Well, is it? I honestly don't care much about money, I just want a semi comfy job.
Is Forestry a good career?
Other urls found in this thread:
Cant be good physically so no. Maybe for a summer job
do u want to have outdoors sex with dirty hippies? this is how u get it.
If you want a job that involves watching very large brown rods then maybe you would prefer to become a BLACKED actress.
I talked to an 3rd year undergrad and she said getting your foot in the door kind of sucks because it's expected you spend a summer doing field work/treeplanting/labour intensive work.
It also depends on where you want to work... Could be your ticket to move to Canada :^)
this sounds super kino though
manual labor is ridiculously good for body and mind
I suppose it really depends on what job in forestry you want to be doing. Like surveyor/planner or tree topper/machinery runner. It can be fucking brutal or an amazing outdoor experience depending on the job. You can even do genetics, biology, etc.
>this sounds super kino though
Jesus fucking christ millennials. Can you please at least post what the fuck kino means? It feels like there is a new word every god damn day.
Kino is a Norwegian/German/Polish/South Slavic/Russian word for film or movie. On /tv/ they started using it as a meme way of referring to any good art film. Now it has expanded to mean "anything really good and high quality"
That's the gayest shit I've ever heard. And is cancer anyways. Why would anyone want to join in their trends?
You're getting old.
B-but I'm 19. It's just impossible to follow every trend, and then there are threads that are outright stupid like "kino".
The "trend" is older than most Veeky Forums vocab. Do you get mad over "brainlet", "user", etc? No.
>Being paid to demolish the Earth that gave us everything by a corporation so enthralled by monotheistic-capitalism that they think humanity separate from nature.
No user
kino is a very well known meme, old too
not true for body LMAO. your body will be fucked by 60.
>I don't understand renewable resources and am an ignorant luddite hippie
>monotheistic capitalism
you also plant new trees user. and the trees that are being deforested were also planted by us 20 or so years ago. (at least in leafistan)
Yeah I'm a tree planter, I make 25 stacks over summer break but it's a shitty shitty job and just being on the science board on Veeky Forums means you're probably too much of a pussy but maybe not
90% of the companies in the industry blatantly ignore your rights as an employee and rip You off and you make no fucking money, if you do it in any province east of the prairies you make no money except for a few RARE exceptions in quebec
All of your coworkers will be absolute animals, they aren't brainlets, they're ANIMALS
lurk moar faggot