What do we do with algae?

what do we do with algae?

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we breathe its poop

how do we find a widespread use so we can have more of its poop?

what's more widespread a use than "freefloating in the oceans"?

well, fields harvest themselves and regrow the algae on an almost weekly basis, making them sequester a lot more co2 by area than ocean algae.


Would it be possible to edit diatom DNA so they create their shells out of pure carbon instead of silicon?

Theoretically: Yea. But it'd be a fuckoff huge endeavor of completely redesigning them. With very little benefit.

Practically: Why bother when there are a lot of things already making 'shells', fibers, and useful/profitable compounds out of carbon that we can just tell "Make moar!" by tinkering with their genes, or (sometimes) just steal the gene and pop it into another organism that is easier to grow/handle.

that's not carbon sequestering

cause nothing grows as fast as algae? or even close

Yes, it would be quite expensive im sure so you better have a good reason to do so.

Conversion therapy.

Its a potential foodstuff, and its got plenty of practical applications in your daily life you never even notice.

How would you make it a foodstuff? Isn't it poisonous in big doses? I mean, spirulina is pretty nutrient dense, can't imagine something thats borderline medical grade is healthy for filling your stomach

>How would you make it a foodstuff?
Ever had a sushi roll?

nori is used for sushi rolls. you can use algae for other different food though

There are many different algae in the world.


Feed the right one to livestock.


How long till the ocean has so much mercury in it that it eliminates any potential benefits of working with algae?

Considering there's fresh water algae, never

True, but it would make combustion engines carbon neutral, which is basically just as good as carbon sequestration.

Seaweed:Algae :: Tree:Moss

don't scale. Plus you still get nasty air pollution.

Only if all the power used to convert it is renewable. And at that point we use electric cars instead of biofuel

we need to use meme magic to turn algae into the new kale.

slimy, bitter algae is the new superfood!

Well, batteries are basically the same things as fuel tanks. They're both just energy repositories. We already have pretty efficient combustion engines; we do NOT have cheap, efficient batteries.

Turn algae baths into a new spa/fitness craze. The spa owners will have to keep regrowing the algae for each customer and it'll keep sucking CO2 out

In Florida, if you leave your pool unattended for a month or so, it starts growing crazy algae. If we kill all the Floridians, they won't be able to maintain their swimming pools anymore and they'll all become algae breeding grounds, saving us from global warming.

What do you do eith the used algae?

You retarded hippies, everything is really easy. As soon as algae biofuel costs less to produce than oil there's going to be millions of tons of it produced. Just make algae farms cheaper and more efficient.

Not american here. Can you explain why Americans are so eager to get rid of the center of your economy and innovation? It's your most successful state by almost any metric

whats up with obsession with algae when it lacks scalability into horizontal space. we should be gene engineering bamboos to grow faster.

There's a simple solution to carbon sequestration. Plant more trees. Then kill them and sell to furniture makers. GMO trees can grow very fast.

Cause algae grows faster than bamboo by orders of magnitude.

>It's your most successful state by almost any metric
I'd love a source on that.
Here's a source contradicting that: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_U.S._states_by_GDP

And that GDP is entirely composed of NASA, Oranges, I-Can't-Believe-It's-Not-Cuban Cigars, Tourism (including Disney), and Retirees. NASA is the only aspect that is actually useful to the national economy, and that's extremely localized. The rockets are built in Alabama, the science is done in California and Maryland, and the missions are run through Houston, Texas. The only thing they use Florida for is the launch pad.

Outside of the I-4 corridor, which has Canaveral (NASA), Daytona (NASCAR) Orlando (Disney, Universal, Hollywood), and Tampa (Cigars and Orange Juice), the rest of the state is nothing but old people and tourist traps, with a spot of refugees (of the cuban and/or homosexual variety) near Miami.

Florida was barely inhabited before the 1960s. Before then, the only people there were escaped slaves that interbred with the Creek Indians to create the Seminoles, escaped convicts, and the headquarters of the competing circuses.

In the 1960s, suddenly the state gets flooded with newlyweds and nearlydeads who trample all over the former culture and then either move out or die on a short timescale. The "native" population (not to be confused with the native americans, a subset therein), is not on particularly good terms with these fucks that come down, take our land, build strip malls everywhere, drain the swamps, party and throw up and spread STDs just to have the rich grandparents of northerners have some excitement in their final years. And so there are conflicts between the two populations (see Florida man meme)

Whole fucking retire-to-Florida meme is a scam: retirement homes take most of the old person's estate when they die. Just a place to send your parents if you're rich and don't want to deal with them anymore. Worse it kills what good parts of the state exist.


What is silicon valley? What is the biggest farming industry of any state?

Uhh, both of those are California, not Florida.

Fuck, total vrainfart. Meant california. Why are so many americabs eager to get rid of california? My bad, not sure why I read florida as california

Ever seen a fish hatchery? They have huge, open-air tanks full of water. These tanks must grow huge amounts of algae because they're pretty large and are full of fish shit, which would provide plenty of nitrates. So why don't we pay fish hatcheries to scoop out and bury that algae? EZ sequestration.

Because it's a liberal shithole that is spreading its liberalism to previously-conservative states.

But it's also the state that barely keeps you out of being third world

Farm it for fuel

How about spin it incredibly fast to produce Astaxanthin.