What are quarks made of?

what are quarks made of?


asses are inside accelerators

smaller quarks

what are they made of?

even smaller quarks



Is Veeky Forums being raided?

Is this really how you guys roll?

Subhumans want to whine for attention. It's the normal thing.

Compressed space.

But not space-time, just space. Time doesn't exist, time is only order of causes and effects.

Look at the related pic. It represents matter (energy) curving spacetime. I say it's more reasonable if it's just compressed space and we see this compression as energy.

I have no proof though (but neither does mainstream physics). At least Occam is on my side so I consider it 1-0 for my view.

>muh razor

>I say it's more reasonable if it's just compressed space
Well what you say is wrong


True. But it's all likely just a byproduct of the hologram.


it's quarks all the way down


"So nat'ralists observe, a flea
Has smaller fleas that on him prey;
And these have smaller fleas to bite 'em.
And so proceeds Ad infinitum."
Quarks are made out of smaller quarks.

>space-time? pff, not like the geniuses of the 20th century based their theories on the concept of time

what keeps them from uncompressing?

nothing, it just takes a long time for it to decompress, and it takes even longer for it to decompress in regions where space is the most compressed
that's why the universe is expanding
it's also why it will take forever for a proton or a black hole to dissipate but the emptiness between galaxies expands much faster

I was thinking of knots of some sort (like mini black holes). Or maybe something similar to how atoms keep themselves intact. Maybe particles are photons of different energy content going around in circles (stuck in a loop like in a black hole).

Slowness of decompression was a nice idea but I don't know how to feel about it. I find it interesting that you mentioned the expansion of the universe. I also thought it would relate to the compression of space being uncompressed. Not sure how conservation of energy works out.
