 36 students registered in a class, 2 3 are females. How many males are registered in the class?

Depends on how many hermaphrodites.

Just extrapolate from something you do know by hand.
Such as 0.10 = 50
0.40 = 200
0.45 = 225

or 100 = 500
1 = 500/100
1*45 = 5*45

36 = 3
36/3 = 3/3
12 = 1

How did you come up with 12 .
You go the right number, But I do not understand

Only doing this because my brother ended up dropping out of school completely at age 12 and he could use help like this too. He is probably some bum now though.

Either way.
Females are 2/3 So males are 1/3
36 people are 3/3 or 1
to get 1/3 you divide 36 by 3

long multiplication if it's big and odd numbers.
for something with round numbers like this though, you can just do like

.45 is easily divisible by .05 (1/20th)
1/20th of 500 = 25 (500/2 = 250 which /10 is 25)
9 * 25 = 180+45=225

can easily double-check your answer too by using different round number. 500 * .5 = 250 and 250- 500*.05 = 250-25=225

tl:dr: long multiplication is the fullproof and long way; sometimes you can easily take advantage of round numbers to calculate faster

So lets say, it was 24 students and 2/3 are females. that amount of males is 8? it that correct?


So all one have to do is dived the total class into denominator. Is that correct?

A team played 24 games, of which it won 18. What percent of the games played did it lose?

How do you calculate the %?

Multiples of 6.

It won 3/4 games.
It lost 1/4 games.

24 = 6x4 (100%)
18 = 6x3 (75%)
24-18 = 6 (25%)

I tried to do it the way pictured the problem is that

100 doesn't go into 24 evenly

For example:

24 only goes into 100 , is not an even number

try this instead.

the team won 18/24 games, so it lost 6 games. 6/24 = 1/4 = 0.25 x 100 = 25%

>6/24 = 1/4 = 0.25 x 100 = 25%

I need another method.

because lets say, its another question its 7/36. I have no clue how to write that into a fraction and into a decimal.

Heres another.

.If 20% of a number is 8, what is 25% of the number?

20% of x is 8 gives us the following:
[math] \begin{align*}
.2x &= 8 \\
\frac{1}{5}x &= 8 \\
x &= 40
25% of that number is 1/4th of that number, so [math] \frac{40}{4} = 10 [/math]

Just use long division. 7/36 will eventually give you 0.1944444 (repeating). Multiply that by 100 and you have an answer of 19.4 percent.

Y'all have to remember that I can not use a calculator.
Heres another one:

A purse contains 30 coins in nickels and dimes. The ratio of nickels to dimes is 3:4.

What is the value of the dimes?

I didn't use a calculator; that's why I mentioned long division. I took out a piece of paper and a pencil and got 0.194444.

I am sure that helping this guy with this is an act of treason because I bet you this moron will miss and Al Qaeda hideout and then the terrorists will be able to kill 50 US soldiers on the ground because of OP's failure.

If you can't do those problems intuitively then you do not deserve to even have a job.

>If you can't do those problems intuitively then you do not deserve to even have a job.

Well, I am sorry. I am trying. I am not great at math. Some of it is beyond my comprehension.

Well, let me give you a quick IQ test to see if you are good enough.

Who did you vote for, Hillary or Trump?

Are you retard?

just do 500dollars/100*55

so it is 500/100 = 5*55=the answer you fucking dumbass

It's whom not who, brainlet

>Well, let me give you a quick IQ test to see if you are good enough.
>Who did you vote for, Hillary or Trump?

My politics have nothing to do with the Issue.

>Are you retard?

Why the need for the name calling? is that going to accomplish anything?

I came here and asked for help,

>It's one of the Whomst'dve'eth faggots
Literally, kill yourself.

>My politics have nothing to do with the Issue.
Sorry, you fail.

Hillary: 60 IQ
No answer: 80 IQ
Trump: 150 IQ

I am sorry, you are not fit for the air force.

>giving the wrong answer
he's only on this board for help, but you're on this board to browse and you're this retarded?

Break it up into known factors:

500 * 0.45 =
5 * 100 * (45/100) =
(100/100) * 5 * 45
= 5 * 45 = 5 * 40 + 5 * 5 = 200 + 25 = 225

>Trump: 150 IQ

25 and 100 share a common factor of 25; therefore through cancelling, (dividing by the common factor) 25 becomes one and 100 cancels down to 4. Then you multiply the 12 by 4 and get 48