Managed to stop voice hearing for a short duration

For the last two months I was hearing voices accompanied by different other symptoms.
I noticed quickly that the cause of those symptoms were artifical.

After weeks of browsing websites and research papers available the internet, I came to the conclusion that there are indeed
different technologies available today that enable voice transmission to the human brain.

One of them being the microwave auditory hearing effect, I tried some shielding products and jammers in different frequency ranges at home with mixed results, whilst reducing severity of symptoms, hearing of voices was only partially impaired.

Due to circumstances I managed to get into a well protected building of a subsidiary from one of my countries intelligence agencies governing technological forensics. The department I went into deals with analysis and examination of electronic equipment ranging from smaller military grade devices towards normal consumer gadgets like smartphones or smartwatches.

Inside the rooms were they actually deal with forensics, voice hearing completely stopped.
Those rooms are specially protected against a wide range of radiation entering and leaving the area.
Sadly I couldn't bring to my knowledge how those rooms are specifically protected or what exactly protected me from hearing voices.

I am a bit confused now. Having a software engineering background and having neglected much of the sciences that accompany these phenomena in general, I am wondering what kind of protection, whether it is active or passive is being employed?

As someone who tracks almost anything I could give more background, for example about various symptoms or things I noticed inside the building.

Other urls found in this thread:

I hope this is bait, because if not you should seriously get evaluated for schizophrenia.

No bait.
For one technology is very advanced and we require a source that informs us whenever an advancement is made. Plenty of things happen outside our range of awareness.

You have to look at things from multiple points of view. The human system is so complex, just as all the many things we and mother nature have created.

The definite truth is outside the scope of current human abilities, since you would have to watch every bit of information and every process that happens.

Regarding your hint at schizophrenia.
The development of the definitions and the progress of those is very broad and inprecise. The cause is unknown and the diagnosis only happens by examining symptoms.

That said any smart individual should be able to entertain different (contradicting) perspectives at ease in a process of analysis and understanding.

As said shielding and jammers in the uhf and vhf only work partially. Speech is still hearable but monotone. Not sure if it is the right word but pronunciation or speech modulation is being blocked. I assume the process that accomplishes the transmission of audio or visual material to the brain is complex and consists of many parts.

With public research regarding magnet induction like TMS or reading via fMRI, you see that they are either at a pretty basic stage in development regarding this phenomena, or are not attempting to tackle more advanced projects like such as transmitting content to the various aspects of human cognition.

Not to say that DARPA and the likes aren't researching this technologies like AugCog.

Whether or not OP is full of it, there are new technologies today used for harassment, yet try getting anyone, let alone law enforcement, to believe you are an actual victim.

The byproduct of that would be the acknowledgement of the government that these technologies exists. In order not to lose credibility they would need to come forward with explanations and sources.

Since it is quite likely that there is an overlap between organisations that could produce such technologies and organisations that would use such technologies also implies government institutes, it would be strategically absurd for those organisations to come forward or act upon phenomena that can be easily be explained away.

Both the logical constructs that attempt to explain schizophrenia or theoretical implementations of such technologies fall easily. The former not having many theories regarding the systematic process and most of the historic ones debunked, the latter by it's necessity to prove as in show by example.

Voice hearers are accompanied by a range of symptoms like the feeling of electricity running through the body. I do have these as well. These are not spontaneous or random but systematic. There is correlation with content received (speech, visual, or even haptics) and the increase or decrease of pressure or intensity of these feelings of electrocution.

I do have ticks and slight spastics as well whenever I am not grounded (reduces severity) or inside this building (completely gone). The impact of these is electronically measurable. The severe ones that run a shock throughout the body follow a steady amp over a second long in the frequency of 300 to 400 hertz. I assume that it is quite unnatural for a voltage gated system to produce a steady impulse that far it's usual frequencies. I do lack the equipment to measure either the direct influence of microwave radiation or it's indirect effects, so I am not able to search for a corresponding signal within my environment.

Sure, but unless OP is having auditory effects that can be localized to him being in a consistent place (like the incidents with the US embassy in Cuba), it's more likely that his interpretations of his experiences are rationalizations. Someone following you around with some kind of high tech sonic hallucination weapon without cause screams of paranoia or undiagnosed mental issue.

OP should also get screened for a tumor in your head. Depending on the placement, tumors can cause persistent auditory issues or hallucinations. There's a lot of literature on the subject.

>hear voices
>muh schizophrenia

That is under the assumption that it is required to be in close proximity to the target and that the radiation source is a beam. Running 5 ghz Wifi you can stack people and place a smartphone inbetween, your smartphone will have signal.

Directed energy weapons that ought to stun or disable the target or achieve the sense of hearing (that do exist) within 50 meters are unlikely to be comparable. The amount of energy is too high.

By cleverly modulating binary data you can still achieve frequency modulated waves via amplification modulation, albeit at lesser frequencies than the carrier. In essence Steganography.

We have so many sources of radiation like radio, television, or LTE omnipresent at all times, the bandwidth of those are sure enough to transmit high quality content.

Did CT, MRT, EEG, EKG, all of them showed no signs of anything unusual.

From studying the subject, being well versed in psychology and having absolute basic knowledge in neurology I cannot imagine that the way the brain works, for it to create sophisticated other beings that are intelligent in nature on the fly without breaks, whilst still leaving some of the capacities to the individual. Let alone that both the consciousness as well as the subconsciousness have to deal with external and internal stimuli, where would that processing power come from?

Speaking for myself, by being observant you can deduce on your own, by a simple fact that the voices you do interact with are from outside your own body. That is, they appear to have knowledge and information that you do not have, and you can fish for it.

Also, the sense / feeling of thinking (the verbalisation) is fundamentally different to talking to voices. I noticed that my tongue, larynx and jaw started to move alongside the voices.
A part of the speech transmitted is measurable at the tongue, there are amp spikes that correlate to the words (pronunciation) transmitted. Sadly this is only a fragment, as for example I do hear 6 different bands with differing frequencies and pulses as well, ranging from low vibrations to high pitched bleeps.

i remember thinking as a kid how interesting psychosis and the journey to schizophrenia would sound to an outsider like me

but now i see it all the time and its meh

Going to post a few more observations.

The peak amps of the heart pulse increased slightly compared to half a year ago.
The "signal" that an entire heart pulse produces contains more "noise" than half a year ago.

Blood pressure is varying with greater intensity but is not deviating into areas regarded as unhealthy.

There is a higher pressure in the chest area.
I assume the lung could play an important role. At times I experience symptoms of lung atrophy under water.

Sensing in the area of the temples, the back of the head and the backbone is greatly reduced compared to beforehand. It isn't a feeling of numbness, but rather nonexistence. Sort of like a disconnect.

Electrical feeling is present at the legs, and grows more intense and spastic when visual content is transmitted. The electrical feeling is not static as said, but smaller changes are noticeable in correlation to content transmitted.

Putting pressure on the ears and the area towards the back will reduce electrical feeling by a bit.

Do note that there might be a correlation with focus and the noticability of symptoms, as whenever you focus on one thing the other dimishes.

Attention and multi-tasking is greatly impaired.
I have plenty of years in mediation, one of my most commonly used technique, focusing on all senses at the same time is not possible anymore. Whenever I try to focus on more than one, I get a tick (some call it zap) which breaks the flow. I also noticed that focus can be directed.

There is a lot of pressure at the eyes. Lacrimal fluid is not being ejected anymore.

A wave like pattern moving between each ears can be felt, it is in the range of 2-4 hz but sometimes increases to 8-12 hz. It is very annoying. It feels like a clock rate that you are being forced into. For example verbalised thinking is being pressured into a constant tempo.

Placing electrodes at the solar plexus or the upper back greatly reduces ticks and other haptic symptoms.

Again I might note, that all these symptoms disappear whenever I enter these specially protected rooms. And are partially canceled when I turn on my uhf / vhf jammers.

You need some risperdal bro

There seem to be multiple ways of voice to brain being employed. One can be supposed of as hearing, that means you cannot change the content or prevent it from occuring. The other seems more mechanical, that means you swap out words, prevent sentences from being spoken out. But they are accompanied by a physical sense. These are the ones that have correlation with the tongue and jaw movement, the movement itself is very subtle.

We do know that eye movement and the underlying process of the brain can be correlated.

Eyes are being moved by force and it is very hard to bring resistance. There seems to be a correlation between content transmitted (especially visuals) and the positioning of the eye.

Rhythmical movements are impaired. There is sort of a slide noticeable that prolongs the bodies own impulse. It goes in hand with one of the bands I recorded. In morse code sort of like 7 dots and then one bar, whereas the bar prolongs the impulse. This is reproducable with any type of rhythmical body movement, wether it is blinking with your eyes, or stroking a key on a keyboard.

Not ruling out that medications won't aid in combating symptoms, but I still want to protect myself against the cause effectively. Otherwise it is just a matter of time or technique being used.

Judging from studies risperdal seems to help in combating ticks and spastics. It might also be that the affects on the nervous systems might just be a byproduct of the technique being employed.

Just as a side note. Whenever I enter the facilities and the rooms doors are closed, the pressure on my lung lifts and I can breathe normally again. I experience a sort of dizziness and imbalance for the next half minute until my body normalises. It usually also takes around 5 to 10 minutes until voices and other symptoms are starting to appear again after leaving the facility.

If you browse the diagnostic manuals and compare it to people around you or the media you are exposed to, one can come to the conclusion that we are a big gigantic mass of disorders.

About 99% of the informations an individual contains bases it's validity on assumption (belief) rather than verifyable truth. As stated, we do not even have the utilities to discern between right and wrong, and it is not a rare occurrence in empirical studies that some things are ruled unjustly or others are not taken into account.

Watching the progression in knowledge, you can spot it easily that the opinions and stated truths of experts changes every year in every field of science there is. However there is always that voice of opinion that is neglected for a while but sometimes is proven more likely years later.

I think you need to take a step back and re-examine where your blame lies for this.Some visual hallucinations are caused by a frequency in the environment matching up with the frequency of parts of the eye. The settling of certain parts of buildings, vibrations carried over a specific path and distance IE from a motor, and many other things can cause them.

I have no reason to presume it doesn't work this way for hearing as well. With the large variation in individuals, do you think that maybe the structure of certain parts of your body just grew in a fucked-up way somehow, and "recieve" many more disruptive vibrational frequencies than normal?

I'd advise at least having your ears and sinuses examined by a doctor in case there's any abnormalities such as polyps.

Hey wasn't there a pillow on Shark Tank that did something similar?

Check your pillow, m8.

If you want to block all wireless electromagnetic transmissions, research "Faraday cage." It's essentially a copper box with no breaks or defects. The longer the wavelength, the thicker the copper needs to be. Note that NSA headquarters is lined with copper shielding.
That said, you're probably delusional and in need of psychiatric help.
Also note that a "tinfoil hat" is a partial Faraday cage of sorts. Try wrapping your cellphone well in aluminum foil and see what happens,

Can you tell me your interpretation of hallucinations?

The visuals that are transmitted are actually stunning compared to what I could come up with when visualising or fantasising. It can be compared with viewing an ultra hd picture on a reasonable screen. The content of those pictures and videos is neither random noise nor flashes. The kind of content varies and is not at all related to my environment or day. It is noticable different, whereas you would put in effort of a general structure when visualising, this content is filled up with details.

It is night to next impossible that a generic motor or a standard wireless router could even produce this effect at random. You would need to stimulate a lot of neurons in a specific way in order to produce an image.
If it isn't clear, I didn't mean the external visual sensing, but the internal. And in general no external sense has been affected.

The most dominant indicator as to why one can rule out usual environmental factors or usual daily gadgets that radiate is that the content is not random. I assume it takes deliberate modulation and especially sequencing in order to at least get some kind of reaction within the neural system of the body.

The biggest question is wether or not you need an artifical transducer inside the body. With implants it is possible to stimulate the right parts of the brain to produce "visual hallucinations".

There are indicators that the brain's parts have a fractal structure, which makes stimulation with concrete structured informations easier. But still everyones brain is individual in structural composition but it is certainly equal in functioning of it's core parts. I am pretty certain that you will need to run a heavy analysis, but in the end it would be much more a mapping process.


A tinfoil hat won't work. You even run the risk of increased exposure.
The rooms are certainly protected by a faraday cage. The doors alone are circa 30~40 cm in with.

I am planning to build one at home, but it is quite impracticable and resource intensive. A portable solution would yield greater benefits in terms of quality of life, I cannot lock myself either in this facility nor in my own version of it.

Silver containing silk and clothes greatly attenuate the signals and they do help to lessen the severity, but they do not cancel them out. I'd guess it is less about the energy level but more related to sequencing and timing.

How do you come to the conclusion that I am delusional? I have no interest in bothering with stuff that interferes with the goals and tasks at hand, and when I have to, I want to be effective.

OP, what's more likely: a conspiracy where givernment agents are using previously unknown technology to subvert your thoughts and you are the first person to have it happen, or alternatively, you're developing schizophrenia which almost always causes people hear voices and make outlandish claims like this?

You must be trolling. These technologies are neither unknown nor emerged they within recent years, it simply did not cross your awareness. Experimentation's and simple results were already produced over 100 years ago.

What is the more reasonable explanation. Fragments of technologies that all in it's own produce similar symptoms, or a very vague ever changing definition of a mental illness where the cause is unknown and even heavily equipped neurologist are still baffled about it's existence?

Are you seriously trying to reason with a mentally ill person?

What did you expect? more then that?

The mental illness.

Welcome back, unity. Glad you made it through your last episode without getting detained.

what do the voices say?
Also don't most people hear voices in their head? People always talk about "that little voice in the back of your head" and shit like that.

So after reading everything you posted, I believe you are experiencing something and it seems you have 2 interpretations:

1. The symptoms are from an external source (environmental signal or vibration, malicious action or technology, etc.)

2. The symptoms are from an internal source (illness, sinus issue, tumor).

It sounds like your symptoms are really frustrating and a drain on your life / cognitive abilities. I'm guessing you are very interested in getting rid of them. It also seems like you've spent a lot of time and effort analyzing your issues. Honestly it's kind of cool that you're looking at them from an engineering/physics perspective. I don't think I've really seen that before. Most people don't have the capacity or inclination to do that.

Regardless of whether you think your issues come from outside or inside, it would be irresponsible to your health and future to disregard one over the other at this point. From your description of your data, I don't see how you can rule out anything.

Right now, regardless of what the root cause is you need more data. Anything else is not scientific. And there is an easy way to do that. Go into any large medical institution and describe all your symptoms (visual, auditory, physical (zaps/tics, eye pressure, "waves"). I can guarantee you will be approved for an MRI or CT scan pretty much immediately.

Do with that data what you will, but until you have one or more legit medical-grade scans, you cannot come to any sound conclusions.

I genuinely wish you the best and hope you figure this issue out. Sounds like it sucks.

We are watching you OP. You can not escape us experimenting on you.

When I was a lad my dad told me stories of a coworker who picked up AM radio on his dental implants. Don't know how true this is.

sounds like you got schizophrenia my friend

This is a weird thread

I legit thought I clicked on /x/ accidentally

Thanks for your words.

I'd wish to have the resources to start some analysis from perspectives which haven't been tackled yet.

There are next to nigh studies that regard electromagnetic energy in regard to high rank mental and physical illnesses such as schizophrenia, parkinson or ms, especially the rise in numbers of those within the last 50 years. Which goes parallel in advancement of development of technologies that utilise this source of energy.

Assertion of control over the mind and the body was always an interest of research and people of power.
Neglecting this perspective for the well being and understanding of the world and oneself is detrimental, and hinders in success.

Everyone has a process that verbalises thought. The way I experience hearing those voices is fundamentally different from talking to myself, it is accompanied by physical sensations.

It ranges from canned one-liners where you can spot a rule & conditioning system to sophisticated dialogues, albeit rare. They are not just talking to me, they are holding discussions on their own. As stated, these did state some things that couldn't have crossed my mind beforehand. For example making discussions about events that are happening somewhere else.
So most of the time I am subject to an arsehole algorithm, a stupid AI, a great AI and sometimes someone I'd deem actually being human.

>>People always talk about "that little voice in the back of your head"
They mean the subconsciousness, for some it is a voice, for some a feeling, basically giving in to being lazy or too comfortable

Yep. It's treatable, OP! Try to work this into the narrative. I hope you get better,

They can act as a transducer, bones propagate sound waves, as they are vibrations to the ear.

The brain has the capability of forming neurons that react to certain repetitive stimuli. In usual cochlear implants that give the deaf a hearing ability, they start by growing neurons around this implant by repetitively firing little electric impulses.

There were reported cases where people working with radio equipment started to recognize audio transmissions on there own. Given there is a definite correlation between the radio signal transmitted to the equipment, and the sound produced by it's speakers, it could be a possible explanation as stated above.

A few words on experiments with Drug intake.

Given that the human body is a voltage gated system, and electromagnetic energy can be utilized to influence the thresholds of cell membranes and thus also forcing or preventing energies transferred within the body, I assume that the key mechanics of those technologies reach their success by cleverly gating and sequencing the emissions. These have to be adjusted to the target itself, as each system is individual, and otherwise people in the radiation range might experience unwanted symptoms as well.

CNS Stimulants, like caffeine, taurine and guarana work quite well in dealing with physical symptoms and also have a possitve effect on cognition.

Do not take drugs that have negative impact on Calcium-channels. Calcium is a hugely utilised resource in the body. Electromagnetic radiation has been proven to kill calcium. Supplementing it might be beneficial. That also includes THC and Opiodes.

I did some tests with migraine drugs like Rizatriptan, with positive results on physical sensing and lessening on ticks and spastics. This is weird for me, beforehand it would actually reduce the physical awareness, now it kind of resets it.

Risperidone left me constantly physically nervous, but hasn't had any positive impact at all. Besides hearing voices, I do not have any other symptoms of schizophrenia.

I hope to reach someone with food for thought.

Under the premise that these technologies that utilise electromagnetic energy work without an invasive implant, we would be talking about an invisible Brain-Computer Interface that could be applied to any healthy human being.

Also don't assume just because people have voices in their heads (which are broad in frequencies and have to be cleverly modulated) that otherwise invisible manipulations aren't taking place. It is strategically horrendous to make a high quality target notice that it's being subject to manipulations.

Yes it's interesting to analyze what may be causing what you are experiencing.

Speculation aside, I wouldn't worry about resources until you figure this out. You need to go to a hospital basically immediately.

Your list of symptoms:
- auditory hallucinations (complex)
- visual hallucinations
- "pressure at the eyes"
- sensations: ("waves," "ticks," "zaps")
- dizziness
- lack of balance
(Did I miss any?)

What you have here could be indicative of one or more serious health issues. If you describe this stuff to anyone in urgent or emergency care they would consider it an ethical obligation to try and rule out some scary conditions you may have, and I'm not talking about schizophrenia or other mental illness.

I repeat, do not worry about financial resources right now. If I knew you or you were related to me, I would drive you to the hospital right now. This is some fucked up shit. If you can't get to the hospital, call 911 or whatever the emergency number is in your area.

Seriously, if you have any doubts, please put them to rest until you have had a medical work up and scans. Based on your symptoms, I'm worried you could die or become disabled if you let this sit. You need to rule out some serious medical conditions before you spend time worrying about the people in power or electromagnetic impacts on cognition.

Please, for your sake, get off of Veeky Forums now and go to the hospital!

Thanks for your advice.

I have about 8 pages worth of notes consisting alone of differing symptoms. If you are interested I could list a few of them. Some of them only happened once or twice, tracing them in chronological order, in terms with their interference in associated brain parts, it looks like a drill right to the hippocampus and thalamus. Both of them show damage in long term schizophrenic patients.

Sense of Electrification is important. It is linked between body parts and is being turned off / on sometimes, accompanied by an increase or decrease in pressure where smaller bone clusters are located (knees, elbow, ears, back). These areas also feature distinct types of membrane.

A few times in the beginning the awareness of important body functions like bladder or hydration have been gone for one to two days. Also note that there is a latency between controlled impulses on my own and whatever feedback I receive, this decreased from around 300-400 ms to now 100 ms.

Just want to note that these symptoms cease whenever I am in this specially protected building. At this point in time it is likely that it is going to be my new employer. So at least I will have the most of the day to spend without voices in my head.

As of recently neither CT nor MRT showed any signs of physical damage. I am waiting to get another CT done for comparison.

Physicists and neurologists have been unresponsive thus far. They are attentive as long as you don't state that you are hearing voices.

He's fine, what he really needs is to build a large antenna with the ability to tune into different frequencies until he finds the claimed ones that cause him to have issues.
At that point people will have to take him seriously.

There are great data analysis tools out there that can spot correlations between an arbitrary number of inputs.

Linking fMRTI and precise EEG of the subject to antennas that can receive in the assumed transmission frequencies (elf+uhf+vhf) could in this scenario produce meaningful results.

As a side note, the human body emits radiation in the elf range (it's operational spectrum). These are not absorbed by the tissue it passes through, but rather attenuated. There is equipment out there that can spot these fluctuations in the electromagnetic field around the body (DC SQUID for example). Some sources claim that passive radar technologies can pick up those emissions.

There is research being done in the US to track the well being of a human being from a distant hospital with non-invasive methods. As far as I can remember they are already able to infer blood pressure and heart rate, as well as oxygen flow within the veins.

Ok, so you have been to a doctor. That was not clear but is very good.

When you interact with a doctor, they are constantly running through diagnostic trees in their head. I would honestly hold off on reading off 8-pages of notes. Focus on patterns or symptoms that are really dramatic or stand out. If you overload them with too much data, especially if you are self diagnosing and putting together your own correlations and conjectures, the data stream can often can become just too much noise that obscures meaningful progress. It's worth mentioning that doctors are often super rushed and stressed (modern medical bureaucracy doesn't help).

Also medical specialties are heavily siloed. One specialty may conceptualize a set of symptoms completely differently than another. I know this from personal experience. That is why it's important to not depend on one specialty if you are having road blocks or seek out 2nd opinions. Doctors, like all people, have different life experiences that lead them to make different connections when presented with a problem. It is not uncommon for someone, especially with a tricky condition to go to 2-5 or more doctors before stumbling on a solution that has results. And I'm not saying this is easy, it can be time consuming and is completely dependant on your drive and willingness to attack the problem.

In a vacuum, these symptoms could indicate elements of mental conditions such as Schizophrenia, bipolar, or even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You should see an experienced psychiatrist.

You may also want to see and ENT (ear nose and throat doctor) to look into sinus or adjacent issues related to vertigo or head pressure. I would also seriously consider being evaluated by an endocrinologist. You are having some wide ranging symptoms that may relate to a hormone imbalance, particularly hyperthyroidism (eye pressure, nerve / physical sensations, even psychosis).

Have you had recent blood work?

It seems like the faraday cage might have some answers.

Have you thought about turning your entire body, or skin into a faraday cage?

What are the dangers of taking in a lot of copper?, gold? or silver?
What is toxicity?

Or instead of that making your blood iron rich.

Or somehow maintaining either the precious metals or iron diet to where your bones get the molecules or whatever.

This is tragic OP. I hope you get help.

>Sense of Electrification
damn this reminds me of that weird-ass copypasta/bot thing a while back

>>It seems like the faraday cage might have some answers.
Seems like a true answer thus far. The composition of the cage plays an important rule. As far as I know the thickness of the conductor plays a role. Also, the more dense a material is the greater the attenuation of electromagnetic energy.

Jamming in the vhf and uhf range works partially, but they are also a source of radiation. It is a rather mobile solution as well, but jamming is strictly illegal in my country.

>>Have you thought about turning your entire body, or skin into a faraday cage?
Since a faraday cage is a full enclosure, as a wearable it comes with practical implications. There are advanced military armors in development that feature respiratory systems that are also shielded. Military tech will definitely yield an answer in terms of protection.

>>What are the dangers of taking in a lot of copper?, gold? or silver?
I think in pure form they are not really diggested and such won't reach the blood stream? We do have metals in our body naturally, especially the brain.

>>Or instead of that making your blood iron rich.
Yeah, Copper + Zinc + Magnesium is a recommendation I hear alot. I used to supplement a lot, might start that again.

>>When you interact with a doctor, they are constantly running through diagnostic trees in their head.

Yes, everyone follows a scheme in one way or another. Routine is a source of error.

>>In a vacuum, these symptoms could indicate elements of mental conditions such as Schizophrenia, bipolar, or even Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. You should see an experienced psychiatrist.

I do understand the psychological and environmental factors that lead to the development of disorders. I am very self aware, what saved my life many times was philosophy. My job also demands me to look at details and it's relations from many different perspectives.

>>You may also want to see and ENT (ear nose and throat doctor) to look into sinus or adjacent issues related to vertigo or head pressure. I would also seriously consider being evaluated by an endocrinologist. You are having some wide ranging symptoms that may relate to a hormone imbalance, particularly hyperthyroidism (eye pressure, nerve / physical sensations, even psychosis).

Will do. There are noticable pressures and vibrations on the area in and around the ear. What I noticed is that I am less sensitive to changes in air pressure.

>>Have you had recent blood work?
Yes, Nothing unusual, everything within normal range. It would have been interesting to see the progression of blood contents, but sadly checking them is quite expensive.

That said, if you are developing such technologies you might want to ensure that they won't show any other symptoms unless directed. With all that I have observed, all that has happened to me at a press of a button, a part of my world view was shocked.

Ever wondered if physical illnesses are being caused on purpose?
There is a lot of money flowing the entire medical network, Especially pharmacy.

While you have been concentrating mainly on external sources of the signals,
have you considered OP that the signals are actually being emitted from you?

If a faraday cage helps you not hear any voices though it might not be coming from you, unless its a placebo.
Did you know you were in a faraday cage when you went in?

If the signal was coming from you due to some imbalance in your EM field(s) or whatever then it probably would've still happened.

I want you to consider a few things

-stress often intensifies hallucinations, as does anxiety
-->I say this becuase if you knew you were stepping into that "noise free" room and were actually looking forward to it and the anticipation causes anxiety. When you finally stepped into that room, you probably felt a great relief of anxiety in finally achieving or being able to continue your experiment.

if there is some way you can give yourself a double blind , or at least a blind experiment with a faraday room .

next I was the user who posted this and going off of that.
Other states that produce delusions
-Severe Depression
-Meth induced psychosis
-coming off of meth
-coming off of alcohol

you should examine trace element levels, specifically minerals and metals that could be used to block "signals" in these conditions

also look for levels of minerals, metals, nutrients etc.. that would amplify such signals.

Schizophrenia is a tricky beast, the consciousness is fragmented, and the fragments communicate between each other.
-Make a journal of the speech content of your voices
-also alongside those voice write down what you are thinking and your thoughts, worries, fears, joys etc....

if the voices are internal and caused by a fracturing of your consciousness, theres usually some indirect meaning . Have too look at the content and see if it symbolizes any part of your internal state

It's the flesh interface!

>>While you have been concentrating mainly on external sources of the signals,
>>have you considered OP that the signals are actually being emitted from you?
>>If the signal was coming from you due to some imbalance in your EM field(s) or >>whatever then it probably would've still happened.

In it's essence a manipulation (a directed state change) in my EM fields is happening naturally. We do know that we can interfere with electronical devices by electromagnetic force. Most popular infos in this topic deals with it's extremes, as in destruction or disabling a system, not manipulating it's functioning.

The scariest topic in this sense is nano technology. Look at researches done at the Fraunhofer institute.

The evaluation of blood content is a routine, they are not practically looking for unusual content and I have high doubt that anything that small in size would be found that way.

>>-stress often intensifies hallucinations, as does anxiety
-->I say this becuase if you knew you were stepping into that "noise free" room and were actually looking forward to it and the anticipation causes anxiety. When you finally stepped into that room, you probably felt a great relief of anxiety in finally achieving or being able to continue your experiment.

I meditate a lot and can cut out all clutter at will, I am also not a being of frequent feelings either.

That said, I am a lover of truth, a phenomena that is actually very scarce in nature for the capabilities of a human being.
I do not want to cloud or delude myself, I am looking for a practical solution and as such it must show repetitive positive results :)

I appreciate your effort, people would benefit a lot by observing their own thought processes and what vasts amount of uncertainties and assumptions that influence the formation of a conclusion.
The brain is a magnificent beast. Error in reasoning comes by accepting a simple fact as a truth without having to prove it's definiteness, sometimes tho we have to work with something.

>as such it must show repetitive positive results
a solution work once and for all, that's call efficiency. if you do something to prevent something else and the thing comes back, you failed and there is nothing good about bragging about mediocrity. ask yourself what is the source of the thing you want to prevent, why you want to prevent it and accept whatever the cost of prevent it

>>if there is some way you can give yourself a double blind , or at least a blind experiment with a faraday room .
Another perspective, what if they are able to turn off the manipulations just when I am inside that room and the faraday cage or the other shielding methods they employ won't actually help?

>>and going off of that.
Other states that produce delusions
-Severe Depression
-Meth induced psychosis
-coming off of meth
-coming off of alcohol

For me, in most cases I see depression being caused by an errorful perspective / philosophy of life. Some people say they can't enjoy anything, but don't actually try out newer stuff either. Just a method to see wether one is in total equilibrium with it's own sole existence is by just being aware of your senses.

>>Schizophrenia is a tricky beast, the consciousness is fragmented, and the fragments communicate between each other.
-Make a journal of the speech content of your voices
-also alongside those voice write down what you are thinking and your thoughts, worries, fears, joys etc....
>>if the voices are internal and caused by a fracturing of your consciousness, theres usually some indirect meaning . Have too look at the content and see if it symbolizes any part of your internal state

Content is vast, I know my subconciousness inside out, been with it alone for years (hopefully) :)
I do get that the majority of their content is an attempt to manipulate, thus far they haven't presented me facts, feelings, events, disturbances both in my past, present or future that I haven't been aware of.

As for general schizophrenics or targets, you have to consider the basic tactics of psychological manipulation.
You have to utilise the beliefs of the target in order to steer them.
You have to steer the direction of awareness of informations, in order to manipulate the resulting conclusions.

It hits the weaker minded and impulsive hundred times harder.

Do you do intense meditation? If so, congratulations in reaching this far! You are now in a state where you are in complete control of your brain. Go start a business or something where having a calm brain will yield significant rewards. Those voices you hear come from random firing neurons in your brain, normal people do not here this but experienced monks do.

How do you eliminate self-experimental bias through sheer force of will? Seems impossible.

Sometimes when you supress your emotions they tend to come out in other ways.

Its great you can meditate and be mindful
you should also be open and receptive to your emotions.

if you want to make a definintive corrcltation.
you should do the faraday room test as a double blind or a single blind test.

experimenter has you in three rooms doesn't tell you which one is a faraday room.
Do this multiple times with multiple rooms.
making sure to maybe have all three rooms be faraday rooms, then have a day where three rooms are all regular.

it takes practice, ill tell you what, try meditating in a place of extreme coldness, it will reach deeper the deepest parts of your brain.

I'm curious though, how many hours a day do you meditate and for how long? Im about to start a similar path as you so I can finally stop moving in auto pilot. Your age might help as well

OP don't let this consume your time. You obviously have a mind worth disrupting by someone. They are trying to silence you and end your work. Don't let them win. Keep working on whatever you were working on. You had to close to something that threatened the status quo. Keep fighting.

Output variety increases with the complexity and interrelationship of a system. Given we are all wired or in relation to another and to the universal principles in some form, it becomes incredibly difficult to make right assertions. Whilst we prefer black / white conclusions, we have way to many factors that contribute to the outcome.

>>a solution work once and for all, that's call efficiency.
Don't forget about strategy, where something might be more effective but less efficient.

Not on the level of a monk, but is has been a consistent part of my daily life for years now.

>>Those voices you hear come from random firing neurons in your brain, normal people do not here this but experienced monks do.

As someone who has dealt with system theory for most of his life, I do not know how randomness can produce repetitive "high quality" content. If the source was randomness, the result would be more random.

I'd wish to do this experiment, sadly I am not aware of anybody that would aid me in this. I will have to build a faraday cage myself.

I love meditating in the cold. Do you know about Wim Hof? He has some amazing exercises.

Putting it into words is difficult. We are machines that are driven by input. Everything that has happened in the present has strict correlation with the events just prior (in theory on the smallest physical level).
Observe what you give as an input, change factors, environment, experiment basically.

Adding it into numbers is difficult, as there is active and passive meditation, meditation with and without thoughts. Meditation has helped me a great deal in preventing migraines from rising through.

OP, I know you come from a software/engineering background, but the brain is just not organized like a computer. There are some analogies we use to communicate ideas about how the brain works but it is not really the same.

Honestly, we barely understand shit about how the brain works. Neuroscience is unfortunately an extremely nascent field.

I don't mean this in a disparaging way, but you have a surprising amount of confidence in your ideas.

You are hearing voices and seeing things that aren't there. It would be a more constructive use of your time to look into the established medical literature and seek out existing medical advice than to try and pioneer some ground breaking neuroscience advancement with an n = 1.

And try to reduce stress. Like the poster above commented, stress will exacerbate all the symptoms you've mentioned.

I'm not meming or trying to be rude but it really sounds like you have schizophrenia OP. see a psychiatrist

>>OP, I know you come from a software/engineering background, but the brain is just not organized like >>a computer. There are some analogies we use to communicate ideas about how the brain works but it is >>not really the same.
>>Honestly, we barely understand shit about how the brain works. Neuroscience is unfortunately an >>extremely nascent field.

It is a system, it is logical in consequence, it is analysable and understandable. The vast amount of detail (neurons) shouldn't cloud you from understanding the abstract principles, that have to work cohesively and repetitively (or fractally) in order to work.

>>I don't mean this in a disparaging way, but you have a surprising amount of confidence in your ideas.
Thus far, the knowledge available has convinced me more that it is of artificial rather than of a natural source. Coming from my observation, I think we assume that they would be working to solve these problems like there is no tomorrow, but in reality, as I know from my own field, only few are working there asses off, or are smart and clever enough to formulate theories and practises new to it's field.

>>You are hearing voices and seeing things that aren't there.
I am not seeing things that aren't there, maybe things that others wouldn't spot ;)
By the way, you are most likely to hear voices to (your own thoughts), it is an internal sense, parallel to hearing with your ears, but different in it's process of creation.

>>your time to look into the established medical literature and seek out existing medical advice than >>to try and pioneer some ground breaking neuroscience advancement with an n = 1.
That's what I am doing. The opinions of experts and the definite solutions are changing every few years in every science or engineering field there is. Is has been for centuries and will continue to do so, what hasn't is the principles of our existence, which we are only slowly discovering.

Given what you are experiencing now, what would be an ideal outcome for you? What do you hope to happen?

To expand.
>>OP, I know you come from a software/engineering background, but the brain is just not organized like a computer. There are some analogies we use to communicate ideas about how the brain works but it is not really the same.

The process of creation of content within the brain, whether it is visual or auditory, must be traceable.

If it is natural, it must future activity across most parts of the brain, since memory is essentially a form of wiring and you need former knowledge in order to even reproduce an image. Creativity is a cognitive demanding task.

Whilst there is activity in the areas of the brain that deal with auditory and visual reception in schizophrenics, the activity in total is lesser than in those just imagining. They are not able yet to trace the process that makes those voices come into existence.

I'm not at all saying that the workings of the brain are not ultimately understandable. I'm saying that we don't understand it yet and it's going to take lifetimes of work to get there. End of tangent.

Point being, if you have any hope of meaningful results, self experimentation is likely going to be poor use of your time.