We tried to warn you

We tried to warn you.

Other urls found in this thread:


>give the impression that math was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans.
But it was...

>Algebra - From Medieval Latin algebrāica, from Arabic word الْجَبْر (al-jabr, “reunion, resetting of broken parts”) in the title of al-Khwarizmi's influential work الْكِتَاب الْمُخْتَصَر فِي حِسَاب الْجَبْر وَالْمُقَابَلَة (al-kitāb al-muḵtaṣar fī ḥisāb al-jabr wal-muqābala, “The Compendious Book on Calculation by Completion and Balancing”).

SJW in math are a cancer to science,

Claiming algebra was a white invention is islamophobic, ignorant, racist and it's cultural appropriation. Not even kidding.

all based on greek and persian works, with some hindu thrown in too.

Plato era greeks had what we would call algebra and even began work on calculus.

Not an argument.

There does seem to be a push to eradicate European culture.

I don't think black people, Asians, SJWs, etc. are to blame, but rather they're being useful idiots and perhaps encouraged by some other group of people that want to see the end of European culture and European people.

Perhaps it is Jews, like they have have a hatred of all European people and culture because Hitler was European or something.

Hello, Ashkenazi descendant here.
It wasn't us, honestly.

>Things cannot be known objectively; they must be known subjectively.

Postmodernism summed up in one retarded sentence.

>tfw you can see the noumenal

>le muslims dindu nuffin all they did was copy and paste and act as a library until europe got its shit together
Stop this meme right now.

that's too offensive. we need to change contributed equally as much.

It's like IKEA furniture. Someone else designed and produced the parts. All you did was do the final assembly.

For calculus we can use Takakazu instead of Isaac.
>He created a new algebraic notation system and, motivated by astronomical computations, did work on infinitesimal calculus and Diophantine equations.
>A contemporary of German polymath mathematician and philosopher Gottfried Leibniz and British mathematician Isaac Newton, Seki's work was independent. His successors later developed a school dominant in Japanese mathematics until the end of the Edo period.

That's exactly what a Jew would say

>Implying SJW's in math will even break any of the math required for science



So "Judging people by whether they can reason abstractly" is RACIST???

WTF... how do you design a rocket, bridge, or computer if you do not reason abstractly?????

Math doesn't really know colour, idk why SJWs and /pol/tards are trying to politicize it.

Stop ruining every hobby you touch you losers and go back to your containment board

>Ph.D., Curriculum and Instruction
>Professor - Mathematics Education, Curriculum and Instruction
>no experience teaching math
leftist parasites trying to infiltrate STEM education, no surprise considering how they're currently doing the same to the private sector


You need to protect that hobby if you want it around.
The mob has always killed the bourgeois, like you.
China, Cambodia, Eastern Europe, Russia, even during the French revolution. It's happening again, maybe on a smaller scale, but your hobby will die.
If you want to remain politically ignorant that's understandable, though your intellectual kinsmen are all dead.
And soon, in at least one sense, you too will be.

God forbid we actually teach facts...



Seems reasonable.

We've seen many changes in education/culture to help those in need and there's no reason to think we've done them all already.

Though I hope a time will come when we can all say the Earth is finally a good place to live.

I thought white privilege meant not having to worry about getting turned down for being part of a minority that has negative stereotypes associated with it that I don't necessarily fulfill. Like you know people stereotype blacks as criminals and I was under the impression that "white privilege" was not having that stereotype. Now I guess it applies to things being named after white dudes. Neat.

>c-care about my p-poltarded fixation NOW o-or you'll die!
Laughably pathetic

Lemme think for a bit...
Yep, I think I just got cancer.

Whoops, inferior thonk.
>Neesur only thonk


you will though

All understanding is in essence subjective though is it not? To clarify I think the idea of this perpetuating white privilege is stupid but our understandings of things being subjective in a manner of speaking is just true.

Yeah but that doesn't make them bad people or wrong, it just means they can't do some things that others can. You can judge their ability based on their ability but you can't judge their person based on that same ability.

you realize that when people say this sort of shit there aren't huge crowds of people saying "yes we are the concern of left wing identity politics strawmen and we agree with you and we're working right now to adapt your theories into public policy," right? This is a cultural studies professor who wants to draw attention to their work by making purposely inflammatory ridiculous statements that id/pol/ retards will lose their shit over. This woman works at my university's college of education and students don't have to memorize "math is whiteness" to pass calculus. Making these claims a legitimate topic of discussion is actually doing more for them than anything else.

This post is so sad, because it's clear you really think that's true.


This. Just look the other way if it angers you and calm down. Live your life and have fun.

No that's really what all the "lefties" things, don't you know how politic work. It work one side against other, always.

Whats so pro white? We learned that 0 was invented by pajeets and our numerals are derived from arab script.

Huh? I thought it was undisputed that algebra was developed almost entirely in the middle east

>all lefties think exactly like this one strawman example I've exaggerated beyond the scope of its importance
Brainlet /pol/kiddies

>muh trivial elementary arithmetics.

People had "developed" that shit thousands of years prior to that. Nothing wrong with it though, it just wasn't anything rigorous. Someone just collected all that shit in a book, and we respected him for that and named the shit after him.

Pythagoras was literally from present-day Turkey, and they're calling him white and european?

see and get REKT.
Also, picking one thing out of the whole of mathematics, IS cherrypicking.

Turkey was "white" (greek) up until it was invaded by the seljuk turks but "white" is sort of illusory given how much the greeks exchanged with egyptians and persians

These sort of arguments are almost always made by morons who think the entire world has had the same ideas about race as present day americans since the dawn of time. The most basic knowledge of history should show you how worthless this debate is

Actually, there is a growing consensus in many academic circles that the humanities are corrupt to the very core, and that the shit you see in the OP is basically the new standard.

That's irrelevant, when subjectivity can be objectively wrong.

Persians weren't muslims.

Greeks and Persians weren't "white".

The argument is dead.

>ancient Anatolia
was modern turkish
loving every laugh
Persians are literally THE original indoeuropean civilization.

>you realize that when people say this sort of shit there aren't huge crowds of people saying "yes we are the concern of left wing identity politics strawmen and we agree with you and we're working right now to adapt your theories into public policy"
Yeah that's why men were allowed to contest in last female olympic games.

Yes but all we have to say is we are autistic and they can't touch us without being labeled as ablist.

Yes, the humanities are dead because they have no real world applications and their appreciation has been supplanted by popular culture. This isn't happening because some secret club of evil leftists is set to work "corrupting" the humanities, it's the result of market forces. If you want to make money as an academic and you have a degree in US minority studies or something, you make a bunch of incendiary claims so people will on mongolian erotic cave painting forums will get mad over them.

When schools start teaching "math is whiteness" you can be alarmed. But they never will because real life ultimately isn't /pol/'s conspiracy fantasyland, and these issues aren't even remotely relevant to what's going on in childhood education.

This actually has fucking nothing to do with the topic at hand, are you retarded? It's a great indicator of who you are and where you're coming from when your post isn't tangentially related to the discussion and only exists to push your own paranoid political agenda.

These sorts of threads really need to be banned.

>academia exists in a vacuum

While technically true it is practically useless.

Whelp, that settles it. Time to start gassing SJWs. You think Auschwitz would be a challenge to get in working order again?

Indoeuropean =/= European

As shcoking as it may be to /pol/ and SJWs alike, two thousand years ago there were actually some brown people who were good at math.

And this is how you keep allowing these marxist faggots take over something.

Stop being so ignorant of the present world, these people have actual power and actual organizations supporting them. You say they have no power, yet these types of arguments are being used right now by certain universities to drop algebra being a per-requiste.

>This actually has fucking nothing to do with the topic at hand, are you retarded?

It has everything to do with it, leftist "scientist" using their position of authority to push marxist garbage. Again and again. You motherfuckers have ruined anthropology, you harassed a noble prize winner, E.O Wilson, and Charles Murray and shitheads like Niles Eldredge are continuing the left agenda of promoting their gene-phobic worldview.

Go fuck yourself. Playing nice with the left is a mistake.

greek statue paint says otherwise. persia was heavily hellenized after Alexander.

this is so dumb. read literally any book about math history and you'll find that many different cultures contributed to mathematics historically. this is needless politicization by someone who is practically a layman. mathematicians generally don't care about this shit.

>When schools start teaching "math is whiteness" you can be alarmed. But they never will
I hope you're right. I'll finish my BS in math this year and I thought math was safe from this political bullshit. I don't think I could work in a totalitarian environment without opening my mouth and exposing myself to losing my job

Good Lord... I thought this was bait, until I looked it up.

And the liberals wonder why the Alt-Right even exists.

Rockets are racist. Their real and only purpose is to promote white supremacy. Anyone who ever seen one can tell that much. They're white and tall and make everyone tremble in terror when they're rising up in flames and don't get me started on that "going to space" (pfffft) bullshit since everyone knows it's just one big hoax promoted by the government to cover the fact that the Earth is flat.

>purposely inflammatory ridiculous statements
It is okay if the discussion is kept within the scientific community, but when brought outside unaware people would take it as a fact because "scientist said so" and run around with it as a flag and before you know it there are literally huge crowds of people working day and night to make it reality.

Fucking Nazi!


>even during the French revolution

The Third Estate was made up primarily of doctors, lawyers, tradesmen, etc. The exact bourgeois middle class you claim were all murdered were, in fact, the driving force behind the revolution.

I tried to warn you about Leftists, bro

Wouldn't an easier way to de-emphasize mathematics (if you feel it's too much like white privilege) would be to create alternative tools/methodologies that come to the same empirical conclusions in logic as math? Thus you provide other paths in logic that accommodate for different thought processes?

Shit like this almost seems like a public exhibition of philosophical masturbation. Where one points out a problem and instead of providing a solution they instead revel in the socio-political limelight for bringing attention to it.

Although I suppose the alternative is spending the rest of your life actually figuring out a solution to said problem and being too old to appreciate your hard work. If anyone even gives a fuck about your work anymore due to strong A.I. doing all the hard lifting in mathematics for everyone. Thus no one caring about your alternative tools/ methodologies until several centuries later some semi-autistic introvert reintroduces the work as some form of arcane logic.

I agree math IS whiteness.

They arnt racist they are clearly sexist a bunch of men building giant phallus shaped objects being sent into space where are the boobs or vagina shaped rockets huh?

>>give the impression that math was largely developed by Greeks and other Europeans.
Who is Ramanujan

I'm so tired of this shit, and now this...Just...

I seriously fucking hate this white privilege bullshit.

Are you serious

Ramanujan didn't really develop anything in mathematics but point taken anyway

Hey that professor is from my school


Then the prof. arguments still fails because her issue is with "white privilege in mathematics" despite greeks apparently not counting as white

Fukken lol

it's right, but subjective truth is determined by power, not by your opinion of it
and these retards only use it as a justification for their fagbaby moralist opinions
you never see them take it further than using it to attack muh patriarchal power structures

>draw attention to their work



90% chance this is bait.

Shut up nazi

Welcome to the West.

If you think about it this article is true. Everyone knows beaners and pajeets discovered zero and niggers discovered the golden ratio. White people are so racist.

While I agree most of mathematics was developed by the Greeks and Europeans, especially more recent fields, you have to understand this comes from the wealth generated by the placement of these regions in relation to other regions and their resources. Trade helped economic growth, and when a country is wealthy it can expend some resources on the arts and sciences allowing them to flourish. That's how the Golden Age of India happened, through trade with Rome in the spice trade, that's how the Islamic Golden Age happened, through the trade on the Silk Road and its military's strength, that's how the Renaissance happened, through trade with the East, silver mining, and Crusading, and that's how Ancient Greece and Modern Europe developed mathematics via Imperialism and trade for wealth to support such studies. Just to be clear though, I disagree with the article posted by OP.

>I agree but also here's some irrelevant story

explain to me how the theory of punctuated equilibrium or criticism of gene-centric evolution is somehow a leftist conspiracy to push marxist theory?

You realize saying "punctuated equilibrium perpetuates marxist leftard garbage" is basically the moral equivalent to saying "geometry perpetuates white supremacy," right? You're literally a whiny social justice warrior on the opposite end of the spectrum. Fuck off.

Well, it's important to understand why such developments would happen in only certain regions. People might think a majority of mathematical developments occur in Europe because they are "superior" or something along those lines rather than geographically advantaged.

Why does he speak of unearned privilege of learning the math is almost literally earning that privilege?

>A math education professor at "backwater institute X"

stopped reading there
into the trash it goes

The wall is coming!

Anyways, this roastie studies math education (aka brainet studies), not real math. Moreover, if she took a moment to look at the demographics of math grad students here in the US then she would be forced to acknowledge that it's full of chinks, can't poo-in-the-loos, rich Africans, and middle easterners. Of course this is a fact that she won't acknowledge.

>the renaissance only happened because of muh economy
wrong you fucking retard, the renaissance resulted in rediscovery and reappreciation of the heritage from antiquity

nothing else could have produced the same result, you think it would have happened if all the greek texts were replaced with superhero comics? You think the greeks and the greek spirit, unique in history, was just a result of economic success? Islam and the greeks and the modern west have nothing to do with each other. You need some form of wealth for a golden age, but the end results will be vastly different depending on the peoples involved.

ITT: /pol/ actually thinks Pythagoras was the first to notice the sum of squares of right triangle sides.

Glad you so easily confirm your retardedness.

According to /pol/ every scientist in human history was white. Even if he was a total pajeet, it just meant that pajeets were white and then browned later.

>some fag at backwater institute x
>some fags at backwater institute y
>all fags at institute z
Slippery slope fags will never learn.

Mathematics isn't subjective because it works on deductive principles.