Macro evolution, speciation, deep-maroon pill thread

Super fecundity is Mother Nature at her repalcement window salesman worst. "All life on this accidental soggy dust mote is a foregone tragedy anyway. How will we succeed? One word:


It's all emergent phenomena, all the way down.

A xerox copy experiences rightward complexity too, if you run it through enough generations.

Punctuated Equilibrium is neither punctuated nor equilibrious. The arbitrary scale of "punctuation events" glosses over local catastrophes of insufficient scale to leave epochal scars and the equilibrium is a euphemism for millions of years of grim carnage, genetic drift, horrific mutation error, and allopatric differentiation.

Why does it all have to be so slimy and gooey and bulbous and frail and smelly? Why? WHY?

Anything can be a spandrel when you don't have a comprehensive model of functionality.

All life forms generated by DNA instructions are works in progress. This is nature's way of saying, "Not only does your individual life not matter, your entire species is just one of millions of trial and error stepping stones toward an eventual outcome which isn't even teleological in its progress. Even your species' entire extinction is meaningless. You're all just an iteration of a blind guess, the product of which will be millions more slightly better refined guesses constrained by comparison to a set of environmental factors which are subject to cancellation at any time with no warning. YAHTZEE!"


The work never ends friend

You are now aware that the fatally flawed mutant alleles that could eventually kill all life on Earth may already be coded into a pseudogenetic sequence just lying in wait for the right expression trigger to emerge and wipe out all species descended from its common ancestor.

this is already happening right now

>I can't prove it's not.

>nihilism combined with personifying nature
we've reached the absolute point of brainletism

>Embittered paleo fag whose disser supported Gould

why do you think your existence has any meaning at all other than to yourself and your poor mother ?
stop being an arrogant scum and embrace the fact that your literal horseshit and are going to die and no matter what you do your gravestone will be buldozed to make more room for parkinglots for the next gen. now that doesnt mean you shouldnt do anything it only means that your a nobody.

to be fair you need a very high IQ to understand rick and morty

>shitpost devoid of slightest clue

>I realized there is no intrinsic meaning
>that means I need to yell it at everyone and that makes me smart

Are you having a schizophrenic episode OP? No joke, I think you should seek a doctor immediately because your writing has very strong signs of schizophrenic disjointed thoughts.

>I don't disagree with you, but your tone makes you stupid

You are literally mind-killed

>Still not one word on topic.

You're one of those vampire cannibal cultists. It's how I knew you'd be right back. You'll keep shitposting until you melt down into "bible" quoting. Do you even remember how many white haried old men it took to convince you that drinking blood and eating flesh was good because magic?

You are probably also one of these self-aware geniuses who think that DNA is great evidence for sentences of the death penalty but who call it a hoax when it proves the Earth is more than 6000 years old.

Have another drink of "wine." In fact, have lots. It's a sterilant.

see? enjoy your personal life, it's your only one.